The Week Ahead 10.21.19

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” Eckhart Tolle 


** Important **  – our 20.4 Announcement will sell out. Tickets for non-members go on sale on TUE, Oct 22nd. PLEASE buy your tickets now it you want to be a part of this awesome event:

  • Athletes: Ben Smith, Fittest in the World, 2015, Sean Sweeney, 3x CFG athlete, Jason Carroll 2x CF Games athlete
  • Pre-Show: with Sean Woodland & Tommy Marquez (former “Update Show” announcers)
  • Prize Money!: Toyota of Walnut Creek is sponsoring CASH prizes for the Winner ($2000) and Runner-Up ($1000)

20.2 FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS WAS EVEN BETTER!  – The workout was longer, the judging was harder but the crowd was bigger. Thank you to everyone who came and supported. And, a BIG thank you to the judges who stayed late to get everyone in. #diablolove #diablostrong.

GET THE PICS!  James Cooper captured the night perfectly:  20.2 Friday Night Lights


MARK YOUR CALENDAR! (details soon)

  • Nov 1: November Nutrition Challenge: Time Restricted Eating (see article in Craig’s List)
  • Nov 28: 12th Annual Totally Unofficial Turkey Trot at Hidden Lakes Park, Martinez
  • Dec 7th: Diablo Winter Classic Olympic Lifting Competition

PROGRAMMING – For this week’s workouts & scaling, please visit our website or Sugarwod! 

Mon Metcon: 3Rnds x 1min ea, PPress #53/75,  Toes-to-bar, Burpee Over Bar, Row cals, Rest
Tue Strength: Squat 6×2  Metcon: 4 RFT – 20 Air Squats, 200m Run
Wed 2nd Strength: P.Clean Complex.  Metcon: Amrap 8m – 10DB HPClean (35/50), 8 DB S.Press, 100m F Carry
Thu Conditioning: 10 RFT – 250/300m Row, 1 Min Rest
Fri Metcon: E5MOM x 5 – 12/17 Cal Bike, 5 Hang S. Snatch (75/115), 10 C2B Pull-ups
Sat Metcon: 5RFT – 4 Deadlifts (170/225), 12 Alt Pistols, 24 Double Unders
Sun Metcon: 4x4m Amraps. Buy-in: 400m Run, 1 Rope Climb. Then, 12 PPress  #75/115, 8 Box Jump Over 20″/24″

CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)

  • How one man went from a life prison sentence to a $100k+ engineering job – by Zachary Crockett, Oct 19, 2019. Great turnaround story from “The Hustle” (subscribe to their daily email):  “In 1996, Zachary Moore committed a murder. Today, he’s a computer engineer at a Silicon Valley tech firm. Here’s how he got there.” As a country, we CAN do a better job at rehabilitating convicts – we have to, or we’ll run out of room and money to care for them. I think CrossFit can help too.

  • “It’s the dirty little secret that everybody knows about” – Baxter Holmes, ESPN. This is a very eye-opening article about how a lack of sleep is impacting player health and performance in the NBA – and the owners know. Now, what about YOU?

  • GET READY FOR OUR NOVEMBER CHALLENGE: “The Critical Importance of Time Restricted Eating in Weightloss” – Dr. Jason Fung. “..the bottom line is this. We focus nearly obsessively on the question of ‘What to Eat’… Let’s face it, the answer changes every few years, according to who you ask. But an equally important question lies almost completely unanswered. What effect does meal timing have on obesity and other metabolic parameters? Quite a lot, it turns out.”