Coach “Poncho the dog” and his Assistant Coach, “Sandra the Cat”
“As long as I have physical struggle.. I’m really good at letting the rest of it just wash off my back.” Joe Rogan (#1557 with Gad Saad) on managing stress & criticism.
CROSSFIT L2 – WHY NOW? I just attended the CF Level 2 course. It was as good as it was humbling. Despite 15 years of experience, I was as nervous as everyone else – and equally humiliated during my coaching demos. I was relieved that Coach Carrie and Coach Herald were in class also so that we could commiserate together during breaks. My primary reason for attending was that my Level 1 expires in 6 months, which would require renewal – or, I could trade up to L2. It was a great decision. The Level 2 is an intense, 2-day training program that requires active participation as a coach, student or observer. We were required to coach small groups and individuals while strictly adhering to CrossFit protocols for physical progressions. Every misstep or misspoken instruction was swiftly critiqued and required to be repeated. I walked away with an abundance of usable training knowledge and a much deeper respect for all CrossFit Coaches who carry the Level 2 certification.
SPOT THE FLAW – CF has many online courses available to anyone. In preparation for the L2, took the “Spot the Flaw” course – it was damn good and challenging. I recommend it for anyone wanting to improve their personal movement skills or coaching skills.
NEW ONLINE SCHEDULE + FBB & MOBILITY/STRETCHOur Online 1PM class is moving to 12PM! Our Online schedule looks like this:
- MWF: 7A, 8:30A, 11A, 12P (Wed=FBB), 6P
- THU: 6PM (Mobility & Stretch)
> Functional Bodybuilding: Wed 12PM.
> Mobility & Stretch: Thu 6PM.

WELCOME MELINA BALDOVINO! Melina Baldovino started at Diablo almost 10 years ago at age 8, in our CF Kids program. She’s grown up now, and will be helping out on our Front Desk Support Team on Fridays and Sundays.
2020 TURKEY TROT IS ON! We’ll be back at Hidden Lakes Park this year. To keep everyone safe, we’ll schedule heat times on our app. For groups of 15, starting every half-hour.
NOVEMBER PROGRESSIONS – Watch the preview with Coach Jamie on YouTube.
- Primary Strength: Back Squat (continuing from Nov!)
- Secondary Strength: Deadlift (will continue into Dec)
- Gymnastic Skill Strength: Ring Dip / Strict Pull Up / DUs
> Notables: Back Squat Test. CF Open 18.2.
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
- Mon: Back squat 5×5. Metcon: Amrap 8m – 40/50c Bike, 30 Sit-ups, 20 FC Lunge (#35/50)
- Tue: Amrap 20m – 10HPC (#95/135), 200m Run, 8 STOH, 400m Run, Rest 1m
- Wed: Dips, Pullups, DUs. Metcon: Amrap 9m – 12 Burp/Box, 10 K2E, 8 Renegade Rows
- Thu: Metcon: Amrap 7m – 25/30c Row. 12 DB Strict Press (#35/50)
- Fri: CFG Open 18.2! (& 18.2a)
- Sat: 6RFT – 8 SDHP (#65/95), 8 BJ, 200m Run, Rest 1m
- Sun: 4RFT – 500m Row, 10 HSPU, 15 Toe-to-Bar.
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about): Chess & Cars.
The Queen’s Gambit – Netflix Miniseries. This is an amazing period drama taking place in the late 50s and early 60s’. It is the story of a young orphan girl who develops an obsession for the game of Chess which leads to a world championship match later in life. She deals with her past, troubled foster home life, addiction and most of all, surviving & succeeding as a woman in a male-dominated game. Yvonne and I absolutely loved this one – the story is so well written and full of real-life challenges, conflict and heart-warming and inspirational experiences.
Ford vs. Ferrari – HBO. Watched this for the 3rd time. You don’t need to be a car-affiiciando to really enjoy it primarily because the actors are amazing (Matt Damon, Christian Bale, etc) and the writing is impressive and compelling. I really enjoyed FvF because of the incredible story of Ford winning the LeMans 24hr race in 1966 only 18 months after making the financial and organizational commitment to go big. It is also the story of the amazing car builder Carrol Shelby and the incredible British racer, Ken Miles. The internal battles within Ford Motor Co. and the story of Ferrari’s near-bankruptcy and subsequent acquisition by Fiat make this a fascinating, must-watch story with real-life experiences that carry over to today.
Make it an awesome week!