CrossFit’s Big Future. More Burpees. All The Comps. Living with an Eating Disorder. Train Flight & 1 Star Review. TWA 9.16.24

Diablo Representing! 
Coach Jamie Lee and I were invited to speak on a Coaches’ panel and Owner Panel at the West Coast Region Affiliate Gathering in San Diego. More details below.

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” 
Edmund Burke


  • CrossFit Is Gonna Be Ok
  • A Lot of Fng Burpees
  • All The Competitions!
  • Living (& Doing CF) With An Eating Disorder
  • Train Flight, 1 Star Reviews, Why CF?


CROSSFIT AFFILIATES RULE –  I traveled to San Diego this weekend to attend the West Coast Affiliate Summit with Coach Jamie Lee. More than 60 affiliate owners and another 50 or 60 coaches were in attendance at the gathering hosted by CrossFit Invictus. Don Faul, the CEO, and several members of his team were on hand to give an update on CrossFit and an outlook on the near future. Jamie Lee was invited to participate on a Coaches’ panel and I participated on an Affiliate owner panel. The day was long, but full of great content, good news, and many opportunities to connect with other affiliate owners and coaches. Everyone was very optimistic for the future.

Don Faul talked about his recent trip to Washington DC (with TrueMed) and his experience on Capital Hill with lawmakers, lobbying for more support for HSA inclusion and even Medicare and Medicaid support for gym memberships. He told us about a bill that recently passed a key committee in the House of Reps (Treat & Reduce Obesity Act 2024) that would provide Medicare coverage for Wegovy & GLP1s for life. If the Bill becomes law, the impact is expected to be $1trillion per year. The primary benefactor would be Novo Nordisk, a Danish Pharma company, the maker of Wegovy & Ozempic. Gym memberships, however, are not on the docket.

Don also detailed the efforts of his marketing team who have recaptured the search term “CrossFit” from predatory companies that hijacked the search term & key word. Searching “CrossFit” on Google yields local CrossFit affiliates and CrossFit’s main page which redirects traffic to local affiliates. CrossFit also recently secured the last significant international trademark protection for “CrossFit”: Mexico!  Don also announced a new CrossFit Channel dedicated to Training – along with a Training Podcast lead by Nicole Carroll. Finally, he also discussed plans for a weekly video release of “stories from affiliates” which will the CF media team will be launching soon. 

Finally, Don also responded to owner questions about the business and industry. He finished with one last question: what is the future of Sport at CrossFit? Don reaffirmed the importance of the Open and the Sport to CrossFit. The Open brings our community together for 3 weeks like no other event in the the fitness world. The Games represent the epitome of human performance created by CrossFit. That said, over the next few months, CF will be evaluating Sport and the upcoming season with announcements likely coming before the end of the year.

Check out our PRsAllDay podcast on Wed at 10AM (or on Apple Podcasts & Spotify) for a detailed review of the meeting and speakers. And for a little more positivity on CrossFit, be sure to watch the Buttery Bros video and Miranda Alcarez’ video below.

SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE NFA:  No Fng Around now… you better start your burpees in the morning and spread ’em out throughout the day! 

  • Week 1: 25 Burpees & 30s of LSits / Day
  • Week 2: 50 Burpees & 1min LSits / Day
  • Week 3: 75 Burpees & 90secs LSits / Day
  • Week 4: 100 Burpees & 2m LSits / Day


Scoring:  Complete your Daily Burpees = 1pt. Complete your Daily LSits = 1pt. (Total 2pts).  No Sugar in the last 24 hours = Check the box.

HEADS UP:  Sober October is coming…. 

A BIT ABOUT DIABLO:  Competitions were our jam. From 2012 to 2016ish, Diablo hosted as many as 4 fitness competitions per year – most of them on site! During this era, CrossFit competitions were community gatherings as well as tests of fitness. Many local affiliates would host competitions and invite all the surrounding affiliates to attend. We’d bring our tents and camping chairs and make a day out of it – working out and catching up with our CrossFit friends. Some of our favorite events included:

Deuces Wild – this was a popular comp in our local community: teams of two (m/m & f/f) – competing in 3-4 workouts in a day. In 2015 we split the days: the women team competed on Saturday and the Men’s teams competed on Sunday.

Average Joe’s – another hit! Our goal was to put together a competition for the “average” CrossFitter. To qualify, you could NOT finish in the top 200 in the Northern California Region in the Open. Our last iteration of Avg Joes was held at the Martinez Indoor Sports Facility. 

Bro’s & Bettys Team Competition – Teams of 3! Bro’s & Betty’s was a creative team competition that required each team (mmm/fff) to have a least ONE Masters athlete or ONE novice on the team. 

Masters Madness – MM was our most popular competition. This competition was a Masters mixed pairs partner competition (M/F). Our last edition, in 2014 was a Halloween edition which encouraged team costumes. The Masters delivered. 

Which one of these events should we bring back?

September Focus: 
1. Hang Snatch & C&J Complex 2. Back Squats  3. Ring Muscle Ups



YT: ATHLETIC INSPIRATION OF THE YEAR! – This is an ingenious (and dangerous) stunt that is a showcase of human performance capacity. (The long version)

YouTube: Buttery Bros 1 Star Gym Reviews – The Buttery Bros take down some 1-Star Reviews with CrossFit Affiliate visits and 5 Star Review of their own! It’s a brilliant idea and makes you wanna go visit a CrossFit affiliate! 

YouTube: Miranda Alcarez, Street Parking -“Why I Still Choose CrossFit” – Miranda Alcarez and her husband Julian are the owners of Street Parking Fitness, an incredible, online, at-home, garage fitness program that has more than 30,000 subscribers. Miranda has been a fitness enthusiast for more than 20 years, AND started CrossFit 18 years ago. She is a former Games athlete and a “Red Shirt” Trainer for CrossFit. And, she still chooses CrossFit for much of her fitness. Miranda talks about her fitness history, why CrossFit works and why she’s still a fan. 

Make it an awesome week!
