“I want to live my life, not record it.” Jackie Kennedy
STAFF PARTY: The Diablo team & their significant others all got together last Sunday at Galpao Gaucho Brazilian Steakhouse for our annual staff holiday party. It’s always a good time when people who share the same passion get together.

NEW – DIABLO SUPPLEMENTS IN THE PRO-SHOP! Coach Andrew Gleason recently connected me with a highly recommended local, wholesale supplement company that has worked with other CrossFit affiliates. I’m a supplement skeptic, so after several conversations with their CEO, I tried and really liked their product. It’s clean and their product line is simple: sell what works. And, because they’re local, shipping costs (and time!) have been dramatically reduced. We’re proud to put our brand on this great product.
The best part is that they’re very reasonably priced! Check out the full-line here.
- Grassfed Whey Protein ($49.99)
- Recovery Protein ($44.99)
- BCAAs ($37.99)
- Creatine ($32.99)
IMPORTANT – DIABLO POST-HOLIDAY PARTY DATE CHANGE: Saturday, January 11th. Details to be announced soon!
A LOOK AHEAD AT 2020: Last week, I met with Yvonne and Coaches Jamie Lee, Andrew and Carrie to plan our entire year of events. We’ve got a very cool year planned (it’s so nice to only have 1 Open)! Just a few things on the agenda:
- Weightlifting & Skills clinics every month. Jan: Strongman & Squats
- “Fit Over Fifty” 4-week clinics for 50+ year-olds (all levels encouraged)
- Ski Weekend – Mar 20-22
- Spring Classic In-House Weightlifting Clinic – April 18th!
- CFG Age-Group Online Qualifier Mar 12-16
- Intra-Gym Competition! June 27th
DRY CAVEMAN MOVES TO OCTOBER: Since the CrossFit Games OPEN moved to October and because “Sober October” is a thing, we’ve decided to move our Dry Caveman to October! Party on this Winter.
SUPER-F!T CLASS 2020: F!T and Core & Accessory will be combined into 1 class beginning January, 2020. Class times will move to 8AM (from 8:30A) on MWF.
100,000 METER CHALLENGE UPDATE: Don’t stop now!! Finish strong everyone. Diablo is the 1st place CrossFit gym, but the 3rd place gym overall. Here’s who has finished their 100,000 meters:
- Nicole Rogers 261,864
- Kim Hilen 129,500
- Lynne Silverfoote 109,622
- Linda McCampbell 105,164
ROW’D ROYALTY 2020 BEGINS JANUARY 16th! Register now for our amazing online rowing competiton!
PROGRAMMING – For this week’s workouts & scaling, please visit our website or Sugarwod
Please check out our monthly preview video & progression calendar. It’s all on our blog here.
⚬ Mon: DL 5×3. AMRAP 8m: 12 Walking lunges, 6 Strict Pull-ups, 18 Sit-Ups
⚬ Tue: 5RFT: 5 Hang Squat Snatch #75/115, 8 FSquat, 13 BJumps
⚬ Wed: AMRAP 18m: 5 PCleans #105/155, 5/8 MUps, 700/800m Row, 1m Rest
⚬ Thu: Pistol & HS skills. AMRAP 8m: 2,2,4,4,6,6.. Devil Press #35/50 & Box Step Ups
⚬ Fri: 5x AMRAP 3m: 9 HPower Cleans #75/115, 6 Thrusters, 3 Strict Pull-ups
⚬ Sat: 5x 1 Strict + 9 Push Press. 21-15-9: Row Cals, DB S2OH
⚬ Sun: 3RFT: 800m Run, 12 Toes-to-bar, 12 Wall Ball
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)
Women, exercise and longevity – “Women who can exercise vigorously are at significantly lower risk of dying from heart disease, cancer and other causes.” Inherently we know this, but it is good to see real research that supports this. The key thing to note here is “vigorously” – intensity of exercise is important to improving longevity. A strong body (muscle mass & bone density) along with a strong heart helps fight disease and injury!
Frail Older Patients Struggle After Even Minor Operations – “These patients are not aware of the true risks, and surgeons aren’t telling them, new research suggests.” Interesting article from the NYT. A fit, strong body endures surgery better and recovers faster. Again, it’s kinda obvious, but it’s nice to see it in writing. Do you have elderly parents? Get them moving! Even better, get them lifting weights!
REPOST: Talking With Strangers. What we should know about the people we don’t know. Malcom Gladwell. Malcolm Gladwell is one of my favorite authors.” I’m almost done with this book and I’m enthralled – it keeps getting better. The stories Malcolm tells are mind-blowing. He delves into well-known, controversial news stories from the arrest & prosecution of Jerry Sandusky to the confession of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind 9/11. We don’t read people as good as we think we do. If your work requires regular interaction or interviews with strangers (heck, anyone!) then give this book a read/listen.
Make it a great week!