We're In. You're In! Let's Do This!
“If you want to be loved, be lovable.” Ovid
Diablo CrossFit 2020 Open Participants: 169. 2021 Goal: 200!
The Open begins March 11th and runs 3 weeks – one workout a week. It is the first stage of the CrossFit Games and is open to ALL CrossFitters around the world. Last year more than 350,000 athletes of all levels participated. The best of the best move on to more competitions, culminating in the CrossFit Games in July, where the fittest athletes in the world are crowned.
The workouts will be released on Thursday and will be part of Diablo’s class workouts on the weekend. So, please, register online now so that you can workout with CrossFitters around the world!
Want to know more about Diablo CrossFit at the CrossFit Games? 2012 was a good year – the team, the fans, the crowds .. epic! Here’s a little clip from our experience at the Stub Hub Center in Los Angeles:
Diablo CrossFit Makes The Finals 2012 CrossFit Games
THE ONLINE FINE APPEAL On Wed last week I participated in an online court hearing for the appeal of 5 of our fines for violating the County mandates for gyms. The hearing lasted an hour with several County employees participating. The “Judge” was a County appointed clerk. As instructed by my attorney, I took the opportunity to explain our protocols, our reasons for being open indoors (business survival, jobs & “our indoors is like the outdoors”) and our safety record (25k+ visits & no COVID-19 cases from Diablo). The Judge was understanding and sympathetic, which was reassuring. However, I do not expect our fines to be overturned, but they may be reduced. They will notify me of the outcome by mail within 30 days.
With cases, hospitalizations & ICU use declining rapidly, I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to open legally within the next few weeks!
Beginning Feb 16, Coach Chad is running a 6 class specialty clinic to bomb proof your back! This program includes many of the same mobility and strength drills he followed to rebuild his back after a serious injury in 2019. It’s one class a week for 6 weeks (offered 2x per week).
> Tue, 1:00P – 2:00P
> Sat, 1:30P – 2:30P
LIMIT 4 PER CLASS. Check-in on the app. $40 per sesh or $199 for all 6.
Nicole Carroll, Director of Training, and her team have created an online 12-class on-ramp program for people who are brand new to CrossFit. I was a skeptic when I first heard about this program, but after talking to Nicole and then, seeing her presentation, I’m really excited. There are MANY people who want to be part of the amazing CrossFit community, but are too nervous to start in an affiliate. Now, they can begin in the comfort of their home and, when they’ve completed the program, they’ll be directed to an affiliate for more! It’s an impressive program for beginners. We’ll have this available probably in August or September, 2021. Check out the program here.
ROW’D ROYALTY 2021 IS DONE! Andrew & I talk about the winners & what’s next for RR!
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
The week ahead:
- Mon: PC>HPC>FS>S2OH. Metcon: FT- 15/12/9 OHS #65/95, 250m/500m/750m Row
- Tue: Amrap3m / 5m / FT: 25/30c Bike, 10DL #155/225, 15 T2B, 50DUs, 10BFBurpees
- Wed: 4RFT – 5 SHSPU, 200m Run, 16 RRows, 400m Run, Rest 2m
- Thu: Snatch Emom Complex. Metcon- 3x ea: Row 20 sec on/40off; 40on/20off; 60on/60off
- Fri: Fran!
- Sat: 100/130c Bike, 20/25 Ring Dips, 150 DUs
- Sun: 5xE4MOM – 8 Devil Press #35/50, 10 DB FC Step Ups, 12 K2Elbow
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Listening To or Watching)
Joe Rogan with Elon Musk #1609 – I love space talk. This is a really fun podcast. Elon is an amazing human and arguably the most influential person in the world in recent history. Good discussion on space travel, CO2 emissions, aliens and the meaning of life.
From Rhonda Patrick: Vitamin D supplementation to the older adult population in Germany has the cost‐saving potential of preventing almost 30,000 cancer deaths per year
Also From RP: Habitual use of vitamin D supplements and risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection: a prospective study in UK Biobank – Vitamin D deficiency increases risk of infection.
One More From RP: Higher than normal blood glucose levels may be bad for the brain. People with high blood sugar levels were 42% more likely to experience cognitive decline and were 54% more likely to develop vascular dementia than people with normal blood sugar levels.
Ending with a laugh: Mat Fraser, Sevan & Josh Bridges on Port-o-Potties.
Make it an awesome week!