“Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential.” Liane Cordes
STANDING OUR GROUND Last week Diablo received two letters from the Contra Costa County District Attorney advising us that a complaint was received indicating that we were not requiring masks indoors and we were not checking for proof of vaccination. We were advised that future violations could result in fines (up to $2500). Ironically, 1 week later, the County Health Director publicly announced that the indoor mask mandate would be lifted on November 1st for gyms and other locations, with the requirement that all participants be vaccinated.
Throughout the entire pandemic, we have endured mixed messages, changing goals, and false assumptions about our business from multiple Government officials: Federal, State, County and City. For example, just 4 days prior to announcing the Nov 1st end of the mask mandate for gyms, the County publicly announced that the target was January 1st, 2022 – after extensive criteria were met. And, over the last 18 months, the County Health Director repeatedly referred to gyms in public memos and on social media as “high risk” locations for possible infection without any contact tracing data to support the claim.
Diablo CrossFit, and several other CrossFit gyms in the County have experienced no outbreaks among members or staff. In 18 months, 0 Diablo staff members have had Covid, despite 70,000+ member visits. Less than 15 Diablo members have reported that they had Covid, and all reported their cases originated outside of our facility. Our contact tracing efforts (notification of other class members who may have been exposed) yielded 0 cases from our facility. Meanwhile, over the last 18 months, our members have lost weight, become stronger, healthier and more fit – physically and mentally.
We have had excellent success in preventing a Covid outbreak via the exceptional circulation of outdoor air and enforcing safe distancing. These measures are proven at Diablo and at many other CrossFit gyms. As a result, there is no need to increase our protective measures. Our doors are open. The fans are on. Fitness is happening.
Thank you to our amazing community for supporting us.
CONTRA COSTA #’S: Good news! Contra Costa County numbers continue their weekly decline: 1,239 total cases (down 81% from Aug 14). Total CCC hospitalizations are at a 7 day average of 56 patients (down 75% from Aug 23).
“AMAZING GRACE” – DIABLO’S ANNUAL CHARITY EVENT – SATURDAY, OCT 23 Every year for the last 12 years, Diablo CrossFit has hosted an October Charity Event based upon the famous CrossFit Benchmark “Girl” workout, “Grace”. Grace is 30 Clean & Jerks at #95 for women and #135 for men. For the first 9 years, our contributions supported the non-profit “Barbells for Boobs”, which helped fund mammograms in low-income communities. When the BB4B organization evolved to become an advisory group, we decided to continue our annual tradition and direct our member donations to individuals or non-profits where we could have the biggest direct, positive impact. In our 10th year, our donations went to the family of member Sarah Aronsen, who succumbed to a glioblastoma brain tumor. Last year, our contributions went to the non-profit NorSled Dog Rescue that was struggling to maintain their operations during the pandemic.
In 2021, our 12th year of “Amazing Grace”, our contributions will go to help provide Community Youth Center scholarships for children in low-income communities. The CYC of Concord is a 55,000 square-foot athletic and classroom facility that provides a wide range of sport and fitness training for children: football, boxing, martial arts, weightlifting, soccer, cheer, gymnastics and more. More than 20% of the children that attend this awesome facility are on scholarships because of their family financial situations.
Beginning Monday, you’ll be able to sign up for a heat time on Saturday and make a donation!
WELCOME COACH JACKSON! 4 year member and All-Big Ten Swimmer, Jackson Miller is Diablo’s newest Coach.
HHC21 UPDATE: Get your walks in (20points)! Walking is excellent at reducing blood glucose levels, reducing stress and burning calories. Check out “Craigslist” below.
ROMWOD ON SUGARWOD! ROMWOD is an amazing 15-45 minute daily mobility & meditation workout program. You can find their workouts on Diablo’s Sugarwod app. Just click on the track title: “Workout of the Day” and change it to “ROMWOD” – and everyday you’ll get a cool mobility and meditation video to help keep you supple and recovered.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: Now it’s time to start eating healthy and exercising, because there won’t be any doctors and nurses to take care of you when you’re sick.
October Focus:
- Primary: Front Squats
- Secondary: Deadlift + Bench Press
- Skill: Rower Pacing
The week ahead:
- Mon: Front Squat. Metcon: Amrap 6m – 12 DB OH Lunge, 12 DB Box Step Ups.
- Tue: Amrap 22min – 20/30c C2 Bike, 3 Rope Climbs, 16 Alt DB Squat Cleans, 8 Ring Dips
- Wed: FT – 800m Run, 25 T2B, 50 PPress #55/115, 25 T2B, 800m Run
- Thu: E2MOMx10 – Row 250/300m. Core work.
- Fri: DL & BP. Metcon: 3RFT – 12 Box Jump Overs, 12 Alt Single Arm DB Devil Press #35/50
- Sat: 4RFT – 15 C2B Pullups, 60’ HSWalk, 5 Hang Clean #135/205
- Sun: 5RFT – 12 No-leg WB, 12 Single Arm DB Front Rack Lunge, 200m Med Ball & DB Carry, 20 Situps
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Hearing, Watching, Using or Buying)
Huberman Lab Podcast: Effects of Fasting & Time Restricted Eating on Fat Loss & Health #41 – 5 STARS!! This is a damn good podcast! Dr. Andrew Huberman is a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine. His podcasts cover how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body controls our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. This episode digs into the amazing impact of fasting & time restricted eating – perhaps the BEST and most effective way to reduce fat and improve insulin management. He gives you tips and tricks for TRE and answers ALL of the basic questions, like: “does coffee break the fast” (answer: no – black coffee only).
Walking Can Save Your Life! – Juliet Starrett post – A recent meta-analysis (PMID: 34417979) analyzed all of the *prospective* studies investigating the relationship between daily step counts and all-cause mortality. Comparing the lowest step counts to the highest step counts reported in the studies included in this meta-analysis, walking 16,000 steps per day was associated with a 66% reduction in all-cause mortality compared to walking just 2,700 steps per day. Stated conversely, walking 2,700 steps per day was associated with a three-fold greater risk of all-cause mortality than walking 16,000 steps per day.
Make it an awesome week!