MONDAY 5.21.18
Strength: Front Squat
- Complete 5 sets of 3 Front Squat. Work to a strong effort or a new 3RM.
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes
- 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls #53/70 (M50+ #44/53
- 200m Run
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete 3 rounds alternating A & B every 3 minutes.
- 12 Dumbbell Deadlift
- 10 Hang Squat Clean
- 8 Burpees
- 500/600m Row
Core: 3 rounds (14:30)
- 30sec L-glute bridge lifts (up and down)
- 30sec L-glute bridge hold
- 30sec R-glute bridge lifts (up and down)
- 30sec R-glute bridge hold
- 30sec rest
- 1min Chinese Plank
- 1min Prone Plank
Accessory: 2-3 rounds
- 10(per side) Weighted Curtsy squats
- 10(per side)Weighted Lunges
- 10 weighted plie squats
- 3min Wall sits
TUESDAY 5.22.18
Gymnastic Warm-up: Spend 7 minutes practicing a Handstand Walk and Pistols. This is a great time to find a good modification for the WOD if needed.
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
- 50″ Handstand Walk
- 15 Burpees
- 30 Pistols (Alternating)
Diablo Strong
- 3 sets of 5 Snatch Grip Sots Press (increase and use this as part of your warm-up)
- Snatch from the hips 7×1@70%
- 4×3 Snatch High Pulls @60-70%
- 5×3 Back Squat @75-80%
- Pick a weight that allows you to move fast and focus on bouncing out of the hole.
- Super Set: 3 Sets of 8-10: Back Ext. & 8-10 Glute Ham Raises
Metcon: Row for time
- 5x250m
- 60sec Rest after each 250m distance
- 2x500m
- 90sec Rest after each 500m distance
- 1000m
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete four 4-minute AMRAPs
>1-minute rest between rounds.
- Buy-in: 400m Run Buyin
- 7 Burpees
- 7 Wallballs (10-8’/14-9’/20-10′)
- Pick up where you left off each round.
Core: 4 rounds
- 30sec Right side plank with upper trunk rotation
- 30sec Left side plank with upper trunk rotation
- 30sec Grasshoppers
- 15sec rest
- 30sec Barbell Rotation
- 15sec rest
Accessory: 4 rounds
- 10 Straight arm banded lat pull downs (round body shape)
- 10 Banded Lat Pull Downs
- 15 Banded hamstring curls or Glute Hamstring Raises
THURSDAY 5.24.18
Strength: Snatch
- Build to a max 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 6-minutes
- 10 Kettlebell Swings #35/53
- 10 Dumbbell Push Press #35/50
Diablo Strong
- 5 Sets of 1 Power Clean + 2 Pause Jerks up to 75%
- 4 Sets (Increasing weight) of 2 Strict Press +2 Push Press
- Find a Challenging effort
- 6×2 Front Squats @ 75-85%
- 3 Sets of 5-8 Strict Pull ups (weighted if 8 is easy)
- Complete 3 sets working with #5-15 DBs
- -8-10 Incline Ys
- -8-10 Incline Ts
- -8-10 Incline Ws
- -10 Dumbbell Lat Pullover
FRIDAY 5.25.18
Metcon: Tabata Stuff
>Complete 8 rounds of 20sec on and 10sec off for (4-minutes). Rest 30sec Before starting next station.
- Double-unders
- Pull-ups
- Push-ups
- Air Squats
- Assault Bike
- Score the lowest rep completed for each movement + the total of the Assault bike Calories.
*Class may need to start in waves but should follow this rotation.
Diablo F!T
Conditioning: Complete five 3 minute AMRAPs.
- 200m Med Ball Run buy-in for each:
>Max Reps of:
- Wall Ball
- Toes-to-Bar – Modify with knee raises, or V-Ups
- Dumbbell Renegade Rows (No Push-ups)
- Dumbbell Deficit Push-ups
- Med Ball Squat Cleans
Core: 4 rounds
- 5 Jefferson curls (10-25 DB)
- 7 Banded Good Mornings (Tempo 3sec hinge-2sec hold-1sec Extend)
- 10-15 Barbell Glute Bridges (Moderate weight)
Accessory: 4 rounds (9:45min)
- 30sec Right side Banded clams
- 30sec Left side Banded clams
- 15sec rest
- 30sec Right side Donkey Kicks
- 30sec Left side Donkey kicks
- 15sec rest
SATURDAY 5.26.18
Skill Warm-up: Bar Muscle Up Skill
Metcon: 3 rounds for time of:
- 400m Run
- 12 Power Snatch #75/115
- 6 Bar Muscle-ups
Diablo Strong
- Front Rack Sots Press 3×5
- If you physically can’t do this from the front rack due to mobility issues. Press from behind the neck or work from a Narrow Grip Overhead Squat.
- Snatch 2-2-2-2 Up to 80%
- Complete 7 sets of: Double Pause Clean (Pause just off the ground @ position 3 & at Position 1, for 2 seconds each position) + Clean + Jerk
- 7x(1+1+1) working at 65-75%
- 5×3 Clean Pull @ 85-90% of your 1RM clean
- 6×6 Back Squat 73-80%
SUNDAY 5.27.18
Functional Strength: In 3-4 sets, Bear hug a sandbag and Lunge 10 steps then carry 100m unbroken.
Metcon: Complete as many rounds as possible in 14-Minutes:
- 15/20 Cal Bike
- 15/20 Cal Row
- 20 Sit-ups
- 1-minute rest