“Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads you to wisdom.” Buddha
SIP/CLOSURE UPDATE: We’re planning on re-opening May 4th, but prepared to go longer if needed. Diablo is doing fine. I’ve found a bank that can process our Payroll Protection Program loan, but I do not know how long it will take yet. The PPP rollout has been hectic for banks. Unfortunately, we’ve had to make the difficult decision to furlough some employees, but the CARES benefits for individuals appear to be very good.
A WORD OF ADVICE FOR 2020: I spent more than 25 years in finance and investment banking, and experienced first hand other economic crises and volatile markets. The economic situation this year will be very difficult for many of us. Employment, sales, manufacturing, distribution, and supplies do not automatically return to full capacity. They take time. And, with a looming fear of a return of COVID-19, everyone will proceed very cautiously. Experts are estimating that we will experience 30% unemployment.
Banks and credit card companies are already tightening their lending and access to funding. At Diablo, our merchant bank arbitrarily withheld 20% of our credit card deposits as of April 1st. Other gyms reported that 100% of their funds are being withheld for 10-15 days. This is likely to happen to consumer credit cards as balances start to rise.
Given a possible serious economic crisis, I recommend the following:
- If you are furloughed or laid off, apply for unemployment benefits immediately! The applications are processed in order, so it’s best to get it done early. And, while you may not need it now, you might need it later. Save what you do not use.
- If you are an independent contractor, apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan! You may not need it, BUT the application includes a $10,000 grant request. If you don’t use the loan, simply pay it back! It is very easy to apply.
- Save money. Withhold from any large purchases, no matter how tempting the price.
- If you are renting, talk to your landlord about rent relief. Many landlords are waiving or deferring rent payments during this crisis. If you have a mortgage, many banks are also deferring payment. Take advantage of this! It is better to keep the money in your bank account, and pay later if possible. The Government is offering protection for renters and homeowners.
- Plan on NOT having a credit card! In 2008/9 many credit card companies simply shut down credit cards and required customers to reapply. They can turn off credit without warning.
- Be prepared for a 6 months to 1 year recovery and return to normalcy.
DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY: I’ve kept myself so busy, the days seem to fly by. Here’s a strategy: make a commitment to yourself to get better during this crisis. Build a schedule and try to stick to it. Include the following:
- Workout regularly
- Eat clean
- Fix up things around the house that you’ve been wanting to do.
- Go for walk in the morning & evening.
- Read – fiction or non-fiction.
- Minimize social media.
FAT BURNING TIP: One of my favorite fitness books from years ago is “Body for Life” by Bill Phillips. In this book he described a proven method that bodybuilders use to get ripped (burn fat & keep muscle) for shows. He advised that when you wake up in the morning, have a glass of water and maybe a little black coffee, then, go for a walk (outside or on a treadmill) for 30-45 minutes at a brisk, but not a running pace. Essentially, bodybuilders were doing low-intensity cardio work while fasted. So, if you’re working from home, give it a try for a few days. You’ll enjoy the mental clarity it brings AND it’ll stave off hunger for a few hours.
ZOOM TRIVIA NIGHT IS BACK! Join us for Round #2 on Wed at 7PM. zoom.us/my/diablocrossfit
- M-F 12P & 5PM: SIPFIT At Home
- Tue 6:30PM: Functional Bodybuilding
- NEW (!) Wed 9AM: Barbell Movement Work (no barbell needed!)
- Wed 7:00PM: Zoom Trivia Night
- Thu 6:30PM: SIP&STRETCH – Yoga/Mobility
- Sat 9AM: SIPFIT At Home
- Sun 11AM: SIPFIT At Home (Support Your Local Box Workout #3)
STRETCH! COACH ANDREW’S CHALLENGE #4: Straddle Stretch! 3 minutes, 5 days in a row. This one is freakin’ hard, but so good.
For all the details visit our website or Sugarwod
⚬ Mon: AMRAP 16m – Squat clean & press, run & strict sit-ups.
⚬ Tue: Slips + 21-15-9 KB swings & lateral jumpovers.
⚬ Wed: Strength. AMRAP 8m – burpees & lunges
⚬ Thu: Strength. E2MOM x 7 – 30s run + strict press
⚬ Fri: TBA
⚬ Sat: TBA
⚬ Sun: Support Your Local Box #4
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)
- From Alana: Check Out “World Chase Tag” – It’s pretty amazing and fun to watch. Parkour tag.
- Stabilize Your Mood With Food – Georgia Ede MD – Psychology Today Fantastic article on the impact of insulin response to food on mood (how you feel).

Make it an awesome week!