InBody Test
When it comes to fitness, the scale doesn’t tell you the whole story. Your body is made up of muscle, fat and water. So, losing weight is not the same as losing fat. Likewise, gaining weight may not be fat. Our InBody 570 Body Composition Report provides extensive data relevant to body composition that can be used to efficiently lose fat, dial in your nutrition, identify muscle deficiencies and more.
Through the use of multiple frequency, bio-electrical impedance analysis, the InBody allows for accurate and non-invasive body composition testing in less than 30 seconds. InBody offers more accurate results than other “gold standard” methods of body composition analysis at a fraction of the time and invasion of personal space. This quick, easy and precise analysis will provide an objective starting point to track your progress as you start, or continue, on your quest to better health and fitness.
Diablo Members: $38 per session
Non-Members: $48 per session
Body Composition Analysis
The body weight is the sum of Body Fat Mass and Lean Body Mass, which is composed of Dry Lean Mass and Total Body Water. Total Body Water is the sum of Intra-cellular Water and Extracellular Water – and is used a indicator body inflammation. Extracellular Water is the total amount of water outside the body’s cell. Maintain a balanced body composition to stay healthy.

Muscle-Fat Analysis
Compare the bar lengths of Skeletal Muscle Mass and Body Fat Mass. The longer the Skeletal Muscle Mass bar is compared to the Body Fat Mass bar, the stronger the body is. Skeletal Muscle Mass is the Amount of Muscle attached to the bones. Body Fat Mass is the sum of the subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, and fat surrounding muscles. Subcutaneous fat is found beneath the skin, while visceral fat is found surrounding internal organs in the abdomen.

Body Fat Percentage
PBF: Percent Body Fat is the percentage of body fat compared to body weight. BMI: Body Mass Index is a Government-supported index used to generally determine obesity by using height and weight. Your data can be stored within our system providing a historical track record of your progress.

Your body fat percentage is a value that tells you how much of your body weight is made up of fat. In terms of your overall health, your body fat percentage can be one of the most useful numbers available to you, even more so than your scale weight and much more so than your Body Mass Index (BMI). If you just track weight, this invariably leads to comparing yourself to someone else. Even though there could be significant differences in height, muscle mass, genetics, or other factors, all people hear when they talk about or think about their weight is the number.
That’s what’s so great about your body fat percentage. It doesn’t matter how much you weigh; the only thing that matters is what that weight is made up of. You could be overweight (and even have a BMI that tells you that) but if you’re a woman with a body fat percentage of 25%, why care? It’s difficult to point to any single “ideal” body fat percentage because what may be ideal for a bodybuilder may be different than what’s ideal for a soccer player. For this reason, ranges are used to give people an idea of where they stand in terms of health.
- For men: 10-20% is considered normal/healthy
- For women: 18-28% is considered normal/healthy
Here are some important guidelines users should or should not do before a test:
- Use the bathroom
- Maintain the same testing conditions as your first test
- Use an InBody tissue to wipe down electrodes
- Avoid eating or wait two hours after a meal
Avoid testing if before the test, you:
- Exercised strenuously
- Used a sauna, steam room, or bath
- Consumed diuretics such as caffeine, alcohol, and medication
- Have a fever, cold, or chill
Check out the InBody FAQs for more information (click).