“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” Rosa Parks
CROSSFIT ROUNDTABLE On Wed, Thu & Friday, I had the incredible opportunity to meet with the CrossFit leadership team along with 11 other renowned, veteran CF affiliate owners. We talked about the challenges facing affiliate owners, especially those just getting started, and the role that CrossFit should play to help ensure their success. We also learned about new global CF initiatives that will elevate the brand and position the company and affiliates for successful long term growth. I am particularly excited about the evolution of CrossFit Health (under the leadership of Julie Foucher, MD) including opportunities for affiliates and our members. Much of this will be shared in the Affiliate Owner Townhall on Friday.
I’m especially pleased that I and my fellow affiliate owners truly enlightened CF management as to what it means to launch, grow and maintain a CrossFit Affiliate. Each of us presented on why we started our affiliate and what makes our affiliate successful. The presentations ALL centered around the desire help people change their lives via CrossFit, and the amazing communities that they’ve built. Almost all of the owners overcame extreme financial and other business challenges to build awesome affiliate businesses and communities. They provided amazing insight to build a roadmap for future CrossFit owners to avoid most obstacles and achieve success much sooner.
IN THE OPEN The CrossFit Games Open is an annual, global test of fitness. Diablo CrossFit has been a big part of every online Open competition since the first one in 2011. This year, the Open begins on March 11th, with a new workout announced every week for 3 weeks. The workout is announced on Thursday, and must be completed by Monday at 5PM. 100s of thousands of CrossFitters around the world will complete the same workout!
This year, CrossFit has announced a new Adaptive Athlete Division! In addition, there will be “at-home” workouts available – with or without equipment. There is literally no excuse to do the Open! Register today, it’s only $20!
As we get closer to March 11th, Diablo will announce our strategy for completing the workouts. Given the restrictions for Covid-19, it is unlikely that we will be able to do our traditional “Friday Night Lights” events.
- CrossFit Affiliate Owner and Masters Athlete Jeff Giosi, age 40, passed away suddenly from a brain aneurysm. He left behind his wife, Sarah and two young sons, Arlen and Mackie. Unfortunately, Jeff did not have life insurance. His community set up a GoFundMe to help his family.
- The CrossFit community also lost Laura Schwartzenberger, 43, a Florida-based FBI Agent killed on February 2 while executing a warrant related to crimes against children. Laura is a longtime member of CrossFit Vice in Florida. Laura also left behind her husband and two young children. Her community also set up a GoFundMe for her family.
ROW’D ROYALTY 21.4 “747”.. Holy schnikees. This may be one of our most epic workouts ever. Event Director, Andrew Gleason, created this beast: Row 7k, Row 4mins for meters, Row 7k – no rest! Each segment is scored separately. Time on the rower, 1 – 1.5 hours… as Kaung Win said: “Everything hurt, can’t even feel my ass”
Be sure to submit your score before 6PM on Monday!
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
The week ahead:
- Mon: Snatch progressions. Metcon: Amrap 7m – 400m Run, 50 OHS (Barbell), 30 HR Pushups.
- Tue: 5RFT – 500m Row, 12 Knees-to-Elbow, 1m Rest
- Wed: 5×5 Thrusters. Metcon: 3x Amrap 2m, 1m rest – 12 SPress #65/95, Max WBalls
- Thu: 4 RFT – 30/40c Bike, 12 Renegade Rows, 200m Farmer Carry
- Fri: EMOMx5 – DL, C2BPullups, HSPU, DUs. Metcon: Amrap5m – 1DBHPC, 2 FRack Lunge, 3,4..
- Sat: 5RFT – 10 Single Arm DB Devil Press, 30 Situps, 400m Run
- Sun: 6x Amrap 2m, 1m rest – 45s Prone Plank, 10 Lunges, 5 High Box Jumps, Max Cal Bike
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Listening To or Watching)
Best Superbowl Commercial: Toyota (I’m not crying..). Amazing.
Why I Am Retiring, Mathew Fraser. Mat Fraser shocked the CF community last week when he announced his retirement from competition after 8 years and 5 titles. He is arguably the greatest of all time at CrossFit. But, at 30 years old, and a non-stop training schedule, he’s decided to spend more time with his family and other passions. This is a great read.
Fiction: Aftershocks – Sci Fi, Marko Kloos (1of 3). I’m a sci-fi fan, so I’m really enjoying this one – a cool story about interplanetary war. From Amazon: “The author, Marko Kloos, was born in Germany and raised in and around the city of Münster. In the past, he was a soldier, bookseller, freight dock worker, and corporate IT administrator before he decided that he wasn’t good at anything except making up stuff for fun and profit.”
Make it a great week!