Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it. Trey Parker
AN ICON IS CLOSING: San Francisco CrossFit, a 15 year affiliate, is closing on November 15th primarily due to the impact of CV19 closures in SF. We are deeply saddened by this news. Juliet Starrett and Kelly Starrett literally laid the foundation for the rest of us in the CrossFit Affiliate community. They have been our consul on many difficult issues as business owners, including HR management, class schedule ideas, tax issues and most recently, PPP & EIDL funding and rent management during Covid-19. Their affiliate is an icon: started in a parking lot, and growing to be the biggest in SF. Along the way they helped many coaches create lucrative careers and built an amazing mobility and movement business and app (The Ready State). We know Kelly and Juliette will remain close to the CrossFit community but their amazing affiliate will be missed. Read about their closure here.
“Building Aerobic Capacity” with Coach (& Ironman) Rob Reinhard – Owner TriActive Endurance.
- Sat, Nov 14th 1PM: If you’re interested in improving your endurance, Rob will teach you the fastest and most efficient training methods to get there. He works with some of the best endurance athletes in the world and has a ton of education and personal experience to share. The cost is $20 and you can sign up here! Limit 10 participants.
Bar Muscle Up Clinics with Alessandra Pichelli
- Beginner Bar Muscle-Up Clinic: Sun, Nov 15th 12PM (limit 5): If you’re close to getting your first BMU, this is the class for you! Sandra will take you through some drills and give you plenty of 1-on-1 coaching to help you over the bar. You should be able to do 3-5 chest-to-bar pull-ups in order to attend this class. Sign up here!
- Advanced Bar Muscle-Up Clinic: Sun, Nov 15th 1:00PM (limit 5): This class is for athletes with at least 1 bar muscle up – no matter how jenky. Sandra will help you break your bad habits and get you in position to link consecutive bar muscle ups. Sign up here!
SHOE DEALS! We get special access to Reebok shoe deals and when they’re damn good, we’ll post ‘em on our website: “Store” > “Reebok”. Right now you can get some Nano 9’s for $65 (normally $130) and on the 13th, you’ll have access to some Nano X’s for $80. Click on our links on our Reebok page.
NOVEMBER PROGRESSIONS – Watch the preview with Coach Jamie on YouTube.
- Primary Strength: Back Squat (continuing from Nov!)
- Secondary Strength: Deadlift (will continue into Dec)
- Gymnastic Skill Strength: Ring Dip / Strict Pull Up / DUs
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
- Mon: E4MOMx5 – 12/18c Bike, 10 SB Cleans, 100m SB Carry.
- Tue: Back Squat. Metcon: Amrap 7m – 1High WB, 2 Russian KB, 3HWB, 4RKB…
- Wed: “Coffland” – Hang from pull-up bar 6 min. Drop: 800m run & 30 Push ups.
- Thu: 20 BMUs, 15 HPC (#105/155), 15 S2OH, 30 Burp Box Jumps
- Fri: Metcon: 3RFT – 12 FC Lunge (#35/50), 100m FC, 300m Row
- Sat: SPull Up/Ring Dips/DUs. Metcon: Amrap 9m – 8 DB Devil Press, 10 R.Rows, 200m Run
- Sun: Amrap 17m – 100m SB Carry, 2 Cleans (#155/205), 3HSPU
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about):
Affiliate Town Hall With CEO Eric Rosa: On Thursday last week, I participated in a virtual Town Hall session with Eric Rosa. Here’s the key points he made from my notes:
- The CrossFit Games weekend event had 11 million unique viewers. I assume that “viewers” are “devices” since it was broadcast on YouTube. Since many people use multiple devices, i.e., phone, laptop, or tv – so the actual viewer number is likely lower, but still very impressive. They want to build on this success.
- Rosa and his team are putting “affiliates first” as the foundation for their plan to reorganize and grow CrossFit.
- Affiliate growth and affiliate fees have been severely impacted by Covid-19. CrossFit is eager to help affiliates open back up and get the financial relief they need to survive. They have several initiatives planned.
- International affiliate growth has slowed due to CV19 and currency fluctuations since fee pricing is based on US$.
- Eric continues to hire tech industry executives to support his efforts to grow CrossFit. He’s interested in building software tools to help with day-to-day processes for affiliates.
- CrossFit wants to leverage the size and strength of the CF community to secure pricing incentives for equipment, apparel and related items for affiliates.
- He floated several ideas to support affiliates, including workout programming, online classes for affiliate members, and marketing & lead generation support.
- He’s open to allowing the ownership of multiple affiliates by larger partnerships or groups.
- They followed up with an extensive survey to gauge our interest in initiatives in order to narrow their focus on important items.
At the end of the day, it was nice to hear from Eric about the future of CrossFit. Diablo is an OG affiliate and we make our own success as a gym business. The reality is that I only need CF to promote and protect the brand (i.e., don’t f it up), provide training & continuing education certifications for our coaches, and manage & grow affiliations.
21 Pit Falls To Avoid – Pat Sherwood, CrossFit Lynchpin. Pat is a former Navy Seal and a frequent CrossFit Games commentator. He put together a great list of “pitfalls” to avoid if you’re not making progress in your fitness. We’re seeing a few members try to do back-to-back classes with great intentions, but unfortunately, unable to achieve our desired stimulus. More CrossFit is not better. More intensity and efficiency yield better results. How many pitfalls do you succumb to?
Make it an awesome week!