Double Dutch 2019 Schedule & Workouts
- 8:00 – 8:30: Team Registration
- 8:30 – 8:45: Athlete Briefing
- 8:45 – 9:45: Double Dutch 19.1
- 10:00 – 10:45: Double Dutch 19.2
- 11:00 – 12:00: Double Dutch 19.3
- 12:15 – 12:30: Awards Ceremony
DD 19.1: “You Go, I Go” – AMRAP 12M
With a Partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 12-minutes
- 100m Sandbag Carry #45/65
- 12 Pull-ups (Modify 15 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups)
- 100m KB Farmer Carry #53/70 (M&S: #35/53)
*Partners must alternate every station.
Athlete Notes:
With the allotted time, get as many rounds as possible by alternating stations.
Example: Partner A completes the sandbag carry, partner B completes the Pull-ups, Partner A Completes Farmer Carry which makes Round1. Then, Partner B starts with SB then, Partner A completes the Pull-ups, then Partner B Does the FC. Continue this for the 12-Minutes
Score: Each round is worth 16 reps (19 Reps if Modified), during the carries, each 50m is scored as a 1 rep.
DD 19.2: “Strongman” – Lift Complex in 8M
In 8 minutes, both partners must complete the following Clean, Hang Clean, Front Squat complex.
- 1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 2 Front Squats
Athlete Notes: The front Squats start at the top of the rack position. A Hang Squat Clean does not count for a Front Squat.
Score: Total of best weights lifted for each athlete, combined. Note: Masters, Women & Scaled loads will be handicapped.
DD 19.3: “Hold that Chipper“ – For Time
One partner works at a time, while the other partner completes a Static Hold as indicated. Divide work as desired.
- 60 Thrusters #65/95 (S/M #53/75) / Dead Hang
- 50 Ground to Overhead / Plank
- 40 Alternating Box Jumps 20”/24” (Scaled: Step Ups)
- 30 Bar Facing Burpees (break up the reps as needed. No static hold)
- 200m Run (Each – relay style)
Score: Time to complete the workout.
Athlete Notes: Reps do not count unless “static” athlete is in place. Box Jumps and Burpees are alternating as desired with NO hold. 200M run is alternating.
DD 19.4: “Floater” – The Nerf Biathlon for Max Calories in 6M
This workout may be completed at any time during the competition.
Only 1 partner may work at a time. Alternate partners as follows:
- Ski for Calories 10/15 (M&S: 7/10)
- Hit 2 Targets with 4 Shots
- Target miss penalty: 20 Double Unders (M: 15 DUs / S: 40 SUs)
Score: Total Calories Ski’d
Athlete Notes: Partner must complete the total required calories AND shoot the two targets (and/or the penalty) before the next partner can begin.