Time-restricted eating, also referred to as “time-restricted feeding” or, sometimes “intermittent fasting” is a proven method for improving health and brain function while contributing to weight-loss. There is numerous research and data, including a popular documentary, supporting the benefits of time-restricted eating. I’ve listed several resources below.
Essentially, Time Restricted Eating is restricting food intake to limited waking hours of the day. Most benefits, i.e., weight loss, occur when food intake is restricted for 10, 8 or 6 hours during the day (=fasting for 14, 16 or 18 hours). When combined with meals that include a combination of healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates plus regular exercise, TRE can elicit incredible, healthy, physical changes.
Benefits of TRE include:
- Weightloss
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduced appetite (evenings)
- Improved insulin sensitivity
- Improved sleep
Please, research this topic on your own! And, if you are taking any medications or, if your diet is managed by a nutritionist or doctor, please check with them before participating in this challenge.
- Tue, November 12 – Tue, December 31
- Each day, decide upon your fasting period: 12, 14, or 16 hours (this is the maximum!).
- Evenings: set a “stop eating/drinking” (except water) time each evening. Do not consume any more calories until your “fast” is complete. Calculate your next feeding time.
- Morning: do not consume any food or caloric beverages until your fasting period is completed.
- Be prepared! Your first meal should be a balance of healthy protein, fats and carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods, sugars and simple carbohydrates.
- Record your “hours” on Sugarwod each day.
- Be sensible! Eat if you feel feint, out-of-sorts, or exceptionally weak.
- Schedule an InBody exam at the beginning and at the end of the Challenge if you want to see the results of your efforts.
- Keep a journal of your progress – or record your thoughts in the Notes section of Sugarwod. How do you feel? Did you workout in a fasted state? Do you have cravings?
- Record your workout performances on Sugarwod.
- Talk about your progress in our Diablo Community.
- Daily fasting works for weight loss, finds report on 16:8 diet
- Time-Restricted Feeding without Reducing Caloric Intake Prevents Metabolic Diseases in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet
- Want To Try Fasting? 8 Simple Steps To Begin Time Restricted Eating
- Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Time Restricted Eating
- Dr. Satchin Panda on Time-Restricted Feeding and Its Effects on Obesity, Muscle Mass & Heart Health
- Dr. Tro’s Advice for Time Restricted Feeding
- Fasting – The Documentary