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Max Weighted Pull-up in 7-minutes
- Work up to a 1 rep max weighted pull-up (modify: band-assist strict)
At minute 7, complete 3 rounds for time: (8-minute time cap)
- 15 Pull-ups
- 15 Thrusters #65/95 (Rx+: C2B, #75/115)
Score A: Max pull-up weight
Score B: Total time, including the first 7-minutes. If you do not finish under 15 minutes, add the remaining reps as seconds to your time, i.e.: 2 full rounds completed = 15:30 (30 reps unfinished).
Coach notes:
- Max Weighted Pull-up: hold a dumbbell between the legs or use a belt with a chain to hang KBs. Start from a dead hang and pull your chin over the bar. Avoid kipping.
- Modify: weighted pull-up with band-assist strict. Start with black or green and work to the thinnest band possible or, no band.
- Metcon: This is the hardest round of “Fran” 3 times in a row. Pace the first round, faster the second and sprint the third. Do not red line it until the last round.
- Pull-ups: Use kipping pull-ups. Modify with band assistance or jumping chest to bar pull-ups.
- Thrusters: Complete the front squat with the bar on your shoulder and jump it off the shoulder. Do not begin to press before you are ready to use your legs. Same goes for the return to the front squat. Bring bar back to the Rack position before starting to squat.