“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” Arthur Ashe
FROM US TO OUR COMMUNITY! Yvonne and I are doing well. Thank you for all of your awesome messages of support and hope. We’re grateful for our community and motivated to overcome this crisis and thrive because of you.
NO FUNDS FOR YOU! On Wed I learned that the Payroll Protection Program ran out of money. Thus, even though we were able to finally submit an application, there are no funds available for us. It is likely that additional funding will be provided, so I remain hopeful that we’ll see some aid come our way. Additionally, the EIDL program has shut down. Our application was submitted early but currently the SBA does not have the capacity to review the large number of submissions. So be it. I’ll continue to diligently pursue SBA assistance, but Yvonne and I are prepared to move forward either way.
Still planning on opening on May 4th – waiting for word from the County and State.
SO WTH ARE WE DOING?: Cleaning, painting, re-organizing & updating. One thing we have available during this crisis is an empty gym and no equipment – sadly. So, we’re taking the opportunity to deep clean, paint, and reorganize a bit. We’ll try not to switch things around too much!
CROSSFIT GAMES UPDATE The CrossFit Games announced that they are going to crown a Champion in 2020 and they are eyeing Aromas as a possible destination – closed to spectators. Aromas is Dave Castro’s family ranch and was home for the first three CrossFit Games. It would be very nostalgic to see the athletes back at the Ranch. It is likely there will be a combination of an online event and an on-site event, hopefully broadcast!
Side note: Alessandra Pichelli qualified for the 2020 CrossFit Games and is still training hard to prepare. She’s excited by the prospect of competing in Aromas, especially since it’s within easy driving distance.
COOL OFFER FROM SPARTAN RACING! The Spartan Race team is offering a FREE event ticket for a Spartan Race, Tough Mudder Race or DEKAFIT event for anyone still paying their gym fees! This is a $100+ value! You can register here.
DIABLO MASTERS UPDATE: Diablo had 6 Masters qualify for the Age-Group Online Qualifier event in March: Shannon Aiken (55-59), Leka Fineman (50-54), Kim Hilen (50-54), Melissa Chatterton (50-54) and me (55-59). The top 10 athletes in each age group qualify for the CrossFit Games. Making the top 200 is a formidable accomplishment given the large number of masters participants and the increasing performance of the top athletes.
IMPORTANT: The results below are NOT official yet. CrossFit is reviewing videos until May 15th. Video review could affect Leka who is only 1 point away from qualifying.
Shannon Aiken looks to qualify for his 3rd CrossFit Games (he has a 1st and 2nd place already!) He finished 7th in the AGOQ. His wife, Leka finished 1point out from qualifying for the Games, but may have a shot if there are any scoring adjustments in the top 10 during video review. Yvonne had a solid AGOQ and would have qualified under the previous standards (top 20). Melissa Chatterton was most improved for sure(!) by finishing 31st in the world in her age group after placing 143rd in the Open! Kim Hilen was impressive in her first AQOG at age 50, improving her Open position to 58th. And, finally, I withdrew from the AGOQ with 1 workout remaining after incurring a back injury on the last day (my own fault). Below are Diablo’s Masters’ Open results followed by their results in the AGOG. Some impressive stuff.
- Shannon Aiken 9th > 7th (Games bound!)
- Leka Fineman 20th > 11th (1pt away..)
- Yvonne Howard 19th > 19th
- Melissa Chatterton 143rd > 31st!
- Kim Hilen 65th > 58th
- Craig Howard 67th > w/d
SHAKER CUP #02: Diablo Podcast. Stephen Stover and I talk about our plan for recovery, speculation on our date for re-opening and what recovery looks like! We also get into the CrossFit Games and talk about what might happen (note: this was taped before CrossFit’s announcement on Thursday!).
- M-F 12P & 5:30: SIPFIT At Home
- Tue 6:30PM: Functional Bodybuilding
- Wed 9AM: Barbell Movement Work (barbell encouraged)
- Wed 7:00PM: Zoom Trivia Night
- Thu 6:30PM: SIP & Stretch – Yoga/Mobility
- Sat 9AM: SIPFIT At Home
- Sun 11AM: SIPFIT At Home
HAVE CHECKED OUT COACH JAMIE’S PREVIEW VIDEOS ON SUGARWOD? If not, you can check them out on YouTube as well! PRs At-Home Preview Channel
For all the details visit our website or Sugarwod
⚬ Mon: Strength Work. Metcon: AMRAP 10m – DB PC, Burp over DB, Push Ups
⚬ Tue: SLIPS. Metcon: 3RFT – Thrusters, Walking Lunges, Box Jumps|
⚬ Wed: “Helen” – At Home!
⚬ Thu: Strength Work. Metcon: 3RFT – DB Pull-Across Row, Sit Ups, Run
⚬ Fri: CF Hero – “Dork” At Home version
⚬ Sat: Tabata Fun!
⚬ Sun: Skill Work: SB Getups. Metcon: E3MOMx4 – Mtn Climbers, Planks & Press
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about)
- Preparing for the COVID-19 Aftermath at Diablo CrossFit – Box Talk Podcast #86 – Craig Howard – I was interviewed by Heather Hartman at Box Pro Magazine about Diablo’s experience during the Covid-19 crisis. It was a good conversation and maybe enlightening for our community.
- Liberation From Lockdown – Dave Henderson, American Institute for Economic Research – This was referred by Alison Belger, PhD, who, with her husband, is an owner of TJ’s Gym a CrossFit gym in San Rafael. This article speaks about the tremendous cost of a continuing lockdown – from economic costs to mental and physical health costs. I’ve talked about this in my last email and I grow more concerned every day. Many Americans are not prepared for possible extended periods of unemployment, lack of credit, home price devaluations and even shortages of daily staples to which we’re accustomed. We will not “bounce back” from this crisis – human social behavior has been fundamentally altered, and that has long-lasting effects on many businesses and eventually on our economy.
- FICTION! – Dune by Frank Herbert – I LOVE fiction and this is one of my all-time favorites. But, I haven’t read any fiction in a long time primarily because my “to read” list is full of great non-fiction recommendations from friends and family. However, Dune is being made into a movie and I wanted to re-read this classic before it comes out! Alana is reading it also.
Be safe. Be fit. Be happy.