THE SCORING SYSTEM – EVERYONE CAN CONTRIBUTE POINTS!  All you have to do is register for the Open, and complete the workouts.  And, along the way there will be other scoring opportunities. 

+1 Point:  Open Workout Completion & Submission to CrossFit Games Website – Each member of a team that completes an Open workout at Diablo CrossFit AND submits their score online to the CrossFit Games website each week earns one point. Maximum one point per athlete per workout. 

+1 Point:  Attendance at Friday Night Lights OR Sunday FunDay – Just show up, hang out with friends, cheer, judge and, if you want an extra point, do the workout!

+1 Point:  Workout Completion AT Friday Night Lights OR Sunday FunDay – Every member of a team that completes an Open workout during our Friday Night Lights Event or our SunDay FunDay will receive 1 Point (+1 for Attendance). Only one attendance  

+10>1 Rank Points: Top 10 Placement – We’ll be ranking Men & Women together this year! Every athlete who places among the Top 10 at Diablo CrossFit for each workout (RX) earns points for the team based upon placement. 

  • 1st Place = 10pts ..> ..10th Place = 1pt
  • OPEN =  All Open Athletes
  • MASTERS = Any athlete that qualifies for age-group distinction
  • SCALED = Scaled + Scaled Masters + Foundations

+1 Point: Judging: # Athletes Judged
– All judges receive 1 pt per athlete judged.

+1Point: New PR – Every athlete who achieves a personal record on a movement will receive 1 point. Judges must print PR on score sheet

+3 Points – Spirit of the Open: Each week we will pick one athlete (or team) who displays amazing SPIRIT during that week’s workouts. You’ll find this team/person cheering others on, volunteering to judge others, helping people get prepared, doing something amazing they never thought possible, gaining a new skill, etc.