Maddie Griffin, Cole Gravitt, Kendra Watters, Aaron Arnold

- EASTER: THE GYM IS CLOSED! Join us for a Ruck in the Shell Ridge Open Space instead. Meet at Indian Valley Elementary School at 7:30A on Sunday. We’ll walk, hike or ruck 4-5miles in the gorgeous Shell Ridge / Mr. Diablo State Park Open Space
- Team Quarterfinals: April 3rd – April 8th. Workout times TBA
- Individual & Age Group Quarterfinals: April 17 – 22. Workout times TBA.
- Coming in April: M.O.R. STRENGTH! Coach Jamie Lee and I have designed a Small Group private class & training program with a strength bias. Features:
- Small Group (max 4!) CrossFit Classes with a Strength bias
- Dedicated Coach with Custom Programming & Scaling (1st up: Coach Jamie)
- Fixed & Guaranteed Class Times – no reservation needed
- This Week – Wed 10AM: TBA
- Last Week: Quarterfinals Plans At Diablo
March Focus: 1. Deadlift 2. Overhead Squat Skill: Rope Climb & Accessory
- Mon: Deadlift 5-3-1. Metcon: 15/20c Row, 50-40-30-20-10 DUs
- Tue: Partner – Hero: “Tommy V”: 21-15-9 Syncro Thrusters & Rope Climbs #75/115
- Wed: OHS. Metcon: Amrap 8mins – 12 Alt DB Snatches, 12 Situps.
- Thu: 6RFT – 5 C&J, 10 High Wall Balls. (#145/205)
- Fri: 10 RFT – 200m Run, 6 Pull Ups, 8 Push Ups
- Sat: E3MOMx5 – Buy-in: 100m FC, then Amrap 5 Wall Walks, 12 FR Rev Lunges #35/50
- Sun: 3Rnds, 1min ea, max reps: HSClean, S2OH, Thrusters, BOB, Rest #95/135
- NY Times: The Brutality of Sugar: Debt, Child Marriage and Hysterectomies. Every once in a while I read an article that shakes me to the core. This is one of those. The global demand for sugar, especially for soft drinks, has create a humanitarian crisis in India that is terribly shocking.
- Bad Science: American Heart Association: Time-Restricted Eating May Increase Risk of Early Death. – This article published in mainstream media AND on the AHA’s website would lead you to believe that Intermittent Fasting can kill you. I was immediately skeptical and dug into the data: the results come from a review of survey data from 20,000 adults who reported their food intake via a survey after the fact. Food quality and other habits (ie, smoking) were NOT reported. In other words, the research findings are invalid.
REBUTTAL: Read Peter Attia’s excellent rebuttal: Why I don’t put any stock in a recent “study - Article: FDA Loses It’s War On Ivermectin – The tactics that the FDA & CDC used to discredit Doctors, scientists, health care professionals and especially the globally used anti-viral drug, Ivermectin are nothing short of shameful and un-American, in my opinion.
- Video: Rhonda Patrick: The Science of Magnesium and Its Role in Aging & Disease – love this one! I’m getting my Magnesium from LMNTs. Wasn’t aware of the benefits.
Make it a great week!