“I never hated any of my competitors. I always saw my competitors as people that could teach me things, things that they were doing better.” John Mackey, Founder, Whole Foods
RIDE OR DIE The City & County code enforcement officers paid another visit last week and doubled our fine again ($1k). And, 5 Bay Area Counties decided to enact strict shelter-in-place mandates for the next 3-4 weeks. Gyms may operate on a limited basis outdoors. Yvonne and I feel very strongly that we have excellent protocols in place to keep our members safe. Our members agree. So, I am appealing the fines and I am making a case to the City and County that our “indoors” is superior to “outdoors”. Stay tuned.
Our decision to stand up for what we believe has made us popular with the local news community – all of whom have told the story on behalf small business owners who are suffering:
- Diablo CrossFit on KRON 4 – 12.02.20
- Diablo CrossFit on NBC Bay Area – 12.02.20
- Diablo CrossFit on KPIX5 – 12.04.20
- Diablo CrossFit East Bay Times – 12.04.20
THE SACRIFICE CrossFit asked me to take a leave of absence from my role as Affiliate Field Representative for Northern California due to our decision to remain open. CrossFit is lobbying the Federal Government for support for the Community Gyms Coalition Bill which would provide some financial relief for community gyms during this crisis. New management at CrossFit believes that our stance against local government mandates is inconsistent with their efforts to secure Federal-level funding. Rick Nolley will remain in the position that we shared and will continue our mission to bring Northern California affiliates together to help and support one another.
BLESSED! Diablo member & Dentist, Omar Gabr launched a GoFundMe for Diablo CrossFit to help cover our fines so that we can remain open during the lockdown. In 2 days, the fund has grown to an incredible $15,000. Yvonne and I do not like to ask for help (to a fault) – so we are extremely humbled, grateful and inspired by this act of generosity and kindness. Thank you. We are going to pay this forward.
Side note: if the fund gets to $20,000, member Jay Lafray, the quintessential Airbike hater, has pledged to do 2020 calories on the Airbike. This. Will. Be. Epic.
DIABLO UNITED Diablo’s Minority Scholarship Program is LIVE! We are accepting applications now. Check out the details on our website.
OUR OWN CHARITY WATER PROJECT! Row’d Royalty Director of Competition, Andrew Gleason, has established an amazing partnership with Charity Water for our 2021 competition. RR contributes $1 of the registration fee to Charity water. And, participants can add more. If we get to $10,000, Row’d Royalty will get its own dedicated water project for an underprivileged community!
Get your cool 2021 Row’d Royalty Gear in our ProShop or online. And, Register for Row’d Royalty today. Competition begins January 14th, 2021.
100KMC – CRAZY TIME! Friday Movie Night and Sunday Movie Mornings are the difference maker! Diablo has the most participants in the 100kmc in our history – 73 athletes. And, we’re killing it! For the 1st time ever, Diablo is at the TOP of the Team leaderboard for total meters rowed: 3.96million meters already! We’re ahead of the huge “StrongerU” community. Thank you Team Captain, Katya and Coach Chad for all your work.
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
- Mon: Amrap 13m – 5PCleans #95/135, 8 Front Squats, 13 T2B
- Tue: Press Work. Metcon: Amrap 6m – 12Alt DB Snatch #35/50 + 12 BJs
- Wed: Metcon: 8m- 400m Run, then, Amrap 10 Pullups, 20 PushUps, 30SitUps, 40Squats
- Thu: E4MOMx5 – 15/20c Bike, 12KBs, 5HSPU
- Fri: Weighted Pullups. Metcon: Amrap10m – 15K2E, 30c Row, 45 OHS #35/45, 30BJs, 15K2E
- Sat: Amrap 14m – 1 Snatch (#95/135), 2 C&J, 10WB, 200m Run
- Sun: 4x Amrap 4m (rest 1m) – 5 RMUs, 10 Lat Burpee over Bar, 15 DL #135/205, 30DUs
John Mackey on Joe Rogan – John Mackey is the founder of Whole Foods and author of the book “Conscious Capitalism”. I really enjoyed this one! Mackey is a hero of mine, since Yvonne and I lived in Austin, Tx for 5 years where WF got started. This is a good listen for us and for my daughter!
The Economics of the Christmas Tree – The Hustle. I love the Shark Tank and learning about businesses and the economics that support them. If you’ve ever wondered “who’s making money in the Christmas tree business” – this is a really cool read. I’ve always wondered about tree pricing and margins for the tree lots and Home Depots of the world. My curiosity has been cured!
Make it an awesome week!
Craig Howard