“The costs of your good habits are in the present. The costs of your bad habits are in the future.” James Clear
OPENING DAY As of today, we’re planning to open on May 4th. We have not received notice of an extension, but we’re prepared to go longer if required. If you have equipment, we will send an email on Tuesday to notify you of return days & times.
When we open, we’ll have clear procedures to allow for proper distancing and hygiene. Our class schedule will be different to accommodate social distancing requirements and coach availability.
UPDATE: NO NEWS IS NOT NECESSARILY GOOD NEWS I’ve submitted two separate applications for the Payroll Protection Program but our banks do not yet have access to the new SBA funds. This is a common theme with other small business owners I know, including other CrossFit gyms. Not much else to do except be patient, hope for the best and plan for the worst. We’re going to make it through, with or without Government Assistance.
LATEST FIXES? All of the platforms in the gym have been repaired & repainted – thank you Coaches Andrew and Zach. We’ve also leveled most of the uneven floor spots in the Open Gym area. Finally, we’ve moved the Ski Ergs and created a new rack for the parallettes. Next up: the deep clean.
CROSSFIT GAMES SPECULATION If you haven’t heard yet, the CrossFit Games is returning to Aromas in 2020 but, in a limited format not yet disclosed. I suspect that only the top 10 or 20 athletes may be invited. And, the Teens & Masters champions will be decided by an online competition or, based upon the results of the AGOQ. This is only speculation at this point!
ZOOM THIS WEEK (**SIPFIT 5PM is now 5:30PM):
- M-F 12P & 5:30: SIPFIT At Home
- Tue 6:30PM: Functional Bodybuilding
- Wed 9AM: Barbell Movement Work (barbell encouraged)
- Wed 7:00PM: Zoom Trivia Night
- Thu 6:30PM: SIP & Stretch – Yoga/Mobility
- Sat 9AM: SIPFIT At Home
- Sun 11AM: SIPFIT At Home
For all the details visit our website or Sugarwod
- Mon: AMRAP 20m- 6 DPush-ups, 8 KB, 12 Burp Over KB (breaks at 5,10 & 15 for Sit Ups!)
- Tue: SLIPS. Metcon: 15,12,9 – Goblet Squat & DB Carry
- Wed: E2MOMs x 6 – DB Cleans, Strict Press, Box Jumps
- Thu: Leg Strength. Metcon: AMRAP 8m Mtn Climbers, RKBs, Lunges
- Fri: Tabatas – DUs (Double Taps), Push Ups, Sit Ups
- Sat: AMRAP 15m – Run, Snatches, V-Ups
- Sun: Core Blast. Metcon – 21,15,9 DLs, Squats, Dips
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about)
- CrossFit Affiliates: Still Delivering Health – PLEASE WATCH! I’m blown away by how fast CrossFit affiliates around the world responded with online coaching to help their members stay fit and engaged.
- Freakonomics Radio #411 – Is $2 Trillion The Right Medicine for a Sick Economy? – I’ve been wondering about this question, so I enjoyed hearing this podcast. The Freakonimics guys asked six former White House economic advisors and one U.S. Senator: “Will it actually work and what are its best and worst features?” It was a little upsetting to hear about the “pork” that was included in the bill – but apparently that’s just considered the cost of legislation in Washington. On a positive note, the podcast ended with the question: “do you have any good news?” – the answers were quite revealing and a real tribute to a belief in the American people to persevere through crises.
- Why Anti-Oxidants Don’t Work, Pt. 1 – CrossFit.com – This 3 part series will likely blow your mind on how supplements are promoted and sold. In this part, the author tells us that antioxidants have many benefits. “However, when isolated from food products and packed into high-dose supplements, they rarely show any benefit in the human body and are sometimes harmful.”
Stay safe and make it an awesome week!