Deep Practice. 5k Club. The Games. Rolling Deep. Fall Classic. Talent Code. Protein!

“Don’t look for the big, quick improvement. Seek the small improvement one day at a time. That’s the only way it happens—and when it happens, it lasts,”
Dan Coyle, The Talent Code


  • Deep Practice
  • Gains from 5000
  • Watch The Games
  • SGT Waitlist
  • Rolling Deep
  • Fall Classic
  • Talent Code
  • Protein!

DEEP PRACTICE… There are several skills in CrossFit that are not easily learned – and from time to time they’ll show up in a workout: gymnastic skills like pull-ups or toes-to-bar, and double unders. Unfortunately, these skills are not like the barbell movements. You can’t reduce the weight to improve the movement. If you want to master the high skill gymnastic or bodyweight movements, you’ll need to grind.. thoughtfully and consistently.

As Daniel Coyle describes in his excellent book, “The Talent Code“, the process of learning a skill is neurological: the brain sends a signal to the appropriate muscle groups to act in a desired manner. Repetition of the same movement results in a myelin coating on the neural pathways that increases the signal strength and speed over time. To establish this successful neurological pathway, we need “deep practice” – repetitions of the desired movement, over and over again. However, it is crucial, according to Coyle, to not grind THROUGH the skill with flawed movement but instead, rehearse proper movement until it is mastered. In other words, don’t force it, break it down into repeatable movement patterns that mimic the desired outcome and practice, practice, practice. 

So, how can we do this with gymnastics or double unders (or, the Olympic lifts)? First, spend an hour with an expert (a CrossFit coach) and learn the proper drills for the desired skill. Then, commit to daily practice for short bursts for as long as it takes. Check in with your coach every few weeks or months, as you continue your “deep practice.” You’ll get there. But patience, persistence and proper movement are crucial.

5000 DONE!  Congratulations to our July Push Up / Squat Challenge Crew for getting it done! Everyone started with 5 of each and adding 5 per day.. the numbers piled up quickly, ending with 155 push-ups & squats on the 31st of July. Feedback from some participants:

  • “What I have learned that with challenges I like to write them down because if it’s not written it didn’t happen. My push-ups definitely got better..”
  • “When I started [at Diablo] in March, I couldn’t do 10 pushups. I can now do 25 reps in a row for 3 sets no problem.”
  • “Get out of bed drop right to the ground. I’d start the day with 30, make coffee do 30 more and then just fit them in throughout the day.” 
  • “I really liked this challenge and truly believe it helped me get better at both push-ups and the depth on squats.”

Well done: Amy Zhou, Athena Durant, Carey Hummel, Dee Sanchez, Han Phan, Coach Herald, Jason Pederson, Keith Brown, Kim Hilen, Jon Brown, Lisa Himmel, Matt Michaelsen, Mel Gastellum, Melanie Bateman, Nathan Colton, Philip Pattison, Rohit Ramkumar, & Ryan Durant.

THE CROSSFIT GAMES BEGIN THIS WEEK!  As the Olympics wind down at the end of this week, its time for the CrossFit Games to begin! Remember, the Games began earlier this year with the OPEN – with nearly 400,000 participants. We moved on to the Quarterfinals, then the Semis in May and now we’re down to the fittest 40 men and women in the world! (the Age-Groups and Adaptive athletes compete next month).

This is an exciting year because it is the first Games to be held in Ft.Worth Texas at the relatively new Dickies arena. The competition begins on Thursday, August 8th and finishes on Sunday the 11th. You can catch all the events and heats on YouTube (CrossFit Games channel) or on ESPN+ !

I’ll be there in person and will share my experience on Instagram and Facebook. And, on Thu or Friday, I’ll podcast live from Ft. Worth on the @prsallday YouTube channel.

SMALL GROUP TRAINING: SEP 2024  Diablo’s Small Group Private Coaching program begins in September. SGT provides a dedicated coach and class time for no more than 4 athletes per class. Our SGT program is ideal for someone who wants a more personalized program, is new to CrossFit, dealing with limited mobility or injury, or even, competitive athletes.  LEARN MORE HERE

Confirmed coaches / times: 

  • Jamie Lee (MWF 9:30A & 11AM)
  • Maddie Griffin (Tu/Th 11A & 1P)
  • Alessandra Pichelli (TBA)

Join our waiting list! If you, or someone you know are interested in our Small Group Private Training program – join our waitlist! You’ll be the first to receive our official class times and registration information.


A BIT ABOUT DIABLO – ROLLING LARGE  From 2010 to 2014, CrossFit hosted Sectional and Regional Competition events in the Bay Area and Diablo fans showed up.. big time!  For a few years, Diablo qualified multiple individual athletes AND multiple teams! In 2014, 3 teams qualified for the NorCal Regionals.. that’s 3 teams of 6 athletes!!  As a result of the huge athlete participation, our community fan support was massive. And, many of the athletes competing were also our coaches – so our community knew them well. 

The Regionals were typically 3 days long and were held in fairground type facilities with a festival type environment. Local CrossFit affiliate members and athlete family members set up tents and services for their athletes and community. Affiliate set-ups were admittedly a bit competitive – we all wanted to represent. And, Diablo REPRESENTED!  We had a badass trailer for our fitness equipment business along with massive, branded pop-up tents. We had a branded logo truck as well that was always parked in front of our set-up. And our community showed up en force (100+!!) with BBQs, and beverages – every year. We were over-the-top and, honestly, we were the “team to beat” for many affiliates who were annoyed with our overwhelming fan support. 

It was a glorious time in our CrossFit Games history at Diablo. Every single athlete and fan that were a part of those amazing competition events will remember the experiences very fondly – the camaraderie, the excitement, the highs and the lows of competition. It was awesome. 


FALL CLASSIC IN-HOUSE OLYMPIC LIFTING COMPETITION IS BACK!  October 26th at Diablo CrossFit. This is a USAW Sanctioned Event and will likely sell out because it is a qualifier. Register now


August Focus: 1. Snatch  2. Squat Clean & Jerk Complex  3. BMU/HSPU


Re-Read: Talent Code. I’ve been on the “re-read” path this last month. Its easier and faster to re-read an awesome book. This one is a gem – and so appropriate for learning any new skill. The stories are very entertaining and compelling.

Podcast: Rhonda Patrick with Luc van Loon, PhD – Optimizing Protein Intake for Muscle Growth – This is another great listen! The conventional wisdom on protein intake has changed SO MUCH in the last 10 – 20 years. We used to think 1g of protein per kg of bodyweight was ideal for muscle growth with exercise. Now.. the number is 1g per pound of body weight!  Dr. van Loon gets into the timing for protein intake and describes the process for muscle growth – it is very enlightening and will change how you think about protein for recovery. 

Make it an awesome week!
