This Bored Chimp NFT recently sold for more than $1million. More on NFTs below..
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle
BEST/WORST TIME OF YEAR November through December is traditionally the worst time of year for memberships at Diablo. Potential members want to wait until after the holidays to get started and some existing members cancel due to busy holiday schedules. It is the nature of things.
The holiday season includes parties, vacations, family visitors, work events, school breaks and celebrations. Our priorities change, and often, exercise and nutrition are demoted. Each day off gets easier until we decide, “I’ll restart in the new year.” But, the restart is sometimes overwhelming and demoralizing, especially since the new year often includes new challenges at work and home. Not surprising, some people give up on fitness & healthy eating.
This year, prioritize YOU and your health. You will enjoy the holidays more and you’ll enter 2022 feeling pumped and ready to take on all that comes your way. Here’s a few ideas to get you through the holidays healthy & fit:
- Make your daily workout your highest priority. Commit to 4 workouts a week. Plan ahead.
- Challenge yourself to limit alcohol & sugar consumption to 1or 2 days a week only.
- Workout on Thanksgiving (Turkey Trot), Christmas, and New Years Day.
- Big meal? Go for a 20min walk.
- Do the 100,000 meter challenge! You literally have to move every day in order to finish it.
100KMC Challenge Admittedly, in past years, I thought this challenge was crazy and a recipe for over-training. Now, in my 3rd year of participating, I’ve become a fan. Nevermind that the proceeds go to charity, this challenge brings our Diablo community together during the holidays helping keep us fit af during the season of calorie abundance. Team Captains Katya and Coach Chad have already organized multiple events to keep us on top of our meters and, to help return Diablo to the top of the leaderboard for 2021!
The 100KM runs from Nov 26 (Black Friday) until Dec 24th. The challenge is to accrue 100,000 meters on a rower, bike (adjusted), running, ski erg or swimming. You have to register in advance. All of the rules and registration information can be found on their website. Be sure to join the Diablo CrossFit team! And, you don’t have to be a member of Diablo to participate on our team.
Diablo’s 100KMC Events:
- Friday Night at the Movies – 7:30PM Main Gym – 12/3, 12/10, 12/17
- Sunday Rise & Shine – 6:30AM Main Gym – 12/5, 12/12, 12/19
- Aerobic Capacity – Holiday Class: Tuesdays 8am-9am and 7pm-8pm 11/30 – 12/23
Coach Chad’s Tips & Workout Ideas
November Focus: Calendar – Newsletter
- Primary: Thrusters
- Secondary: Deadlift Deload
- Skill: Couplets, Triplets, Quads – EMOMS
The week ahead:
- Mon: 5RFT – 8 HPS #65/95, 1 Rope Climb, 200m Run, 1 Rope Climb, 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
- Tue: FS + Thrusters. Metcon: 15-12-9 – Thrusters #65/95, Bar Facing Burpees
- Wed: 3RFT – 9 OHS #95/135, 15 HPC, 21 T2B
- Thu: DL 5×2. Metcon: Amrap 7m – 15/20c Airbike, 12 DB Strict Press #35/50
- Fri: E6MOM x3 – 450/500m Row, 12 WB, 10 C2B Pull Ups, 35 DUs
- Sat: Amrap 17m – 12 Alt DB Hang Snatch #35/50, 12 DB Box Step Ups, 12 Suitcase Lunges, 600m Run
- Sun: 2RM TnG PClean. Metcon: Amrap 10m – 3 RMUps, 6 HPC #75/115, 9 S2OH
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Hearing, Watching, Using or Buying)
The Tim Ferris Show #542 – Chris Dixon & Naval Ravikant – The Wonder of Web3, Crypto & NFTs – I listened to this on twice! It was referred to me by a friend who knows that I am Crypto/NFT curious. Chris Dixon is a well-known VC investor with an eye toward disruptive tech. Ravi is a very successful Angel investor and is a huge fan of crypto, Web3 and NFTs. I spent 25 years in the investment industry, so I have a keen interest in crypto and it’s future place in the world of finance. And, since my daughter is a prolific digital artist, NFTs are inevitably in her future. This podcast helped me get a better understanding of the concepts & technology of blockchain, Web3, crypto & NFTs. This is the future of finance.
The Long Walk – The True Story of A Trek To Freedom – Slavomir Rawicz – Picked this one up in an airport bookstore on the way to Cabo last week. It is an absolutely incredible story of survival. In 1941, the author, a Polish soldier and Russian prisoner of war, was able to escape a Soviet labor camp in Siberia and walked more than a 1000 miles across inhospitable terrain to freedom in India. It is a fast read and will leave you feeling inspired and grateful.
James Bond: No Time To Die – Got this on Amazon Prime ($19.99) and watched it at home. It has all of the classic Bond moments and a great cast as well. Can’t reveal too much without spoiling, but it was definitely worth it! That said, I’m a huge Bond fan. Daniel Craig is supposedly done with the 007 role – so I’m nervously excited to see who the next Bond will be. Press releases claim: Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill or Richard Madden. (I thought Chadwick Bosman would have been amazing – very sad that he passed long before his time).
Make it an amazing week!