New Member Sasha Bermudez is “tracking” her health & fitness journey with African Commitment Beads. Sasha just finished her Start Up with Coach Chad and did her first class on Saturday. Check her story below!
“Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.”
Robert Schuller
- Sasha’s Awesome Fitness Feedback Device
- Register for The Open!
- Menopause, Mobility & Breathwork
- Podcasting with Boz on Thu!
- Thorne is LEGIT
- Fix Your Ass & Primeval West
EASY ACCOUNTABILITY & FEEDBACK Check out Sasha’s picture above! Now, let me tell you about her awesome waist beads. The black & white African Commitment Beads in the picture above represent Sasha’s abstinence from alcohol. On August 7th, 2024, she stopped drinking. The beaded waist band was pulled tight around the thinnest part of her waist (up high) and tied off. It has never come off – she showers with it. Her “alcohol band” is now almost loose enough to fall off. Look at the gap!
The 2nd band (multi-color) was fitted tightly when she started her CrossFit journey at Concord CrossFit a little over 6 weeks ago. She participated in a 6-week transformation challenge. Based on the band’s gap, the program was a success!
More importantly, Sasha does not step on a scale. Her beautiful beaded waist bands serve as a reminder of her commitment AND as a feedback tool for her progress. Scales can be misleading, especially if you’re doing CrossFit: you’ll lose fat and gain muscle. Sometimes, the scale will not change (or it may vary) but your body will.
I’ve never seen or read about African Commitment Beads in my 40+ years in gyms. And, I’m blown away by how simple they are – and how incredibly effective they can be. The beads are an excellent longterm measuring tool for fitness and health and a day-to-day reminder (cue) to stay the course. You’ll not notice daily changes in the band’s tension, but over weeks and months, the evidence will begin to show – and provide encouragement to continue. Brilliant.
Thank you, Sasha, for sharing your story and your journey with us. Can’t wait to see these beads in 6 months!
REGISTER FOR THE OPEN!! The CrossFit Games Open is an annual test of fitness for more than 300,000 people around the world. It consists of 3 workouts spread over 3 weeks. CrossFit will release workouts on Thursdays, starting February 27th. You’ll have until the following Monday to complete the workout and submit your score.
A lot of us will come together on Friday afternoons/evenings for a “Friday Night Lights Theme Party” each week of the Open. Each week we’ll announce the theme in advance so you’ll have plenty of time to prepare your best Open uniform. Of course, family and friends are encouraged to come hang out, watch the workouts and enjoy the fun.
It’s a blast – and a great way to test yours fitness once a year! Register, join the fun, and challenge yourself. You’ll be glad you did.
JAN / FEB CLINICS & EVENTS For 2025, We’re planning on hosting education events and skills clinics to enrich our mental and physical selves. Check out your Diablo app under “EVENTS” for more information and registration.
- Thu, Jan 23rd at 7:30PM: “Navigating Wellness in Menopause & Perimenopause” with Dr. Hillary Basset, MD & Nutrition Coach Gwen Holtan – Free. This one is filling up! RSVP NOW ON THE DIABLO APP!
- Thu, Feb 20, 7:30PM: Mobility & Recovery Management with Dr. Mory – Beyond Chiropractic
- Thu, Mar 27, 7:30PM: Breath Work Techniques for Improved Performance and Mental Health – Richard Blake, PhD.
PODCAST WITH “BOZ!”– We’re Back on Thursday, Jan 23rd at 10A PT with Special Guest, Adrian Bozman “Boz” – Director of the CrossFit Games. We’ll talk about the Open and, the brand new CrossFit Community Cup. Don’t miss this one!
My fitness journey began with weightlifting in high school & college, primarily related to my sports (waterpolo & skiing). After college, I ended up at Gold’s Gym where I (and Yvonne) spent many hours lifting heavy weights. In my 30’s, I leaned into endurance training, completing several half & full marathons and short-distance triathlons. In my 40’s, I found CrossFit. All along the way, I researched and used various over-the-counter supplements, primarily protein, creatine and carbohydrates.
One of the many things I discovered in my many years of fitness & supplementation, is that not all supplements are created equal. Manufacturing processes differ by company – and quality can vary dramatically. There’s quite a bit of fraud in the industry and many cases of “spiking” – adding stimulants or anabolic agents to enhance performance.
In 2014, I was introduced to Thorne supplements – a medical grade supplementation company that conducts clinical trials on their products. Thorne supplements are often used by hospitals and medical professionals because of the quality of their products.
In 2019, Diablo was approved to be a Thorne distributor – offering Thorne supplements in our ProShop and online with a price discount. If you’re taking any supplements, including vitamins, check out their products and services. Their home health tests are comprehensive and impressive. Of course, if you buy from Thorne, we’d love it if you clicked on our Thorne link first!
January Focus: 1. Squat Variations 2. Technical Lifts 3. Skill: CFG Open Prep
– Calendar; – Newsletter
- Mon: OHS. Metcon: 3RFT – 35 DUs, 15 HPS #75/115
- Tue: Amrap 20m – 400m Run, 25 Situps, Max Unbroken Pull-Ups
- Wed: Pistols. Metcon: E3MOMx3 + 3RFT – 10FC Box Step Ups, 10 DB S.Press, 10/15c Bike
- Thu: Power Clean EMOM x 20. Core Finisher
- Fri: Bench Mark: “Yellow Jacket” – For total reps: 3rnds – 1min of each: Max DB HSC, Push Press, Box Jumps, Cal Row, Rest
- Sat: Partners! Run, Snatch, Air Squats
- Sun: 5x3m Amrap (w/2m Rest) – Buy in: 8 Bench Press (#105/165), then Amrap 2 Rope Climbs & 10 Burpees.
- Minute 1: 1 bar muscle up
- Minute 2: 2 over and back burpees
- Minute 3: 3 thrusters
- PODCAST: Get With The Programming: Adrian Bozman introduces the new Community Cup! – This was a good introduction to the new Community Cup happening in June this year (skip the first 6 minutes). Jamie Lee and I will dig deeper with Boz this week on the PRsAllDay podcast.
- ARTICLE – NYT: “Fix Your Glutes. Fix Your Life.” – Writer/Editor Amy Wang tells a great story about her distance running experience and injuries and how her Physical Therapist focused on her glutes to solve the problem. (Thanks Beth Kim)
- NETFLIX – American Primeval – Very good. Caution: extremely violent. This is a very realistic, violent western series spun out of a true story (the Mountain Meadows Massacre) from the 1850’s expansion into the West. It’s a Western like no other.