Life shrinks or expands in proportion with one’s courage. Anaïs Nin
WEARABLES – WTF? At the CrossFit Games, I took advantage of a purchase discount for a new WHOOP device – a fitness wearable. It does not have a screen, rather it transmits the data to an app on my phone. The WHOOP is unique because it measures Heart Rate Variability and interprets the value to determine recovery. HRV is the variance of elapsed time between heartbeats. A low HRV is an indicator that the heart is in auto-recovery mode – and rest is needed. WHOOP also measures heart rate & sleep, including stages of sleep. Coupled with an automated diary, WHOOP can give you an indication of when you’ll be ready for peak performance. I’m finding the WHOOP most helpful to manage my sleep – so important for performance and health.
The market for fitness tracking wearables is experiencing explosive growth and it’s easy to see why. They can provide accountability, especially if connected to a tracking service. It is also very easy to see how insurance companies, hospitals and doctors might use wearables to manage health, especially if connected to a blood glucose monitor. And remember, weight loss is best achieved with a calorie deficit AND regular exercise & daily movement (ie., walking). Wearables can provide daily goals and results tracking.
I’ve never been a fan of wearing devices – watches or heart rate monitors. However, the daily data from my WHOOP is keeping me on board. And, Yvonne recently added me to a Diablo group which creates a bit of a competitive push to keep my activity up and sleep strong. I see the value. And, more importantly, I’m encouraged for the future, especially for helping to end chronic disease in America.
FAREWELL COACH STEPHEN Coach & Media Director Stephen is moving with his family to Santa Cruz to work for RPM Training (you know their jump ropes) on their media team. This is a great full-time, career opportunity for Stephen. RPM just landed their first investment funding and will be launching at-home functional fitness workout programming that includes equipment packages. Stephen has made big media contributions to Diablo, Row’d Royalty & Progressive Programming and is a favorite coach for the teens. We’ll miss seeing him and his family (and his media work) at Diablo, but we wish him best of luck and look forward to watching his success at RPM.
ROW’D ROYALTY SUMMER SPLASH STARTS THIS WEEK! Summer Splash is only 1 weekend – but, we’ll be announcing 3 total workouts that must be completed by Monday, Aug 30th. Registration is only $10. Cash prizes will be awarded for the top three athletes in all age groups and divisions. You can register here!
DIABLO FALL CLASSIC – IN-HOUSE OLY COMP Competitions are coming back! Head Oly Coach Carrie Olson will be directing our Fall Classic Olympic Lifting Competition on Sunday, September 26th. All athletes welcome! Registration will be on the app soon.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: “A broke down tow-truck helps no one. If you are unhealthy because you have to take care of others first, change your priorities. Moms, Dads, Spouses, Healthcare Workers, Teachers: eat well, sleep well & exercise so you can operate at your best. Fix your tow-truck.”
The week ahead:
- Mon – 3rnds of 5 sets of rowing for calories
- Tue – Snatch. Metcon: 9-6-3, OHS #95/135, BFBurpees
- Wed – 3RFT: 30/40c Bike, 3 Rope Climbs, 6 HSPU, 9 High Box Jumps (24/30)
- Thu – Amanda: 9-7-5 Muscle Ups & Snatch #135
- Fri – FS & Jerk. Metcon: Amrap 7m – 12 HPC #75/115, 12 Box Jump Overs
- Sat – 5 RFT: 400m Run, 8 T2B, 6 Deadlift
- Sun – 10RFT: 7/10c Bike, 25 DUs, 12 Situps
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Hearing, Watching, Using or Buying)
I’m still enjoying my recent Audible purchases: “What Doesn’t Kill Us” and “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors”. But, I finally got Apple TV and Yvonne and I are loving these:
- The Morning Show – Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon & Steve Carrell. The politics are brutal. The acting is outstanding.. of course.
- Schmigadoon – A young married couple on a retreat end up trapped in a musical. It took a minute to get into it, but it’s so damn creative and unique, you can’t help but enjoy it and laugh.
- Ted Lasso – Watched an episode on my flight back from the Games. Now, deep into Season 1 and it’s brilliant – a great story and funny af.
Make it an awesome week!