Week 17: April 23 – 29, 2018

MONDAY 4.23.18


Metcon: Complete 5 rounds for time:

  • 20/25 Calorie Row (NO CHEATING the row)
  • 10 Toes to Bar
  • 12 Dumbbell Power Clean #35/50
Diablo F!T

Conditioning: Complete 5 rounds starting every 2nd minute – alternate A & B


  • 200m Med Ball Run
  • 5-8 Dumbbell Front Squats


  • 8 Burpee
  • 10 Box Jumps

Core: 3 rounds

  • 30sec laying down straight leg windshield wipers
    • 10sec rest
  • 30sec hanging L-sit twist
    • 10sec rest
  • 30sec Grasshoppers
    • 10sec rest

Accessory: 2 rounds (take your time)

TUESDAY 4.24.18


Strength: Back Squat 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2

  • Build to a strong effort starting at 80%

Metcon: Complete 3 rounds starting every 5th minute

  • 13/18 Calore Bike
  • 40′ Front Rack Walking Lunge #35/53
  • 200m Run.

*Score the Slowest of three rounds.

Diablo Strong
  • Snatch High Pull + Position 1 Snatch + OHS 3x(1+1+1) up to 50%
  • Snatch 3×3 @ 65-70%
  • 3 Position Snatch Pull + Snatch Pull 3x(2+1) @ 75-85%
    • Complete 2 reps with a 2sec pause at position 3-2 then Stop at position 1 keeping your shoulders over the bar
    • Then complete a Snatch Pull
  • Back Pause Squat 4×3 @ 70%
    • 2 Second Pause in the bottom (NO bouncing out of the whole
  • Complete 3 rounds of:
    • 10 Glute Hamstring Raises right into 30sec Static Hold
    • 8 Barbell Good Mornings (20-30% of today’s Snatch Pull- Complex)
    • 4 High Box Jumps

*4 Weeks to Spring Classic



Metcon: Complete 3 rounds for time:

  • 5 Squat Snatch #75/115
  • 5 Overhead Squats
  • 50 Double Unders
  • 500m Row
Diablo F!T

Conditioning: Complete 3 rounds starting every 3rd minute – alternate A & B


  • 60sec Bike
  • 2x 30’ Dumbbell Front Rack or Over Head Walking Lunge (60′ Total),
  • 12 Renegade Rows


  • 100m Sandbag Carry
  • 15 Deficit Push-ups
  • 10 Goblet Squats

Core: 4 rounds (go unbroken)

  • 30s flutter kick
  • 30s hollow body hold
  • 30s hollow body rock
  • 30s rest

Accessory: 3 rounds

  • 10 (each side) Banded clams
  • 30 Right single leg glute bridge lifts
  • 30 Left single leg glute bridge lifts
    • 15s rest
  • 1min supine Chinese plank (face up)

THURSDAY 4.26.18


Gymnastic Skill: Strict Muscle-up Progressions

Gymnastic EMOM: Week 4 EMOM

>Complete 4 rounds starting every minute on the minute – alternate between the following 3 stations


  • 10-15 GHD Sit-ups
  • 1-5 Muscle-ups
  • 45sec Chinese Plank (Add weight to the hips if looking for a bigger Challenge)

Metcon: Complete for time

  • 10 Handstand Push-ups
  • 20 Sit-ups
  • 30 Kipping Pull-ups (modify with Jumping Pull-up)
  • 20 Sit-ups
  • 10 Handstand Push-ups
Diablo Strong
  • Tall Cleans + Pause Jerks 3x(2+2) In 3 sets, build up to a moderately challenging effort. DO NOT FAIL.
  • Cleans 4×2 @ 78%
  • Jerk 5×1 @ 80%
  • Complete 3 rounds of the Duel Kettlebell Carry Complex. Increase each set.
    • 40′ Overhead Carry
    • 40′ Front Rack Walking Lunge
    • 80 Farmer Carry
  • Complete 3 rounds of:
    • 8-10 Plyo Push-up (push yourself as far off the ground at the top of the push-up then control the landing to the bottom of the Push-up)
    • 8-10 Strict Chin Ups
    • 15 Banded Triceps Extension

*4 Weeks to Spring Classic

FRIDAY 4.27.18


Strength: Squat Clean

  • Build to a max in reps 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
    • If you start to break in your positioning your are nearing your max effort if not already there.

Metcon: 3 Rounds for time:

  • 400m Run
  • 5 Squat Cleans #125/185
Diablo F!T

Conditioning: Complete 1 round every minute on the minute for 10-minutes

  • 7 V-Ups or 6 Toes to Bar
  • 7 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • 7 Goblet Squats
    • If a round isn’t completed in the minute, rest the next minute with a 30sec plank penalty. Pick back up on the next minute.

>Rest till minute 11, then complete 3 rounds starting every 3rd minute

  • Run/Row 400m

Core: 3 Rounds

Accessory: 2-3 rounds

  • 10 Reverse Snow Angel (up to 2.5)
  • 10 DB Laying Down Right Side weighted External Rotations (lightweight)
  • 10 DB Laying Down Left Side weighted External Rotations (lightweight)
  • 12 DB Arnold Presses (military Press)

SATURDAY 4.28.18


Metcon: “Filthy 60sec”

>Max reps at 10 different stations. Work 1-minute on, 1-minute off, then move to the next station.


  • Box jump 20″24″
  • Jumping pull-ups
  • Kettlebell swings #24/35
  • Walking Lunge
  • Knees to elbows (Modify sit-ups)
  • Barbell Push Press #45
  • Back extensions (Modify with Banded good Mornings or Superman)
  • Wall ball shots #14-9’/20-10′
  • Burpees
  • Double unders


Diablo Strong
  • Snatch 6×1 @ 75-80%
  • Clean & Jerk 6×1 @ 78-83%
  • Front Squat 4×3 @ 80%
  • Push Press + Bent Over Rows 10 -10 -10 (Strong Effort)
  • Laying in a Prone Position, Complete the following reps with 2-3 second hold
    • 10 Ys
    • 10Ws
    • 10 A’s
    • 10-15 Dumbbell Lat Pullover (Complete 15 reps, increase the weight #5-10)

*4 Weeks to Spring Classic

SUNDAY 4.29.18


Skill: Jerks (from a rack)

  • In 7-minutes, work up to a heavy Jerk from the Rack.
    • Drop the bar after the completion of the lift.

Metcon: Complete for time:

  • 1000m Row
  • 12 Strict Press #75/115
  • 500m Row
  • 12 Push Press
  • 500m Row
  • 12 Shoulder-to-overhead