Got me a pair of these & kinda liking them a lot.
“If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future, look into your present actions.” Chinese proverb
NEW MANDATES? The County is recommending masks indoors for businesses. We will continue to operate as we have since September – no masks required. Diablo’s unique size, structure, and ventilation along with safe-distance protocols will keep us safe. We’ve had more than 60k visits at Diablo since Mar 2020 and no cases reported from our gym, including all our coaches and staff.
CrossFit and sunshine will keep you healthy (and sane!). In the very unlikely event that we experience a case, we will immediately alert all members that may have come into contact. And, as you know, should you experience symptoms of Covid, please stay home until you have recovered.
2 CLASSES ON THE SAME DAY IS OK! However, members cannot reserve two classes for the same day. We want everyone to have a chance to workout at least once a day! Pick your favorite time/class, then watch the schedule to see if there’s room in the 2nd class you want. If so, come in a few minutes early and the front desk team will sign you in!
If you want to do Open Gym before or after class, follow the instructions on the app – and you’ll be prompted to add a $0 session (free!) so that you can sign in.
FRI AFTERNOON GOLF SESH! Yvonne has put together 2 small “tournaments” for Diablo members: Fri, July 23rd and Fri, Aug 6th at 4PM at Diablo Hills. We’ll play 9 holes, have a blast and then hit the Greenery. Sign up in our member FB group or, reply back to this email!
NEW PLYO BOXES! Out with the wood – in with resin. We’ve added to our inventory of Rogue plyo boxes. These are light, sturdy and have nice round edges. No more wood boxes at Diablo.
BIZ MIXER Our members represent many different businesses, services and professions. On Friday, Aug 13 at 7PM, we’re going to host a business networking mixer at Diablo for Diablo members. If your business/service is local and you’d like to do more with our Diablo community, come say hello and talk to some amazing people. Look for this on the app under “events”.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: “Now is the time for individual responsibility. Evaluate the data yourself. Take care of yourself and your loved ones however you want. Trust everyone else to do the same in their own way.”
The week ahead: (Tue/Thu: Strength, Sat: Skillz)
- Mon – 5RFT: 5 RMU, 15 Burp BJO, 20/30c Bike, 1m Rest
- Tue – 2RM C&J. Metcon: 12 HSCleans (#75/115), 9 Push Press, 6 Push Jerks
- Wed – Amrap 15m: 200m Sandbag Carry, 8 CTB Pull ups, 12 SB Lunges, 24 HR Push ups
- Thu – HPSnatch complex. Metcon: 3RFT – 15 Box Jumps, 12 Suitcase Lunges, 9 K2E
- Fri – Metcon: 10RFT – 3 DL (#165/255), 3 BFBurpees. For Quality: Roll outs, Pike Ups, Butt Ups
- Sat – Pull ups & Dip work. Metcon: 8x30s Airbike for max Cals.
- Sun – 4RFT: Row 500m, Rest 1m, Row 250/200m, Rest 30s, Row 150/100m, Rest 2m (walk 200m)
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Hearing, Watching, Using or Buying)
Two Cancer Scares, Double Mastectomy, Hysterectomy Doesn’t Stop Michelle Ritter from Breaking Nine State Weightlifting Records “If I can do chemo, I can do this CrossFit WOD, and if I can do this WOD then I can do chemo”. This is an incredibly uplifting story of survival and perseverance. Michelle is now training for the National Championships
Global burden of cancer in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption: a population based study. Studies like this are not “entertaining to read”. But this is one we all should pay attention to. It is frightening to be sure. “More than 700,000 New Cases of Cancer Worldwide In 2020 Were Attributable to Alcohol Consumption”. And the types of cancers are diverse, and especially includes breast cancer. Unfortunately most people aren’t aware.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick with Dr. Sachin Panda: this was a fascinating podcast! Sachin Panda talks about:
- Circadian rhythms influence on health
- Bright light in the morning and avoiding in the evening improves sleep
- Supplemental melatonin use
- The relationship between melatonin and insulin secretion & when to eat
- Naps might aid with afternoon sleepiness and sleep loss!
- Time-restricted eating (eating within a narrow time range) can be beneficial.
- Circadian rhythms & when we should exercise – and: the caffeine workaround.
- “This is Pop” – Netflix. This was a surprise to me: very entertaining, educational and inspiring. Favorite episodes so far: The Boyz to Men Effect. Stockholm Syndrome. Take-aways: billboard success is the result of a passion for virtuosity combined with hard work.
- “Godless: Netflix. Very good story. Intense, but not uplifting.. yet. Western.
Buying (no sponsorship!):
- Bedrock Sandals. Member Greg Spiker convinced me to “go flat” with my sandals to help with plantar. And, I really like them. They do require some stride retraining: heel strikes no bueno. But, I can jog in these – kinda cool. I can be “that guy”.
- Altra Trail Shoes Had to go zero-drop on my trail shoes too. I really like these! They have a wide toe-box and just enough cushion. No heel strikes, however.
Make it an awesome week!