Everyday in the gym is a PR.
But, hitting a new PR in a lift, gymnastic skill, or workout is something very special – a verifiable manifestation of all of the work that we’ve done
- Walk, Protein, Lift
- The NorCal Classic Qualifier Starts This Week!
- Get Your Level 1
- Big D – New Shirt?
- CrossFit Saved 88yo Michael
- Alcohol Kills, Protein Saves, NetFlix Confession
My news and social media feeds are littered with content related to CrossFit, fitness, health, nutrition and longevity. And, I do my best to lean into content that is validated by quality research from reputable sources. Over the last few years, I’ve noticed a consensus building around some very simple, but proven strategies for increasing longevity. Multiple expert podcasts and several books have been published recently that have very consistent themes regarding simple strategies for improving health and longevity.
The top three strategies are indeed simple: walk, consume protein, and lift weights. Of course, many “experts” will have differing opinions on how much, how often and when. And, in my opinion, complexity kills the buzz. So, what follows is my rudimentary summary of several experts that I follow. It is also my generic answer to the oft asked question from random people: “What should I do?” Me: “you should walk, eat protein and lift weights.”
- Walk a mile or two a day.
- Eat protein with every meal.
- Do some squats, presses and deadlifts with weights at least 2x a week.
The above combination would significantly improve the health & fitness of most Americans – and all three are validated by numerous research studies. I’ll let you Google them. Now, before my CrossFit friends get fired up for my not recommending CrossFit, rest easy – and remember, random people NEVER take your fitness advice. However, if they ask good follow up questions: “when?” “how much?” “how often?”.. then I hit them with: “you should visit a CrossFit gym.”
Now, if someone wants to dig even deeper, I can geek out on health & fitness hacks with the best of them. My hours on social media and listening to podcasts have yielded some educational benefits (I’d like to believe). So here’s the rest of my top 10 health & longevity hacks, not necessarily in order:
- Hydrate!
- Sleep (7hrs+)
- Eliminate Sugar, Processed Foods & Alcohol
- Supplement Fish Oil & Creatine & D
- Sauna & Cold Exposure
- Stretch
- Meditate
But, the bottom line for most people is this: start with walking. Put your shoes on, and walk out your front door, even if it’s just to the end of the driveway. Do it every day, and if possible, multiple times a day – and, whenever possible, in nature. The evidence is overwhelming: mental & physical health improve. For more proof, read Mark Sisson’s (author, The Primal Blueprint) new book “Born To Walk: the Broken Promises of the Running Boom and How to Slow Down and Get Healthy” or Kelly & Juliet Starret’s book Built To Move
Competing in CrossFit competitions is in our blood at Diablo. We have a long history of success at the local, regional and national levels. And local competitions are an especially fun way to test our work capacity outside of the gym against other CrossFit fans in our area.
Of course, the CrossFit Games Open begins at the end of February, but before then we have a cool opportunity to participate in a local online qualifier competition for the Northern California Classic, which takes place in September at Lake Folsom – Granite Bay. Even better (!) – the NorCal Classic has MULTIPLE divisions to challenge every athlete:
- INDIVIDUAL: Elite / RX; Intermediate; Scaled
- AGE GROUP: 14-15, 16-17, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59 & 60+
- TEAM: Rx Pairs; Intermediate Pairs & Scaled Pairs
The NorCal Classic ONLINE QUALIFIER begins January 8th and runs through January 19th. They’ll release 5 workouts that can be completed in any order. Most participating athletes will be doing the workouts in Open Gym, likely on Saturday and Sunday. Registration is $25 for individuals and $50 for pairs.

When we created our very first logo, one of our original founders, Jeremy, added horns and a tail on the “C” and “F” in “CrossFit”. After a few years, I updated the logo and moved the iconic horns & tail to the “D” in Diablo – using Microsoft Paint (crude but effective). I started with an internet search of various logos that included the letter “D”. I settled on the Detroit Tigers “D” for inspiration because it appeared to have horn like features. I cleaned it up – and made it congruent with the basic CrossFit logo font: “impact.” I refined the tail, made the horns more devil-like and added “iablo” in the impact font, then stacked it on CrossFit. It really was that simple. A few years later, we “italicized” the “D”. Then, in 2018ish, I asked our friends at Fully Amped to make the “D” the logo icon and put the words “Diablo” and “CrossFit” around it. Thus, the latest version of our logo is on our website, the wall of our lobby and many shirts and hoodies.
But, against ALL marketing and advertising expert advice, we’ll likely change our official logo again some day. It’s kind of a fun hobby for me. I enjoy creating t-shirts designs for Diablo with unique expressions of our brand.
January Focus: 1. Squat Variations 2. Technical Lifts 3. Skill: CFG Open Prep
– Calendar; – Newsletter
- Mon: Back Squat. Metcon: 3RFT – 12 FC Lunges, 24 Situps, 200m Run
- Tue: 5RFT – 10DL, 15 DB PP, 20/30c Bike (155/225#)
- Wed: Kipping Pull Ups. Metcon: E3MOMx3 + 1RFT – 10WB, 10V-Ups, 10HR Push Ups, Rest 1m, then 60 WB, 45VUps, 30 HR Push Ups
- Thu: Hang Clean. Metcon: 3RFT – 12 Alt DB Devil Press, 8/10 Ring Dips
- Fri: E3MOMx5 (1m Rest) – 9 Strict Pullups, 12 Single Arm OH Lunge, 15 Box Jumps 35/50#
- Sat: 5RFT – 500m Row, 12 Thrusters, 30 Situps (65/95#)
- Sun: Amrap 25 – 400m Run, 15/20c Air Bike, 12 DB Hang Power Cleans, 10 Burpees
- Buy In: 1 Rope Climb & 100m Farmer Carry (35/50#)
- Then, max Calories on the Echo Bike
- Rest 1minute
- !! YOUTUBE !!: Too Old For Crossfit – Meet 88yo Michael – Get ready, this one is going to bring the tears. Michael Lewis’ story is so damn good! Follow CrossFit’s YouTube channel – it’s worth it.
- NEWS: Surgeon General Alcohol & Cancer Warning! – There is NO safe level of alcohol. I’ve posted similar studies & warnings in the past. But now, the US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s newest advice is ZERO. Why? Because the latest research states that alcohol causes about 100,000 cases of cancer and 20,000 cancer DEATHS annually, on top of the 13,500 traffic-related deaths.
- IG: The US RDA of Protein is NOT Sufficient for Older Adults – Dr. William Wallace PhD, looks at recently published research which concludes that protein intake should be at least 1.08g per 1kg of bodyweight (1/2g per 1lb).
- NETFLIX: Squid Game2. Not sure I should confess this one. It’s hilariously original, very compelling and terribly violent (caution). The ending was not satisfying – clearly a lead-in for Season3. The music will haunt you. And the games.. wow.