“Fall in love with the process and the results will follow.” Bradley Whitford
OUR FIRST DIABLO UNITED SCHOLARSHIP ATHLETE! Jesus Saucedo, 17, will be starting at Diablo next week! Coach Rick Nolley and I launched Diablo United to make CrossFit accessible for low-income, minority communities to improve health, create career opportunities, and inspire entrepreneurs. Despite delays caused by Covid closures and mandates, Rick and I kept working on our program, while seeking qualified applicants. After partnering with Youth Homes in Pleasant Hill, we faced more hurdles with the second shelter-in-place order. Fortunately, a former member, Chris Wofford, reached out looking for used equipment for his neighbor, Jesus, who loved to workout but couldn’t afford a barbell and plates. After speaking to Chris, we agreed Jesus would be a great candidate for our new scholarship program. After completing the application and a subsequent Zoom interview, Jesus was granted our first Diablo United Scholarship!
WINNING IS NOT FUN Diablo received it’s 5th fine from the County last week ($1k). We have filed a written appeal and were granted a court date in February. Unfortunately, according to my attorney, if we “win” the appeal, it will not be fun – nor will it be over. Filing the appeal and presenting our case in court (online) generates legal fees. If we win, we still have to pay legal fees. And, according to my attorney, the County will likely appeal the decision, which will elevate to the Appellate Court, which will incur more legal costs. And, if we lose in Appellate Court, the fines will be due again…with penalties & interest. Keep in mind, that Appellate Court Judges are appointed by the Governor, whose mandates we’ve violated (ruh-roh!). An Appellate Court judgement can be appealed to the State Supreme Court, with substantial legal costs along the way.
The alternative to all of this, is to pay the fines, write them off and hope that the County opens up gyms soon. Either way, I’ve got some decisions to make. It ain’t easy being a rebel.
ROW’D ROYALTY IS UNDER WAY AND THE RESULTS ARE CRAZY! We are seeing some UNBELIEVABLE results from some new RR rowers. We have World Record Holders, Olympic Gold Medalists, Olympic Rowers…it’s a bit insane.
Workout 21.1 was announced Thursday: Row 500m x 4 intervals, no rest. Scores are due by 6PM PT on Monday!
- 21.1 A: 3rd 500m Split
- 21.2 B: 2,000m Row Time
Holy wow! In the Men’s Tall Division, Isaiah Harrison, a 16 year-old phenom from Coeur D’Alene, Idaho has the top scores so far with a 2,000m row time of 5:49.1 (a Concept2 world record for his age group). His 3rd 500m split was 1:26.8 ! Check the back story on this amazing athlete.
Crazy good! On the Women’s side, Indoor Rowing World Record Holder, Vwairé Obukohwo of Great Britain, put up a 2,000m row time of 6:51.7 and a 3rd 500m split time. Vwaire is a member of the Great Britain Start program – vying for a spot on the GB Rowing Team.
Want to join in the fun? Just REGISTER and complete the workouts. There’s 3 more weeks left!
STRONG AT NIGHT Back by popular demand: evening Strong class. Tue/Thu at 6PM. Coach Harold will be taking the reins this week!
RTC19 NUTRITION CHALLENGE WEEK 2: We lost a few participants this week, but we’re still 78 strong! Week 2 scores are in – did you beat Week 1? Check out your week 2 & total score There’s 2 more weeks to go – hang in there! This week’s goal: absolutely ZERO alcohol.
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
- Mon: OH Lunge work. Metcon: FT- 800m run, 60 Sit ups, 40 KB Swings, 20 Box Jumps
- Tue: HSPU work. Metcon: E3MOMx3 – 10/15c Bike, 8 Ring Dips
- Wed: FT – 1k Row then 5 Rnds – 5 C&J #95/135, 6/8 Strict Pullups, 35 DUs, then Row 500m
- Thu: OHS. Metcon: Amrap 8m – 12 Alt DB Snatch, 12 Suitcase Lunge, 12 Burp Box Jump Over
- Fri: CrossFit Games 11.5 – 5 PC #100/140, 10 T2B, 15 WB
- Sat: E4MOMx5 – 15/20c Bike, 12/15 Push-ups, 200m Run
- Sun: Amrap 20m – 10 Burpees, 15 Pull-ups, 10 HS Snatch #65/95, 35 DUs
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Listening To or Watching)
Josh Mat Sevan Podcast – Test 1 – Former Games athlete Josh Bridges, CF Games Champion Mat Fraser and ex CF Media Director, Sevan Matossian get together online to talk about training, the Games and guy-stuff. I really enjoyed this one! It reminded me of the beginnings of the CrossFit Games – when no one took themselves too seriously and it was about the camaraderie and fun. Mat shares some gems about his training methodology as well – and silences the talk about a grudge with Rich.
Canadian expert’s research finds lockdowns are 10 times greater than benefits – Toronto Sun Dr. Ari Joffe is a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases at the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton. This is a fascinating interview in which Ari Joffe talks about the health impacts of the economic shut down. I think we’ll see more articles like this over the next year.
CrossFit makes you resilient to Covid-19 Hospitalization? Mayo Clinic: “Maximal exercise capacity is independently and inversely associated with the likelihood of hospitalization due to COVID-19.”
Make it an awesome week!