Congratulations to our 13th Annual Tom Jones Award Winner: Rod Abdolhosseini. In this picture, Rod is surrounded by previous TJ Award winners, Erica Linden (2020), Jenny Pearl (2016), Alessandra Pichelli (2021), Dean Quiambao (2019) and, Craig & Yvonne.
Our Tom Jones Award is named after OG member Tom Jones in recognition of relentless, enthusiastic and loving support of the Diablo community. Tom has set the bar pretty damn high, but every day Rod walks into Diablo with incredibly positive energy, humility, humor, a desire to help others, and a passion for CrossFit.
“Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.”
Vince Lombardi
OUR HOLIDAY PARTY KPI LOOKS AWESOME – Business owners talk about “key performance indicators” that they use to measure the health of their companies – revenues, expenses, leads, sales, etc. At Diablo, one of our best KPI’s is our annual Holiday party. And, if last nights’ event is any indication (our biggest in history!), 2024 is going to be an amazing year for our community! Thank you to our Diablo community for your incredible support and love. Yvonne & I are truly blessed.
THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION ..even if you suck at sticking to them. Here’s a couple of tips to make ’em last this year:
- Keep them short: put a 1 week, 4 week or 3 month time limit on your new resolution. If you make it, maybe keep it going.
- Easy Does It: example, instead of “go for a 3 mile run 1st thing in the morning”, make your resolution: “for 1 week, I’m going to get up 15 minutes earlier and go for a 10 minute walk”. If you make it 1 week, continue and maybe go longer.
- Make A Friend Join You: agree upon a resolution that both you and your friend can do. Hold each other accountable.
- Tell lots of people: about your resolution, your plan and your success. There’s nothing like the accountability & support of friends.
HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Closed on Christmas Day. 12/26-1/1: No 7:30P Class. Check the app for details.
Two, very cool, very fit, veteran Diablo members provide amazing chiropractic and ART massage therapy for most of our members. Why? Because they do what we do! They know and understand the aches & pains that sometimes accompanies weightlifting and CrossFit. They’ll treat your injury, improve your mobility, give relevant, meaningful advice for recovery (and scaling!).
- Dr. Mory Noorivaziri – Beyond Chiropractic, Walnut Creek (Treat & Cherry)
- Dr. Michael Hinderman – Mt. Diablo Sport & Spine, Pleasant Hill (Civic Dr)
2024 CHALLENGE COMING: 75 Hard…Diablo Style. No alcohol, walks, journaling, fasting……
TWEET OF THE WEEK: From 2005-2015, more than 90% of our new members were regularly exercising prior to joining. They mostly sought out @CrossFit for its efficacy and the challenge. These people were the early adopters. No advertising needed.
- Tue, 12/19 at 10AM: Diablo Member Chris McCrary – Cyborg
- Last Week: Long Live CrossFit!
THE WEEK AHEAD: Oh Crap.. A Partner Workout!
Please don’t miss class on Tuesday ’cause you’re scared to do a partner workout! Partner workouts are a blast and easily scalable for all athletes so that everyone is working. You’ll learn a lot about strategy, team communication and team work. And, you’re going to have fun doing it.
Also: Saturday is a classic CrossFit “Girl” benchmark: “Nancy”. And Sunday, Dec 24th, is another epic “12 Days Of Christmas”… it’s gonna take 12 days to recover (!).
Dec Focus: 1. Deadlift. 2. Overhead Squat. 3. Skill: Handstand Push-up
Dec Newsletter
- Mon: OHS. Metcon: Amrap 7m – 12 Pistols & 9 PC #65/95
- Tue: PARTNER WOD – 4RFT: 2mi C2 Bike, 16 S2OH/Front Rack Hold, 50 DUs Ea. #95/135
- Wed: Deadlift. Metcon: 5RFT – 12 V-Ups, 12 Push Ups
- Thu: Amrap 16m – 10 Shuttle Runs, 10DB HClusters, 100′ FCarry
- Fri: HSPU. Metcon: 3RFT – 30s L-Sit, 450/500m Row
- Sat: “NANCY” – 5RFT: 400m Run & 15 OHS #65/95
- Sun: “12 Days Of Christmas”
- Weekly Scare (Must Watch): Tesla Introduces “Optimus – Gen 2” – Incredible and frightening.
- IG Post: WodScience – If Two People Do The Exact Same Training, Will They Gain The Same Fitness. I loved this one! There is a variability in training response that is significant, even among siblings. However, contrary to previous published information, “Non Responders To Exercise” likely do NOT exist. They just need a little more.
- Article: A New Pinnacle Of Ultra-Processed Foods – Doritos Vodka, Nacho Cheese Flavor
- Article: You Might Be A Neanderthal If…..You Love 5AM CrossFit – A new study finds a link between Neanderthal DNA and modern human genes related to circadian rhythm.
- Article: Loneliness Is Making You Sick. CrossFit Can Help. There has been a significant decline in community gatherings in the US over the last 50 years. Technology, age, immobility and other factors have contributed to increasing loneliness.
- IG: Humans Are Cool: The Best GoPro Shots of 2023
Make it an awesome week!