“Common sense is not so common.” Voltaire
A BRIEF REFLECTION ON THE EVENTS OF LAST WEEK I am appalled and terribly saddened by the assault upon our Capital building and the senseless deaths of 5 Americans. I have lots of thoughts on the events of last week, but I didn’t have sufficient time to put them into a meaningful written format. I will only say that social media keyboard discourse exacerbates many of the problems we face as a nation – it is not healthy. And, I like to think that our Diablo community represents what is possible for us as a Country: coming together daily for a common cause without regard for politics, race, gender, religion or sexual preference. I am hopeful for the future. Craig
1 MILLION FISTBUMPS! In October, Diablo CrossFit started using SugarWOD to post workouts and record results. It was extremely user friendly and allowed cool social interaction among members, who gave each other virtual fistbumps on workout performances. 4 years later, Diablo members have logged almost 200,000 workouts and given each other more than 1 million fistbumps. It’s an incredible representation of the power of positivity in our amazing community. I am extremely grateful.
ROW’D ROYALTY GIVEAWAYS! Row’d Royalty starts Thursday, Jan 14th. Results for the 1st workout are due on Monday, the 18th. Every week for 4 weeks, we’ll be announcing a new workout AND giving away a Concept 2 Rower AND a Jason Falcon Macro Nutrition Coaching program.
To qualify, all you have to do is REGISTER and complete the workouts!
And, by the way, it’s ok to not participate. Watch this important message from Coach Andrew & me about all of the acceptable reasons to avoid Row’d Royalty in 2021.
ROW’D ROYALTY CLASS On Thursdays & Sundays, we’ve added a Row’d Royalty class where you can do the RR workout of the week. Your coach will get you warmed up and help you program your monitor for the event.
- Thursday at 6 PM (Outdoors)
- Sunday at 12:30 PM
RTC19 NUTRITION CHALLENGE WEEK 2: Beat Week 1! Check out your week 1 total and beat your number this week. Stay in the game, post your daily results. Bad day? Nbd. Shake it off and crush the next day. Here’s the weekly totals. Remember: 10 points for each: no alcohol, no sugar, no processed food, Diablo wod, 30 minutes of walking and 7 hours of sleep (max 60 pts!).
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
- Mon: 4RFT – 12 T2B, 500m Row, 8 Shoulder-to-Overhead #95/135
- Tue: Front Squat. Metcon: Amrap 9m – 3,3/6,6/9,9… DBHSC #35/50, Burp-over-bar
- Wed: 3RFT – 800m Run, 20 Alt DB Snatch #35/50, 1m Plank
- Thu: Gymnastic Skills. Amrap 7m – 5 Pullups, 8 HR Push Ups, 10/15 Ca Bike
- Fri: DB Lunges. Metcon: Amrap 12m – 30s L-sit, 40 DUs, 12 DB Renegade Rows #35/50
- Sat: Open 13.1 Amrap 17m – Burpees over bar & Snatch
- Sun: E3MOMx5 – 8DB HC & Press #35/50, 10 DB Thrusters, 12 K2E
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Listening To or Watching)
Talking Elite Fitness: The Open Rulebook. Affiliate Teams are back! Tommy & Sean lay out the rules for the 2021 Open in an easy to understand way. Yes, Diablo will have a team..maybe more.
Tiger Woods on HBO. Yvonne and I closely followed Tiger’s amazing golf career so it was fascinating to watch this well done piece on his life, career, his fall from grace and his incredible comeback.
Let’s make it a much better week!