PRsAllDay Podcast #54 – Outsource Your Nutrition Coaching: Gwen Holtan & Jason Dehler

Jason Dehler is a member at Diablo CrossFit and Head of Product at StrongerU, one of the largest online nutrition coaching communities in the Country. Gwen Holtan is also a Diablo member and owns Beyond the Box Nutrition. We’ll talk about what works and what doesn’t in the world of nutrition coaching and why it might be better for affiliates to outsource their nutrition coaching.

PRsAllDay Podcast #53 – We Called It!

Craig & Jamie & Guest Tim Dymmel (CrossFit Palo Alto) talk:
• International Team Idea
• The Games Are Moving to Texas!! (We called it!)
• Tim’s Top Secret Tip for Affiliate Success

PRsAllDay Podcast #52 – Dr. Sean Rockett – CrossFit Games MD

Sean Rockett is the Head Orthopedic Surgeon for the CrossFit Games Medical Team since 2012. He has literally seen every (and treated) every major injury at the Games. We’ll talk about his experiences and how everyday CrossFitters can avoid injury and, train for recovery if they don’t.

Visit Dr. Sean’s website for detailed sports injury information, and recovery skills & drills:

PRsAllDay Podcast #47 – This 15yo is More Fit Than You!

The 2023 Boys 14-15 CrossFit Games Champ joins us with his Coach & CrossFit Turlock Affiliate Owner, Isaiah Fiqueroa. We talk about his best and worst workouts, Games Prep, CrossFit experience, and how he crossed paths with the Wall St. Weightlifter, Graciano Rubio, when he was just 9 years old!