“Progress is man’s ability to complicate simplicity.” Thor Heyerdahl
IT’S SIMPLE: “INSIDE IS LIKE OUTSIDE” After much thought on the subject of “why is Diablo open indoors?” – I’ve realized the answer is really quite simple (and not as noble as some might imagine): our “indoors” is like the “outdoors”. Frankly, given the larger space to spread out indoors, 20’ ceilings, the multiple commercial fans, ceiling ventilation, superior flooring, and better lighting – our “inside” workouts are safer for our members than outdoor workouts under tents. That’s it – plain and simple. Now, if I could just get the County to come evaluate our indoor environment…
DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION Since taking the helm as CEO of CrossFit a few months back, Eric Roza has made significant progress on many fronts, especially regarding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, including launching a new website with details on all of their initiatives, including:
- Appointing an experienced head of Culture and Inclusion who reports directly to the CEO
- Building a diverse leadership team, including multiple women and people of color
- Establishing an independent board of directors made up of a diverse group of outside business leaders, including members of color and women.
- Forming a DEI Council and soliciting applications from across the community
- A Level 1 Scholarship Program to expand access in underserved and underrepresented communities.
- A $7 million endowment for the CrossFit Foundation to advance public health in underserved communities.
Diablo is following suit with our Diablo United scholarship program in partnership with Youth Homes Foster Care Advocacy group.
MORE CLINICS WITH SANDRA Coach Sandy is back with more clinics in December & January, including:
- Ring Muscle Ups & Bar Muscle Ups
- Rope Climbs
- Handstand Walking
- Open Movement Preparation
Dates & times will be announced this week.
100KMC – IT’S ALMOST TOO LATE: Here’s how it works:
- Pay a registration fee
- Choose the charity you want your fee to go to
- Join the Diablo Team
- Accumulate 100,000 meters on a rower, bike, running, or even swimming.
- Finish before December 25th.
To be honest, I dread this “competition” every year but keep doing it, probably because it’s fun to bitch about it, it helps with conditioning, I want Diablo to win, and we have some fun group events to rack up meters.
Worst: don’t go too many days without accumulating meters (you’ll need about 3k per day) or you’ll be faced with an insurmountable mountain and not enough time to finish.
- Primary: Deadlift
- Secondary: Press Variations
- Skill: Resisted Pullups
- 12 Days of Christmas
- 1RM Deadlift
- 2007 Games Couplet
- “DCF Newbie”
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
- Mon: Back Squat Test Day! Metcon: 5x 30on/30off – Air Bike.
- Tue: 4RFT – 10 HPSnatch #75/115, 8 HSPU, 50 DUs
- Wed: Pullup Skill Progression. Metcon: Amrap 6m – 8DB HSCleans (#35/50), 100m FCarry
- Thu: Deadlift 5×3. Metcon: FT – 500m Row, 2m Rest, 500m Row.
- Fri: SPress/PPress/PJerk complex. Metcon: Amrap8m – 12DB PPress, 6T2B, 200m Run
- Sat: Amrap16m – Buy-in: 400m SB Carry. Then, 15 SDHP #65/95 + 12 Walking Lunges
- Sun: 5RFT – 400m Run, 15 Thrustes #55/75, 10 Bar-facing burpees
Dr. Rhonda Patrick Vitamin D Call To Action! RP made an aggressive tweet regarding the need for Vitamin D to help boost immunity, including against COVID19. “Enough is enough. It’s time for Vitamin D to be considered as a crucial factor in COVID-19”. Here’s her great podcast on the efficacy of Vitamin D. Caution: more is not better! Keep Vitamin D intake to 3000 – 5000 IUs.
Kelly Starret on the Joe DeFranco Industrial Strength Show: Integrating Strength & Conditioning Principles Into Your Rehabilitation Program – Diablo Athlete Jonathan Castro sent me this one. It is an outstanding conversation about why strength & conditioning is essential to healing post injury or surgery. I’ve seen the results of this strategy first hand: when Yvonne had shoulder surgery, Chris McCrary had knee replacement surgery, and finally when I herniated a disc in my back (L4/5). Keep training, but keep it gradual and modify.
The Carnivore Code – Unlocking the secrets to optimal health by returning to our ancestral diet. – Paul Saldino, MD. I’m really enjoying this book for education purposes. Dr. Saldino makes very good arguments. This book is essentially the extreme version of a paleo diet: all meat (nose to tail) but no vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, etc. The premise of the book is fairly simple: meat offers the most readily bioavailable nutrients for healthy living. Plants, on the other hand, are inherently toxic as part of their genetic defense mechanism for long term survivability. Cooking and digestion break down many of the toxins, but not all. Dr. Saldino argues that these plant toxins contribute to systemic inflammation and many other chronic illnesses. I’d like to give this diet a try for 6 weeks or so, but I’m very nervous about the quantities and varieties of meats necessary to keep me satisfied.
Make it an awesome week!