Paid forward. AM FBB. Quarters start Thu! CBD Curious. Leg day. Jordan in pencil. Grit & Cholesterol. The Week Ahead 4.05.21

Amazing Pencil Art by Keegan Hall (see link below)

“By all means let’s be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out.” Richard Dawkins 

PAY IT FORWARD When opportunities arise, be prepared to seize them. A few days ago, our friend Gail de Rita reported on social media that her beloved Toyota Tacoma pick up truck was struck and severely damaged by a hit and run driver. Gail, age 83 is the tireless Rescue & Adoption Coordinator for the non-profit NorSled Husky Rescue group. She has literally saved the lives of hundreds of Huskies in Northern California and beyond. Gail has put more than 300,000 miles on her Toyota Tacoma driving to and from animal shelters and rescue centers around California saving dogs lives and finding them new homes. Since Toyota of Walnut Creek presented Diablo CrossFit a new. logo’d Tundra to drive for 6 months, my 2012 F150 has been sitting unused. So, Yvonne and I offered it up to Gail as her new Husky mobile! The truck will literally be saving dogs’ lives. This is a big shout out to Toyota Walnut Creek (GM: Brad Barnett) for creating this awesome opportunity.


  • NEW!! FBB Tu/Thu AM – For the month of April, we’re going to test Functional Bodybuilding on Tue & Thu 10AM! This class is FULL every evening we offer it.
  • Wed PM Functional Bodybuilding is moving to Thu at 7:30P.

 INDIVIDUAL QUARTERFINALS ARE HERE! April 8th – 11th. New in 2021, the next stage of the CrossFit Games are the online Quarterfinals. Diablo athletes who qualified for the quarterfinals will have to complete multiple workouts over several days with a judge and on video. CrossFit will release 1-2 workouts each day (!!) at 12PM and the workout results must be posted within 24 hours. This is a new and exciting format. Repeating workouts will be very difficult and leaderboarding should be amazing! If you’d like to watch these athletes complete their workouts, stay tuned to our Diablo FB group for days and times. Only 120 athletes in North America move on to the SemiFinal events scheduled for this summer.

Diablo’s Qualifying Athletes

  • Alessandra Pichelli (training in Atlanta at Training Think Tank)
  • Lara Erlank
  • Antonia (Annie) Clark
  • Kendra Watters
  • Jillian Robards
  • Cynthia Pammet
  • Hayden Cherry
  • Kim Hilen
  • Jackson Miller
  • Jonathan Castro
  • Nick Culum
  • Jason Berger
  • Eric Albertoni

Most Likely Workout Days/Times: 

  • Thursday & Friday 1PM – 3:30PM (Main Gym)
  • Saturday 12:30PM – 4PM (Main Gym)
  • Sunday 10AM – 11AM (Main Gym)

TWEET OF THE WEEK  (retweet, Diablo CrossFit) “No passport required, just desire.” 

CBD CURIOUS? FREE EDUCATION EVENT DIABLO: CBD & THC – Saturday April 17th at 1PM. Hold the date! Dr. Solomon MD will be at Diablo CrossFit to talk about CBD, THC, topicals, ingestibles and inhalables – what works and why. This is a free event, but attendance will be limited due to Covid restrictions. Registration information will be published soon.

Click here for the Progression Calendar. “Don’t skip leg day!”

  • Primary Strength: Deadlift!
  • Secondary Strength: Back Squat + DB Bench Press
  • Skill: Balance

The week ahead:

  • Mon: Back Squat & Floor Press. Metcon: Amrap 9m – 6 BBox Jump, 10 DB Power Cleans, 200m Run
  • Tue: Amrap 20m – 1000m Row, 9 S2OH #115/185
  • Wed: Core & Balance work. Metcon: AMRAP 7m – 6 T2B, 6 Pull-ups, 12 Power Snatch #75/115
  • Thu: Deadlift. Metcon – 3xE4MOM: 15/20c Bike, 15 KB Swings, 12 SA Lunge
  • Fri: 2 RFT – 800m Run, 6 HSCleans #135/205, 12 BF Burpees, 18 K2E
  • Sat: Amrap 14m – 8 Strict HSPU, 16FC Lunges #35/50, 40 DUs
  • Sun: Amrap 15m – 400m Row, 30 Situps, 20WBs, 100m SB Carry

CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Listening To or Watching)

Keegan Hall – From Start Ups to Artist – I saw Keegan Hall’s art work online (I follow a lot of art sites for Alana) and was blown away by his incredible pencil art. His work hit the mainstream when he posted his incredible Michael Jordan piece on Reddit (click: this is a pencil drawing!!). His story is really cool – and inspirational.

“I Never Would Have Done This CrossFit Shit Otherwise” – Jose Sanchez Story – This is a gritty, inspirational story from one tough son-of-a-bitch.

CrossFit Health – Cholesterol & Statins.. Good Reading 

 And, If you really want to go deep into the weeds, including the Framingham study that led to our “dietary fat fear”:

Make it an awesome week!
