“The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.” Rumi
Let me start this week with a big “THANK YOU” from me and Yvonne for your support and help with 20.4 Live at Diablo! It was a distraction from our day-to-day fitness, but turned out to be a fun event and quite a show. We can’t do these things without the support of our Diablo family and you guys made it awesome. Everyone around the world knows “Diablo’!
The Numbers Are In – Diablo kicked ass!
From Morning Chalk Up – live viewership of all Open announcements three countries on three separate continents.
- Diablo CrossFit — 30,500
- Tork CrossFit — 2,600
- CrossFit Italian Showdown — 2,400
Total views so far for Diablo’s 20.4: 226,000!
The Buttery Bros were in town: Catch their 20.4 Show at Diablo
20.4 LIVE! Pictures
- Let’s Celebrate the end of the OPEN! Potluck & BBQ for 20.5 Friday Night Lights!
- 5 theme: “HAT’S OFF TO A GREAT OPEN!” – Wear your favorite hat!
- Intramural Open Scores will be updated on Tuesday! Intramural Open Leaderboard!
Rogue sent us gear to keep for hosting 20.4! 6 Rogue plyo boxes, 3 Ohio Bars #45 and 945lbs of Competition bumpers. The bars & boxes are in the main gym – and the bumpers are in the Oly room.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! (details soon)
- Nov 28: 12th Annual Totally Unofficial Turkey Trot at Hidden Lakes Park, Martinez
- Dec 7th: Diablo Winter Classic Olympic Lifting Competition
PROGRAMMING – For this week’s workouts & scaling, please visit our website or Sugarwod!
November Progressions: | Benchmarks & Notables |
● Primary: Tempo Front Squat ● Secondary: Deadlift ● Skill: L-Sits & Strict Pullups | ● Lifts: Front Squat & Push Jerk 1RM ● CF Girl: “Helen” ● CF Hero: “Cofflin” |
Check out our November Preview Video!
Sugarwod has all the details for this week:
Mon | Metcon 3X: Bike Buy-in, then Amrap – Burpee to a target, Wall balls, Double Unders. 4m/6m/9m (2m rest) |
Tue | Skill work: Strict pull-ups & LSits. Metcon: 3RFT: 200m Sandbag Run, 40′ Handstand Walk, 20 Sit-ups |
Wed | Strength: DL 5×5. Metcon: AMRAP 5m – 12 HPSnatch #65/95, 6 Bar Muscle Ups |
Thu | “The Shed” |
Fri | Strength: Tempo FSquat 5×3. Metcon: E3MOMx3 – Buy in: 12/18c Bike, then Max Dumbbell Cluster #35/50 (rest 2m) |
Sat | AMRAP14m: 200/250m Row, 8 Pull-ups, 4 PCleans #115/185 |
Sun | Strength: 1RM Power Jerk. Metcon: 5RFT- 12 SA DB Hang Clean to OH, 12 Ring Rows, 100m Suitcase Carry |
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)
- Joe Rogan with Brian Grazer #1370 – Brian Grazer is a very successful film and television producer and screenwriter. He co-founded Imagine Entertainment in 1986 with Ron Howard. Brian has a new book, “Face-to-Face the Art of Human Connection. I really enjoyed listening to Brian talk about the work that is necessary for success – that most people are just not willing to do.
- “Three Secrets to Performing at Your Highest Level: Get started. Keep going. Stop.” Brad Stulberg. This is a very fast & easy read, and frankly quite obvious, but I still enjoyed the validation. Just start! Don’t put it off. Then, join a community to keep you going (CrossFit!), and finally, know when to back off (a lot of us have a problem with this).
- Why Lifting Weights Can Be So Potent for Aging Well. “People who discovered that they enjoyed and felt capable of completing a weight-training session subsequently joined a new gym and showed up for workouts.” – New York Times. The bottom line: muscle is motivating – at ALL ages.