MONDAY 4.2.18
Benchmark: “Fran”
Complete 21-15-9 for time
- Thrusters #65/95
- Pull-ups
Core Blast: With a Partner, complete 3 rounds of:
- 30sec Anti Rotation (1/2 knee position)
- 30sec Lateral Med Ball Toss (Each side)
- 60sec Plank
- 30sec Rest
- 60sec Chinese Plank
- 30sec Rest
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: 3 Rounds of Alternating E3MOM
- 15 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- 30 Air Squats
- 5 Box Jump
>E3MOM of:
- 200m Run
- 10 Renegade Rows
- 10 Deficit Push-ups
*Modify reps If needed.
Core: 4 Rounds
- 45sec Candlestick lifts
- 15sec candlestick holds
- 30sec rest
- 45sec Plate sit-ups
- 15sec hollow body hold with the plate
- 30sec rest
Accessory: 2-3 Rounds
- 5 Clocks Right Leg
- 5 Clocks Left Leg
- 5 Right Leg/ Left arm KB RDL
- 5 Left leg/ Right arm KB RDL
TUESDAY 4.3.18
Barbell Skill: In 6-minutes, work up to a challenging Shoulder-to-Overhead for 3 reps.
Metcon: Complete for time
- 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 Clean & Jerk #95/135
- 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
Diablo Strong
- Sots Press + Snatch Balance 3x(2+1) Challenging effort
- Snatch + Position 2 Snatch 3x(1+2) @ 74%
- Snatch Balance (Slight heave) + 5sec hold in the bottom of the squat
- 4×1 @ 75-80%
- Front Squat 4×2 @ 80-85%
- Core Accessory: Complete 3 rounds
- 15 Reverse Snow Angels (#2.5-5 plate in hands)
- 15 Upper Trunk Rotation Side Planks
- 8-12 Barbell Rollouts
*Week 7 for Winter Classic
Strength: Back Squat
- Complete 3 sets of 10
- Build to a strong effort, starting at 65%
Metcon: Complete for time:
- 20 Overhead Squats #75/115 (Scale Up: #95/135)
- 40 Abmat Sit-ups (Scale Up: GHD Sit-ups)
- 60 Walking Lunges (60 Steps)
- 800m Run
- 1000m Row
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete 4 rounds of 4-minutes of work – rest 1 minute between rounds.
- 1 Minute Supine Chinese Plank
- 15 KB High Pulls
- 12 DB Strict Press
- 9 Strict Chin Ups
- With the remaining time of t-he 4 minutes, complete max Rep Alternating Leg V-Up
Core: 3 rounds
- 45sec Plank tuck ups on the rollers (put your feet on a roller then roll up into the tuck position
- 15sec rest
- 30sec strict knee raises
- 15sec hanging tuck hold
- 15sec rest
Accessory: 2-3 rounds
- 10 Left-arm Tricep kickbacks
- 10 Left-arm hammer curls
- 10 Right-arm Tricep curls
- 10 Right-arm hammer curls
- 10 Straight arm banded Lat pulldowns
Skill: Strict Muscle Up Progressions
- Spend 6 minutes working through the following progression to find the most appropriate drill for you
- Strict Transition
- Box Transition
- High Ring Muscle-up (Try to Practice the Strict)
Gymnastic EMOM: Week 1 EMOM
Complete 6 starting every minute on the minute – Alternate stations
- 4-8 Kipping Toes-to-bar + Pull-up Complex
- 4-8 Burpee + 1 Push-up (1 Strict Push up after dropping to the ground on the Burpee. Then pop up after the Push-up
- 1-5 Muscle Ups (unbroken) *kipping is allowed.
- 8 Burpee to a target (rings or PU bar)
Metcon: Complete 2 rounds for time
- 20/30 Calorie Bike
- 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
- 2-minutes rest
Diablo Strong
- Power Clean + Push Press + Jerk 3x(1+1+1) Up to 70% 1RM C&J
- Clean + Position 2 Hang Snatch 4x(1+1) @79% 1RM J&J
- Halting Clean Pulls 4×2 @ 90
- Pause 2sec at position 3 & 1 before finishing the pull.
- Jerks from the rack 4×1 @ 79-84% of 1RM C&J
- Explosive Accessory: 3 rounds of
- 8 Heavy Wall Balls
- 8 Under Hand Vertical Throw
FRIDAY 4.6.18
Strength: 5 second tempo Squat Clean + Squat Clean from the ground
- Complete 6 sets of 1 Tempo Clean + 1 additional Clean at regular speed
- Starting at 65% 1RM Clean
Metcon: Complete as many rounds possible in 10-minutes
- 7 Hang Squat Cleans #105/155
- 14 Burp Over Bar (no Push-up)
- 7 Shoulder-to-overhead
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete as many rounds as possible in a decreasing 8 – 6 – 4 minutes of working intervals. Rest 1 minute rest between intervals
>Start 400m Run buy-in at the start of every working interval.
- 12 Dumbbell Deadlift
- 9 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
- 6 Dumbbell Thrusters
- Start every AMRAP where you left off.
*Cash Out: 1 minute rest after final interval, then hold a Max Effort Plank.
Core: 3 rounds
- 30sec Grasshoppers
- 15sec rest-
- 30sec alternating hanging knee raises (bring both knees to right arm and down then both knees to left arm and down)
- 15sec rest
- 30sec laying down windshield wipers
- 15sec rest
- 30sec Right side V ups
- 30sec Left side V ups
- 15sec rest
Accessory: 3 rounds
- 10 each side Static lateral lunge with a DB or KB
- 10 right side curtsy lunge (DB/KB)
- 10 left side curtsy lunge (DB/KB)
- 10 right banded clams
- 10 left banded clams
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 16-minutes
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 15 Box Jumps
- 250/300m Row
Diablo Strong
- Snatch 5×1 75-80%
- Clean & jerk 5×1 84-89%
- Back Squat 4×1 85%
- Lower Accessory:
- 10-12 GHD Ham Raises
- 10 Weighted Jumping Split Lunges
- 3 Seated Box Jumps
- Upper Accessory:
- 10 Single arm 1/2 Kneeling military Press
- 10 Single arm Bent over Rows
*7 Weeks to Spring Classic
SUNDAY 4.8.18
Skill: 1 Power Snatch + Snatch Balance
- Complete 6 sets of starting every minute, on the minute
- Increase load as needed. Should focus on sticking the landing before going heavy.
Metcon: For time:
- Run 1000 meters
- 100 Push-ups (modify to 60 reps)
- 10 Power Snatches #95/135