The Week Ahead 10.28.19

The Week Ahead 10.28.19

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”  Willie Nelson 

DO YOU HAVE YOUR TICKETS FOR THE 20.4 ANNOUNCEMENT??!   ** Important **  20.4 Announcement will sell out!!

PLEASE buy your tickets now it you want to be a part of this awesome event:

  • Home in time for Trick-or-Treating: the announcement is at 5PM, and we’ll be done with the workout by 5:30PM. Of course, if you want to hang out, party & dance, we’ll be there for that too!
  • Assault Bike Giveaway: Assault Bike will be on hand to give one lucky winner a new Assault Bike classic!
  • Athletes: Ben Smith, Fittest in the World, 2015, Sean Sweeney, 3x CFG athlete, Jason Carroll 2x CF Games athlete
  • Pre-Show: with Sean Woodland & Tommy Marquez (former “Update Show” announcers)
  • DJ & Party: we’ll have a keg and a DJ.

20.3 FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: Check out James’ amazing pics: 20.3 Friday Night Lights


MARK YOUR CALENDAR! (details soon)

  • Nov 1: November Nutrition Challenge: Time Restricted Eating
  • Nov 28: 12th Annual Totally Unofficial Turkey Trot at Hidden Lakes Park, Martinez
  • Dec 7th: Diablo Winter Classic Olympic Lifting Competition

PROGRAMMING – For this week’s workouts & scaling, please visit our website or Sugarwod!

Back Squat Test this week!


Metcon:  900/1000m Row, 21 T2B & Pushups, 700/750m Row, 15 T2B & Pups, 500m Row, 9 T2B & Pups, 250m Row


Strength: BSquat 7×1. Metcon: AMRAP 6-minutes, beginning at 0,2&4m:  7/10 Cal Bike, then Max Rep Wall Balls


Strength: Power Clean & Snatch Complex. Metcon: AMRAP 6m – 8 Kb Swings #53/70, 10 Burp Box Jumps 20″/24″


Skill: Core & Mup progressions. Metcon: 4 rnds – 1-minute max Calorie Bike, 3m rest. + accumulate 40 secs L-Sit


AMRAP 24m: 800m Run, 12 Alt DB Snatche, 12 SA OH Walking Lunges, 7/10 Strict Pull-ups


Metcon: 4 RFT –  20/30 Cal Row, 12 HPCleans #75/115, 15 Toes-to-bar


E5MOMx5: 8 Devil Press #35/50, 100m FCarry, 8 DB PPress, 10 BJumps 20″/24″. Time=slowest rnd.

CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)

  • Be Humble, and Proudly, Psychologists Say, by Benedict Carey, NY Times. “Humility is not the boldest of personality traits, but it’s an important one, studies find. And it’s hard to fake.” Not so ironically, I have found that humble Coaches are the best coaches.
  • Underground Playground Podcasts #Listen Up #29 with Craig Howard & Brian Strump (yes, there is irony in posting this AFTER the above article). I was invited on to talk about the 10 year Affiliate Reunion and my experience there. Brian is another 10+ year affiliate owner who also attended. The podcast hosts are a little crude and cynical, but they’re OGs. I was able to make my points about the value of the gathering, and the value of the Open and the Games for CF Affiliates.