CrossFit’s Big Future. More Burpees. All The Comps. Living with an Eating Disorder. Train Flight & 1 Star Review. TWA 9.16.24

Diablo Representing! Coach Jamie Lee and I were invited to speak on a Coaches’ panel and Owner Panel at the West Coast Region Affiliate Gathering in San Diego. More details below. “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” Edmund Burke PREVIEW CrossFit Is Gonna Be Ok A […]
GRIT, Temp Check, Online Classes, Advanced Teens, Row’d Royalty Summer Smash, Tour $$…The Week Ahead 9.07.20

“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” William Faulkner GRIT IS GOOD – On Monday through Wednesday this week, I took my 16yo daughter into the Desolation Wilderness in South Lake Tahoe to unwind and break free from technology. This was her first backpacking trip, so […]