Masters Rock, September To Remember, The Shed, Indians & Fire – TWA 9.02.24

The 2024 CrossFit Games Masters Competition was a brand new format – operating on their own at a new venue in Birmingham. It was a an incredible spectacle of the potential of human performance at 40, 50, 60 and 70+ years of age! Congratulations to Diablo athletes Nate Wantahtah, 11th overall  (also CF Oakland!) and Yvonne Howard, 6th place overall.

No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself.”  Senica


  • 3 Big Take Aways from the Masters Competition
  • September To Remember
  • The Shed
  • CFGM 24.5
  • Netflix: Indians & Fire


  1. Human Performance Potential after age 50 is grossly underestimated. At the CFG Masters Competition, I witnessed 60-64yo men and women doing unbroken bar muscle-ups at the END of an 8 minute metcon. I watched a 65yo woman front squat 190lbs and a 70+ yo man front squat over 200lbs. Almost 300 athletes, 50-70+ years old completed 8-10 very challenging CrossFit workouts in 3.5 days. Watching the Masters athletes enter the arena was awe-inspiring (and, I consider myself pretty damn fit at age 61). They STRIDE like strong, younger versions of themselves. If you didn’t see the grey hair and wrinkles, you’d have a hard time distinguishing the athletes from 20-somethings. And, the best part: many of the Masters Games athletes began their fitness journeys late in life! 
  2. The Dichotomy Of Fitness vs Sickness Is Depressing.. with a Glimmer of Hope. At the crowded airports, I was surrounded by evidence of chronic disease: obesity, wheelchairs, oxygen tanks and terrible food choices. The average American suffers from at least 1 or 2 diseases caused by lifestyle choices. After a 10 minute Uber ride, I was immediately immersed in an elite health & fitness bubble – literally no visible signs of chronic disease among the 1000’s of attendees at the CrossFit Games Masters competition – mostly Masters.

    Unfortunately, most adults believe that healthy physical fitness, especially “elite” fitness, is an unachievable goal. So, we have work to do. CrossFit is an incredible “cure” for almost all metabolic diseases and our community serves as the glue to keep people attached to their health & fitness goals. This is the way. 

  3. Training vs. Exercise – Maintaining a healthy base level of general fitness requires exercise, and CrossFit is arguably the most effective methodology for that task. Constantly varied, functional movements executed with high intensity produces a fitness that extends across broad time and modal domains. 3-4 CrossFit workouts a week will improve work capacity significantly for almost everyone.

    On the other hand, preparing for a sports competition (ie, qualifying for the CrossFit Games) requires (1) a comprehensive training plan that includes workouts, mobility, recovery and nutrition plus (2) a coach to keep the athlete on track and improve movement patterns. 

    After a very compelling conversation with my friend, Nicole Christensen, L4 Coach and owner of CrossFit Roots, we agreed that the most significant fitness and health transformations in our gyms have occurred when the individuals dedicated themselves to “training” for a desired outcome vs. “exercising” out of necessity. When a plan is put in place, an experienced Coach is directly involved, and accountability is ensured, RESULTS happen. 

    So, if your fitness is stuck – or, you have a strength or skill barrier that you can’t get over, think about investing in a Coach to help you breakthrough and achieve your desired outcome.

    Don’t just exercise. Train. It worked for Nate and Yvonne. 

SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER CHALLENGE: Burpees, L-Sits & (no) Sugar–  Our September Challenge is: Burpees, L-Sits & (No) Sugar. You’ll be able to track it all on SugarWod (yes, ironic).

  • Week 1: 25 Burpees or 30secs of L-Sits / Day
  • Week 2: 50 Burpees or 1min LSits / Day
  • Week 3: 75 Burpees or 90secs LSits / Day
  • Week 4: 100 Burpees or 2m LSits / Day

Scoring:  Complete your Daily Burpees = 1pt. Complete your Daily LSits = 1pt. (Total 2pts).  No Sugar in the last 24 hours = Check the box.

LABOR DAY WORKOUT:  We’re open on Labor Day from 7AM until 12PM. Last class is at 11AM.  We’ll be sampling one of the CrossFit Games Masters Championship workouts: 24.5:

  • 75 Wall Balls
  • 40 Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
  • 30 DB Farmer Carry Step Over
  • 40 DB Alt. Snatch
  • 75 Wall Balls


A BIT ABOUT DIABLO: The Shed – 2040 N. Main Street – was Diablo’s 1st physical location, leased in 2006. Prior to “The Shed”, we operated in a backyard and then in parks. The Shed was appropriately named, since it was a 1000sf mechanics garage in an all-steel building with no insulation. There was a 250sf office in the back of the space that I used as my “home office” for my day-job as a Regional Manager for an Investment Company. 

The Shed had one roll-up garage door and tall ceilings. For pull-up bars, we attached plumbing pipe in the garage door way. We put down stall mats, built wooden boxes, filled basketballs with sand (for wallballs) and purchased used equipment via Craigslist. Rogue did not exist. Our 400m run, passed a line of auto repair shops and an old Entemenn’s distribution outlet on Main St. 

We grew our business fast at the Shed – and even hosted competition events from time-to-time. We annoyed our mechanic neighbors, but remain good friends with many of them. I still get my cars repaired at the German Auto Clinic and Main St. Auto.

We moved out in January, 2009 when we ran out of room for members. However, the building is still there – just behind Dorito Bros. Volkswagen & the Vietnamese restaurant. 


September Focus: 
1. Hang Snatch & C&J Complex 2. Back Squats  3. Ring Muscle Ups



  • World’s Fastest Indian – True Story about Burt Munroe, a New Zealander who traveled to the Utah Salt Flats to break the 1000cc Motorcycle Land Speed Record in 1967 .. with a modified 1920’s Indian. Great story!
  • Fire In Paradise: Documentary about the 2018 Camp Fire that devastated the town of Paradise becoming California’s deadliest wildfire.

Make it an awesome week!
