Old is New. Loss of 2 Great Men. April. Qtrs Done. Sleep & Cancer. Longevity. Town Hall. The Week Ahead 3.28.22
Inbox Old is New. Loss of 2 Great Men. April. Qtrs Done. Sleep & Cancer. Longevity. Town Hall. The Week Ahead 3.28.22 Inbox Old is New. Loss of 2 Great Men. April. Qtrs Done. Sleep & Cancer. Longevity. Town Hall. The Week Ahead 3.28.22 Inbox On March 20, 2004 – almost exactly 18 years to […]
23 Qualified! The next round. You found what, where? Metabolic Health. Bitcoin. Walking Is the Best. The Week Ahead 3.21.22
“The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination.” Sal di Stefano @thebareperfomancepodcast LOOK WHO’S MOVING ON! The 2022 Open yielded some impressive performances from Diablo athletes. Thank you to Coach Jamie Lee and Progressive Programming (it works). Admittedly, I sometimes take for granted how many top-tier athletes we have. I’m so used […]
What Now? Indys-Teams-Masters-Teens. Do You Even Stretch? Mr. Beast is amazing. Ukraine Explained. “What is Fitness?” audio. TWA 3.14.22
“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” Eleanor Roosevelt END OF THE OPEN – WHAT NOW? For most of us the Open is over and we can get back to our regularly scheduled classes. Frankly, I love the Open, but I am very happy to be back fitnessing […]
Step-Gate. Tie-Die FNL. March Progressions. Dinnie Stones. Super D. Big Girl Pants. TWA 3.7.22
“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” Ralph Waldo Emerson ANOTHER EPIC FNL The crowd grew larger and so did the cheers! 22.2 was a blast. Our RX+ athletes put on an exciting show – all dressed in red. Pics will be out soon. Next week, they’re going with “Tie-Dye” […]