As you know we’re in a lockdown in the Bay Area. Diablo CrossFit is closed until Monday, Mar 4th. These are crazy times and we’re all in it together – and, we’ll get through it together, stronger than ever. Thank you for your support and awesome emails and DMs.
We have received many messages from members offering to continue paying your membership despite the closure. We are truly grateful. As a small business, times like these are a challenge. We are eager to maintain payroll for our team, cover our rent and continue operating for the long term. Yvonne and I don’t have a “Plan B”. Diablo is our only plan.
That said, we know that you are also financially affected by this situation. Therefore, if you are interested in suspending your membership until this situation passes, please email us at info@diablocrossfit.com.
Diablo is publishing two At-Home workouts for you on Sugarwod: A “minimal equipment” workout and a “no-equipment” workout. Coach Jamie will be providing daily videos to help guide you along the way. Please join our crew on Sugarwod and post your workout results with us!
If you need access to Sugarwod, download the app on your phone, select “Diablo CrossFit” as your affiliate and use the access code: Diablocf4u
Free At-Home Equipment for Diablo Members!
If you’d like some “at-home” equipment for your “minimal equipment” workout, we’re loaning equipment to members. Schedule your pick-up by email to: info@diablocrossfit.com. Please make it here on time. Park in the large lot, and wait for the only spot in front of the gym to open. We’ll serve one member at a time.
Coach Andrew will be putting together “Shelter-In-Place” challenges for all of us. Now that most of us have lots of free time at home, this is the best time to work on things like… nutrition (gasp!), mobility (ugh!) and maybe even some bodyweight skills. Look for Coach Andrew on IG and in our Facebook group and let’s get better together!
As we take this time to continue to improve ourselves, please share your at-home workout stories, your personal improvement tips and your motivating messages with our community. There’s a lot of negativity online right now, and since we can’t make it into the gym, we all can use a dose of Diablo love online.
Diablo is our life. We’re all in and, I truly believe we’ll come out the other side of this better and stronger than ever. And, I’m very hopeful, when it is over, that the global community asks the question: “what can I do to make myself stronger and healthier in case this happens again?” If they do, I know that we have the answer. #diablostrong
Very Sincerely,
Craig & Yvonne