In 5 Days, Our Amazing Community Raised $9000 for Chris Pagano.
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
Maya Angelou
- $2000 > $9000 for Chris Pagano!
- Intramural Open Update
- Meet Miranda – Week 3 Spirit of the Open
- Quarterfinals Are Coming!
- Caddis, Age Defiance, Sitting Kills, Recovery Tip
First, a back story. Chris Pagano joined Diablo in December, 2017 and immediately jumped into classes 3 days a week. However, Chris also suffers from a very rare neurological disability known as Glucose Transporter Type 1 Deficiency Syndrome (Glut1DS) – which inhibits his motor skills. But, Chris has never let his disability limit his mobility and his fitness. In 2020, during the Pandemic, Diablo hired Chris to help with various operational jobs. Soon after, he took on the role of photographer.
Watch Chris’ Story Here (produced by former Diablo member Steven Stover)
Unfortunately, on February 28th, Chris was seriously injured and hospitalized after brutal crash with a truck while riding his electric bike. Chris suffered two broken arms, a knee injury and fractures in his cheeks and jaw. Last week, Chris underwent multiple surgeries and is now recovering. His bike was completely destroyed.
When our members found out about Chris’ accident, several asked about contributing to the purchase of a new electric bike for him. Chris’ family agreed and said that Chris would be incredibly honored and grateful to receive such an incredible gift from the community he cherishes so much. Chris’ Dad said that Chris had already picked out a very cool new bike that would run around $2000. I arranged with Chris’ Dad to have the bike at Diablo at our last Friday Night Lights event to surprise Chris, if he was able to attend. Fortunately, he was able to go!
So, I put together a GoFundMe last Monday, 4 days before our event. I was a little worried that there wouldn’t be enough time. I posted the GoFundMe at 4:45P and sent an email to members at 5PM. I also announced it to the 4:30P class, who all thought it was a great idea. At about 5:10P I received a text from a member telling me the “Bike has been funded!” – I was in shock. I immediately told Yvonne and we decided to shut it down – and alert Chris’ Dad. By the time I shut it down, it was already at $4000! Then, I went back out to the 4:30P class and made the announcement – they cheered, but then many expressed disappointment that they could not participate. Soon, we started receiving emails, DMs and text messages from members who were also bummed that they could not contribute. So.. we opened it back up. And it went nuts: ending at $9000 today.
The best part of all of this was the presentation of Chris’ new bike to Chris in front of his mother, father & family friend and the very large Diablo Community present at Friday Night Lights. It was an epic event and Chris was blown away by it all.
Thank you Diablo family. We truly have something special here and it’s changing lives for the better every day.
- SCORING RESULTS: We will post Team Results and Rosters On This Webpage! on Tuesday by 5PM!
- Team Challenge Winners:
- Week 1: Social Media Promotion Post – Back In Black (10pts)
- Week 2: Bowling – Back In Black (20pts)
- Week 3: The Guanlet – Teal Team 6 (30pts)

Week 3 Spirit Of The Open Winner: Miranda Wakimoto!
“Miranda was in Open Gym every day for the last few weeks trying to get bar muscle ups, and finally got one maybe a week or two ago. Before FNL, she didn’t want to go because she felt she wasn’t ready for this level of workout. But, she did it – at Friday Night Lights(!) – where she got 9 Bar Muscle Ups in front of the crowd!”