“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” Benjamin Franklin
Dynamic Warm-up: Minute 0 – 20
- Coaches’ Choice Group Dynamic Warm-up
- Running Warm-up
Workout: Minute 21-50
Complete for time: (23 minute time cap)
- 1 Mile Run
Rest 3 minutes then,
Complete 2 rounds of:
- 15 Burpee-Box-Jump-Overs 20″/24″
- 200m Farmer Carry #30/45
Coach notes:
- This is a two-part workout kicking off with a benchmark run.
- Run: Push the pace on the run and go for a new 1-mile max effort. This will be your benchmark for 2018. We’ll test again later this year.
- BBJO: Keep moving here & stay low. The rep begins when the chest touches the ground and ends once both feet touch the ground on the other side. Both feet must touch the top of the box, but full extension is not required.
- Farmer Carry: Focus on keeping your shoulders pulled back and keeping your chin in a neutral position. Hook grip helps. Keep your body quiet and move quickly. Farmer carries are all about “time under load.”
Scores: Total time. 1-mile run time.