Statistics & Informed Consent. Semis are coming, so is Murph. GOTG3. The Week Ahead 5.08.23

“Blur the distinction between strength training & metabolic conditioning for the simple reason that nature’s challenges are typically blind to the distinction.” Greg Glassman

I LOVE STATISTICS & INFORMED CONSENT:  One of the most appealing qualities of CrossFit for me is that it is the only fitness methodology that is measurable & repeatable. It is evidence based fitness. 

One of my favorite classes in high school was Probability & Statistics. My teacher was very skilled at teaching the principles of probability with real-life examples of how data provided crucial insight to better decision-making and how statistical analysis could prevent costly mistakes. Later in life, as an investment industry executive, I worked with top- tier data management companies to help leading investment company analysts and managers make better investment decisions. Two of my favorite research company partners included Ross Smith Energy Group (Oil & Gas Resaearch) and Datamonitor (Pharma Research). Ross Smith is a team of Reservoir Engineers who compiled and analyzed massive amounts of Country, State and County oil drilling data to help oil & gas companies make important decisions about land acquisitions and test drilling locations for future reserves. Datamonitor is a leading pharma & biotech research analyst that supports both the pharma industry and the related investment community. Datamonitor helped me understand the incredible complexity and process of testing and clinical trials required for FDA approval of drugs and the extraordinary efforts of pharm & biotech companies to deliver drugs to market.

As a result of my fascination with probability & statistics and my experience with pharma research, I was keenly interested in listening to the recent Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Aseem Malhotra (see “Craigslist” below) who discusses the clinical trial data for statins (a trillion$ industry) and CV19 vaccines. This was an extraordinary discussion. Dr. Malhotra’s research and evaluation of the data is simply statistical analysis of their data. And, it does not reflect positively on pharma or the medical community. Unfortunately, many Doctors, hospitals and media often don’t do the research themselves (or don’t have access to the data) and mostly rely upon pharma representatives to assess risks & benefits. Thus, comprehensive risk assessment for drug intervention is up to the consumer. Demand full-disclosure. Do your own research online. Understand “efficacy” especially as it relates to the health risks. Informed consent is a patient right.

HERALD & JACKSON HEAD-TO-HEAD:  Coach Herald & Coach Jackson got together for a jumprope skill sesh last week – trading technique and practice ideas for more elaborate moves. Herald has been teaching himself new jumprope skills over that last month – showing his progress on his IG page. Pretty cool stuff. 

MURPH IS COMING – MEMORIAL DAY – ‘Murph is arguably the most recognized of all the CrossFit hero workouts – workouts created by CrossFit to memorialize CrossFit military, police or fire personnel who died in the line of service. Murph, named for Navy Seal Lt. Micheal Murphy is:  1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats and another 1 mile run. Wear a weight vest if you have it. We will be running heats on Memorial Day from 7AM – 11AM. 

TEEN TRIALS – COMPETITION AT DIABLO – SAT MAY 13!  It’s finally here! This Saturday, May 13th, Diablo CrossFit is hosting the first “Teen Trials” competition. Our goal is to help promote the Sport of Fitness to the next generation – encouraging more participation. We’ll be closing part of the gym (and some classes) to make room for 30+ teen athletes who will be competing in their first competition. If you’d like to volunteer to help with registration, judging, or set-up & take-down, please email us at [email protected].

DIABLO AÑEJO AT THE SEMIFINALS IN PASADENA May 25-27, DIablo’s Anejo Team (Jackson, Kristjahn, Beth & Emily), will be competing with 40 total teams trying to earn an invitation to the CrossFit Games in August. The top 10 teams at the invitational will qualify. We’ll have a good size crew of Diablo members on site to cheer them on! Join us if you can.

TWEET OF THE WEEK:  “The bulk of your day-to-day concerns will be resolved with a 30 minute walk in nature.”  #nophone

May Focus:  Primary: High Bar Back Squat,  Secondary: Push & Row,  Skill: Murph Prep
PRsAll Day Calendar & Newsletter

Mon:  Back Squat. Metcon: 3RFT – 8 Pistols, 8 SA KB Swings, 16 Box Jumps
Tue: Press & Row. Metcon: EMOMx3 – STOH, Cleans, Rest  #95/135
Wed: Amrap 14m – 9DL, 6 WW, 3 Rope Climbs  #155/225
Thu: Murph Prep. Metcon: 600m Run, 1m Rest, 400m Run, 1m Rest, 200m Run
Fri: 5RFT – 5 Clean & Jerk, 12 Box Jumps #145/205
Sat: Amrap 20m – 700/800m Row, 15 T2B, 12 DB Devil Press, 8 DB Devil Press
Sun: 3RFT – 20/30c Air Bike, 200m SB Carry, 10/15c Bike, 12 Goblet Walking Lunges


Podcast: Pharma, Statins & the Vax: Rogan with Dr. Aseem Malhotra #1979 – This is NOT tinfoil hat stuff. This is an amazing podcast discussing actual trial data from the pharm companies. Statins are a trillion dollar industry world wide – and massively over prescribed according to Dr. Aseem’s data analysis. The vaccine generated $100 billion dollars in revenue for Pfizer yet statistically causes more harm than prevents hospitalization from CV19. Dr. Aseem Malhotra, MD, is an NHS Trained Consultant Cardiologist, and visiting Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health, Brazil. Statin Data Analysis: forward 27:00. “after looking at all of the drug trials at lowering LDL cholesterol in preventing heart attacks and heart disease – there is no correlation.”   CV Vaccination Data Analysisforward to 1:27:30. “In my whole career .. I have never seen something when you look at the data which has such poor effectiveness and such unprecedented harms.”

Podcast:  Jocko Podcast 384: Always Finding Ways to Get Stronger, Faster, and Fitter. With Dave Castro – If you’re a fan of Dave Castro, Head of Education at CrossFit (and founder of the CrossFit Games), you’ll enjoy this podcast. I’ve known Dave personally for almost 15 years and this is the most I’ve heard him talk about himself, his family, his Navy Seal experiences and CrossFit career. I’m grateful that CrossFit has him on the leadership team. 

Show: Bill Maher Interview with Elon Musk – I wish this was one was longer. Discussed:  AI, Twitter, Woke Culture, Love. 

Healthcare Industry Journal: Why Promoting Health & Fitness Should Be A Primary Goal for All US Health Systems.  This is a break-through media piece for CrossFit written by the Healthcare Financial Management Association: a Q&A with Michael Giardina, the Sr. Mgr of Health Education for CrossFit in DC. The HFMA is acknowledging the significant financial benefits and improved health outcomes for an integrated approach with fitness & healthcare.

Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy 3 – Yvonne, Alana and I loved this one. It’s hard to say its the best one, because they have all been very good, but damn this is a great movie. Incidentally, GOTG is my fav of the Marvel movie series. The story line is fantastic, with an ode to Rocket’s origin, and a prelude to the future of the series. As usual, the cast is funny as hell, but, this one also tugs at your heart strings – tears may be shed. But, it is an awesome feel-good experience and reminder of why theater movies are a fun time. 

Make it an awesome week!

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