“Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.” Washington Irving
- 2021 Registered OPEN Participants: 40
- Goal: 200
Register Now! We’ll all be doing the workouts every weekend for 3 weekends.
The plan: CrossFit releases workouts on Thursdays at 6PM, PT. Diablo will post the Open workout as the workout of the day on Sugarwod on Saturday and Sunday. Members must choose 1 class time, either on Saturday or Sunday in order to complete the workout.
We Need Judges! We strongly encourage everyone to also take the CrossFit Online Judges Course ($10) so that athletes can officially register scores on the CrossFit Games site.
COMMUNITY FOR AFFILIATES – SURVIVING THE PANDEMIC! Our amazing Community for Affiliates GoFundMe campaign to help affiliates in need raised a total of $23,420 (including $10k from Diablo’s GFM) and has so far paid out $16,000 to 9 CrossFit Affiliates from Hawaii to Boston, helping them survive and stay affiliates with CrossFit! The CFA fund paid fees, fines, tent rentals and even covered damages from theft. Thank you for your amazing support.
And, the Diablo GoFundMe started by member Omar Gabr, raised $22,350 from our Diablo community and helped us pay for $6,750 in fines and $12,000+ in tent & barrier rentals! Additionally, $10,000 was transferred from the Diablo fund to the Community for Affiliates fund above. We are tremendously grateful for our community support and will continue to pay it forward into the future.
At the end of the day, the CrossFit community raised $35,770 to help Affiliate Owners make it through these difficult times. It worked!! Including Diablo CrossFit, TEN affiliates have been helped and inspired to continue the fight to keep our communities intact, healthy, and fit!

RTC-19 – THE SURVIVORS – Diablo’s RTC-19 Nutrition Challenge was extended until March 11th. We still have 35 challengers hanging in there and about 25 posting every day! It’s a battle at the top with Nicole Rogers, Yvonne Howard, Kim Hilen and John Smesko within a few points of each other after 6 weeks! Even if you miss a day or so, keep recording your results – healthy habits are built by longterm repetition.
LARA’S OPEN SKILLS CLINICS This week, Coach Lara will be covering:
- Thu, 11:00A – Pullups & Thrusters
- Fri, 5:30P – Barbell Cycling and Burpees
- Sun, 12:30P – Pullups & Thrusters
CHAD’S ULTIMATE LOW BACK ACCESSORY PROGRAM – WEEK 2 – Great feedback from attendees who love this clinic! We’ve added an additional session this week:
- Tue, 1:00P – 2:00P
- Sat, 1:30P – 2:30P
- Sun, 12:00P – 1:00P NEW TIME!
WORKOUTS THIS WEEK (check Sugarwod Track “Workout Of The Day”) Check out the videos on Sugarwod or on YouTube (PRsAllDay).
The week ahead:
- Mon: 5×3 TnG Power Cleans. Metcon: 3RFT – 12 Pistols, 12 Box Jump Overs, 12 HPC #55/75
- Tue: Amrap 16m – 15/20c Bike, 8/10 Strict Pullups, 200m Run, 1m Rest
- Wed: Snatch progressions. Metcon: FT – 50WB, 30 Medball Situps, 400m Medball Run
- Thu: Amrap 20m 900/1000m Row, 8 HSPU, 200m SBag Carry
- Fri: 12x EMOM – 5 C2B Pullup, 5 DB Thrusters, 5 Box Jumps (all 3 movements in min)
- Sat: Hero “DT” – 5rnds – 12DL, 9 PC, 6 PJerks #105/155
- Sun: FT – 60s L-Sit, 15 KB, 15 Ring Dips, 15 KB, 15 BMUs, 15 KB, 60s L-Sit
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Listening To or Watching)
Greenland – Amazon Prime ($5.99) – Heard about this one from Joe Rogan. It’s pretty good, but very unsettling because of the potential reality of an extinction event like a massive meteor strike. It’s not a feel-good flick.
Unhealthy Foods Aren’t Just Bad For You, They May Also Be Addictive – NYTimes – Most of us have suspected this. Anecdotally, none of us feel compelled to eat steaks or eggs relentlessly until we feel sick. However, it’s not hard to do with chips, candy, ice cream or pizza. “Dr. Gearhardt has found in her research that these highly processed foods share much in common with addictive substances. Kike cigarrettes and cocaine, their ingredients are derived from naturally occuring plants and foods that are stripped of components that slow their absorbtion.”
Rhonda Patrick: Getting fewer than 5 hours of sleep per night is associated with double the risk of dementia and early death in older adults – I’m loving these short clips and data points on @foundmyfitness – Rhonda Patrick’s instagram. Admittedly they also scare the crap outta me. This is a great one! “During slow-wave sleep, the brain activates the glymphatic system, a self-cleaning process that rids the brain of metabolic byproducts and other toxic compounds.One of these byproducts is amyloid-beta 42, a toxic protein that aggregates and forms plaques in the brain with age and is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.”
Make it an awesome week!