Rob Reinhard, M.Ed, Founder, Head Coach, Triactive Endurance.
USA Triathlon, Ironman University, Metabolic Efficiency Training Specialist.
Rob has advanced degrees in clinical & counseling psychology as well as sociology with a minor in physical anthropology. Simply put, Rob understands human behavior and works extensively with his athletes to unleash their true potential. Rob’s many years of experience racing and coaching athletes of all levels of ability and skill led him to retire from psychology to open a training facility specifically for triathlon and other endurance athletes-something that allows him to monitor and work closely with athletes to bring out untapped potential.
In this podcast, Rob and I talk about the PNOE device & tests he uses to measure O2 intake & CO2 output matched to heart rate in order to maximize endurance capacity & fitness. Rob is a physiology geek and understands the science of fitness performance better than anyone – especially for endurance athletes. This was a cool discussion and could have gone longer.
If you’re interested in a comprehensive test of your fitness – i.e., when do you stop burning fat and start burning glycogen – stop by Tri-Active Endurance (next door to Diablo CrossFit) and talk to Rob. Or visit the Tri-Active Endurance Website.