“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” Booker T. Washington
IN-HOUSE WEIGHTLIFTING COMP! Diablo Winter Classic – Was a blast! Check out the pictures from Stephen Stover (be sure to tag him!). Congratulations to our podium finishers (by Robi score – age/weight factor):
- Krista Thorson, Snatch 56kg #123, Clean & Jerk 78kg #172, Total 134kg #295
- Susan Blick, Sn 63kg #139, C&J 83kg, #183, Total 146kg, #322
- Jessica Walsh, Sn 40kg #88, C&J 57kg, #126, Total 97kg, #214
- Ian Luna, Sn 108kg #236, C&J 140kg #309, Total 248kg #547
- Brett Harkousha, Sn 83kg #183, C&J 107kg #236, Total 190kg #419
- Herald Hernandez, Sn 65kg #143, C&J 97kg #214, Total 162kg #357
Best Snatch:
Men: Levi Beckett 131kg #289
Women: Susan Blick 63kg #139
Best Clean & Jerk:
Men: Ian Luna 140kg #309
Women: Susan Blick 83kg #183
Most Improved Lifters:
Men: Ian Luna
Women: Cathy Huntley
100,000 METER CHALLENGE UPDATE: Nicole Rogers is the 1st Diablo member over 100,000 meters! Diablo is in 4th place for gym teams, but we have more movie nights on the way. Next up: Guardians of the Galaxy on Thu, Dec 12th at 7:30PM!
DEC 11-14: WATCH DIABLO’S ALESSANDRA PICHELLI AT THE DUBAI CROSSFIT CHAMPIONSHIP! Sandy will be competing against the fittest women in the world in an amazing event held in Dubai. You’ll be able to follow the action live on YouTube on the Dubai CrossFit Championship YouTube Channel. You can get all of the details and leaderboard on the Dubai CrossFit Championship website.
UPDATE – LATE CANCEL FEE – We’re making a change to our new “late-cancel” fee. Beginning in 2020, we will be charging a late-cancel fee ($10) if you cancel a class reservation within ONE hour of start time, or if you fail to sign in. Late-cancel fees will only be charged for busy class time late-cancels: M-F 9AM & 3:30PM – 6:30PM and Sat & Sun AM classes. Please, if your plans change, immediately cancel your class reservation so someone else can fill your spot.
ROW’D ROYALTY 2020 BEGINS JANUARY 16th! Register now for our amazing online rowing competiton!
PROGRAMMING – For this week’s workouts & scaling, please visit our website or Sugarwod
Please check out our monthly preview video & progression calendar. It’s all on our blog here.
⚬ Mon: Fight Gone Bad(ish) – 3rnds, 1min ea. PPress #35/45, DBSC, BJs, Row, Rest
⚬ Tue: Deadlift 5×4. Amrap 7m 15 SDHP #65/95, 15 Lateral Burp-over-bar
⚬ Wed: HS&Pistol progressions. 3RFT – 10 DPush-ups, 10 K2E, 20 Air Squats
⚬ Thu: 4RFT – 15/20 Cal Bike, 1 Rope Climb, 10 DB PClean, 100m FCarry
⚬ Fri: Strict > Push Press. FT – 6×20’ Sandbag carry, 30 UB Ring Dips (break: 2×20’ Sbag carry)
⚬ Sat: Buy-in: Row 900m/1000m, then 5rnds – 9 Pull-ups, 15WB, 21DUs
⚬ Sun: Floor press 5×5. 3RFT: 200m Sandbag carry, 60’ Bear crawls, 20 V-Ups
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)
Talking With Strangers. What we should know about the people we don’t know. Malcom Gladwell. Malcolm Gladwell is one of my favorite authors and he has a really cool podcast called “Revisionist History.” In Talking With Strangers, Malcolm delves into how we communicate with strangers, and why we often misjudge them. He talks about why people lie – and how it is nearly impossible for us to tell when someone is lying to us. He describes important real-life scenarios or historical incidents to tell his story. It is incredibly fascinating and a great read. It’s fantastic for better understanding human nature.
MAJOR VICTORY FOR CROSSFIT: JUDGE ORDERS TERMINATING AND MASSIVE MONETARY SANCTIONS AGAINST THE NSCA – If you’ve ever heard someone say “CrossFit is dangerous”, it is highly likely that that phrase originated with the NSCA (National Strength & Conditioning Assoc), the leading fitness certification & research organization in the world. Unfortunately, it was false. Yet, it has persevered and caused irreparable harm to CrossFit and its affiliates. The research report that the NSCA published pointing to a high rate of injuries was falsified. Furthermore, the NSCA then tried to cover-up their lies, including destroying data and withholding evidence. The Judge in this case was blown away by their behavior and awarded CrossFit almost $4million. Punitive damages have yet to be awarded. This is a major victory for CrossFit and will likely be the end of the NSCA.
Make it an awesome week!
Make it a great week!