We Are Diablo CrossFit
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Barack Obama
Over the last few days I have had multiple conversations, email exchanges, direct messages with Diablo members, our coaches & staff, and affiliate owners and athletes around the world about the recent communications by Greg Glassman and CrossFit HQ. I have listened to each person’s genuine concern, outrage and disappointment. And, I’ve listened to everyon’’s advice on how to improve Diablo and how to move forward.
Not surprising, the most insightful and heart-wrenching feedback came from my friends in the black community – members, coaches and athletes. I was floored by their personal experiences with racism and humbled by their desire to help the CrossFit community get better. Change is needed. I can do better. Diablo can do better. CrossFit can do better.
On Saturday, I traveled to Aromas to meet with the new CrossFit CEO, Dave Castro, to share what I’ve learned, to gauge his sincerity, and to learn about how he and his team plan to make amends, change their behavior and move forward. I spent more than 2 hours talking with Dave and his team. Dave was humble, apologetic and saddened that the offensive commentary of Greg Glassman impacted the affiliate owners and their members. I’ve known Dave for more than 10 years, and I’ve never seen him speak so compassionately. And, he listened to my list of grievances and recommendations for improvement, asking questions and insisting on written follow-up.
Dave and his team deserve a chance to change CrossFit HQ.
The Community Is Worth Saving.
I’m deeply saddened that the amazing collective force of CrossFit affiliates is suffering. CrossFit is a recognized leader in the world of fitness. Thousands of lives have been saved, thousands of businesses launched, millions of dollars raised for charities, tens of thousands of jobs created and a new global sport created with 300,000+ participants every year and female athletes paid the same as men. While the individual gyms can survive without affiliation, I fear they will lose the collective power of the brand to attract new members, influence legislation, drive innovation and expand globally. A fragmented group of small functional fitness gyms cannot compare to the power of a united CrossFit Community of 14,000 affiliates and their members.
The CrossFit community can heal itself – with time and support from the new management team. I believe that the current management team is fully committed to eliminating systemic racism and improving diversity within the organization, affiliates and the community. And, I know in my heart that CrossFit and the CrossFit Community have the power to help the black community by improving health & fitness, providing career opportunities and and enabling affiliate ownership.
The new CEO, Dave Castro has already committed to creating a significant L1 scholarship program for low-income individuals within black neighborhoods. He and his team have plans to create a support structure for the affiliates to improve communication and provide an outlet for feedback to HQ. He is working on advisory committees and more.
Diablo Will Remain A CrossFit Affiliate
Diablo will remain a CrossFit affiliate. We are going to work hard – while leveraging our brand and our tenure – to elicit change within CrossFit for the betterment of our global community. We will begin by first acknowledging our own faults – especially our need to improve diversity. We will lead the way by example.
Our plan includes:
- A membership scholarship program for low-income minorities
- Discounted pricing for low-income minority families in Contra Costa County
- Diversity & sexual harassment avoidance training for our entire staff
- Support for charities that provide opportunities for the black community
I’m truly excited for our future and for the future of CrossFit. We will be better.
OFFICIALLY OPEN JULY 1st: In the meantime, we’ll continue to test protocols in preparation for the planned re-opening.
- Functional Bodybuilding with Levi – Thu at 6:30PM
- Aerobic Capacity with Chad – Tue & Thu at 8:00AM
- Trail Run with Craig – Fri at 6:30AM
- Track & Trail with Jamie – Sun at 8:30A
This Week on Sugarwod for Outdoor Class
- Mon: Snatch Complex. Metcon: 3RFT burner of Burpees, DB Snatch & DUs
- Tue: Deadlifts 5×4. Metcon: AMRAP10m Row & Pullups
- Wed: Skill: Core work. Metcon: 21-15-9 FSquat & Burps.
- Thu: Long Metcon: 5RFT Row, Devil Press, DB Box Stepup
- Fri: E5MOMx4 – Bike, OHS, Bar Mups
- Sat: Long Chipper – C&Js, Box Jumps, Pistols
- Sun: AMRAP18m – Row, Pull Ups, Situps
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about)
COVID-19 Q&A #2 – Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, Cross-Immunity, Immunity Duration & More – Posted on June 10th 2020 (4 days) This is the second in a multi-part series of COVID-19 related Q&As addressed by Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D. There are some GREAT questions and answers here re: COVID-19. And RP is my fav! Example “Exercise of 1hr per day for 5 days a week improves immunity. But 2+ hours of intense exercise can reduce immune response.” Topics include:
00:04:03 – Data surrounding virus duration
00:06:37 – Potential immunity
00:12:05 – What role genetics may play in immune function
00:15:05 – What cross immunity is and how it may be relevant for SARS-CoV-2
00:21:50 – How sleep is a key regulator of immune function
00:28:31 – The differential effects of exercise intensity and duration on immune regulation
00:47:20 – The effect of sex hormones on immune function
00:48:55 – How biological age age may play a role in immune regulation
00:49:46 – Controversy surrounding hypertension drugs such as ACE inhibitors and COVID-19
Barack Obama takes on Woke “Call-Out” Culture. Guardian News, Oct 31, 2019. It’s easy to make an Instagram post and then point fingers at those who didn’t. It’s much harder to make changes in our lives and continuously work to end systemic racism.
Make it an awesome week!