Alessandra competes this week in her 9th CrossFit Games – and the “Pig” is back!
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. Confucius
Go Sandy!! The CrossFit Games Begins This Week This year promises to be the best CrossFit Games ever, with 15 events planned over 7 days. Competition begins on Tuesday, July 27th and ends on Sunday, August 1st with the top 20 athletes. Diablo CrossFit’s Alessandra Pichelli has been at the Training Think Tank training camp since April and is in peak condition for the Games. This promises to be an awesome year for Sandy – perhaps her last. Tune in and cheer her on!
Download the “CFG-21” app on your phone to keep track of events, workouts and schedules. Or visit the CrossFit Games website for all of the details. The Games will be broadcast on the Games website and on CBS Sports. Click here for the complete broadcast schedule.
Row’d Royalty Summer Splash RR Summer Splash begins August 26! Summer Splash is only 1 weekend – but, we’ll be announcing 3 total workouts that must be completed by Monday, Aug 30th. Registration is only $10. Cash prizes will be awarded for the top three athletes in all age groups and divisions. You can register here!
Diablo Business Mixer Our members represent many different businesses, services and professions. On Friday, Aug 13 at 7PM, we’re going to host a business networking mixer at Diablo for Diablo members. If your business/service is local and you’d like to do more with our Diablo community, come say hello and talk to some amazing people. Look for this on the app under “events”.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: “To substantially reduce your risks of cancer, eliminate the following from your diet or lifestyle: Smoking, Sugar, Alcohol”
The week ahead: (Tue/Thu: Strength, Sat: Skillz)
- Mon – 7×1 Clean & Jerk. Metcon: (Open 11.3) Amrap 5min – Squat Clean & Jerk #110/165
- Tue – Death by Ring Dips & Chin Ups (add 1 per minute until failure). Metcon: Core Blast
- Wed – A/B Amrap 6m w/ 20/30c Bike Buy in: A)4Wall walks & 12WB. Rest 3m B) 5BMU & 10WB
- Thu – 2RFT: 1000m Row, 3 Rope Climbs, 150 DUs
- Fri – HS Snatch 1RM. Metcon: Amrap 8m – 3 OHS #75/115, 3 BF Burpees, 6/6, 9/9….
- Sat – 3RFT: 800m Run, 30KB Swings, 30 Pull Ups, 2m Rest
- Sun – 5RFT: 15/25c Bike, 200m SB Carry, 30 Abmat Situps
CRAIG’S LIST (Stuff I’m Reading, Hearing, Watching, Using or Buying)
Joe Rogan #1683 – Andrew Huberman. Andrew Huberman is a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University. LOVING this one, but lots of rewinds. Huberman is a SUPPLEMENT & Human Performance geek. The stuff he gets into regarding hormones, supplements and performance are incredibly interesting.
Why are used cars so expensive right now? Selling my brother’s 2007 Honda Ridgeline right now and similar models are priced at 2x Bluebook! This is crazy. This is a great article explaining the supply chain issues, rental car company impact and demand. When’s it gonna normalize? Prolly at the end of 2022.
Ravenous: Search for the Cancer-Diet Connection. FINISHED – and the best chapters were the last 3 chapters. If you want to get to the “meat” of this book, jump to Chapter 20: The Insulin Hypothesis and Chapter 21: Sugar. These two chapters are very enlightening and quite scary. The evidence is quite clear that refined sugar contributes to more cancers than any other element in our environment, except maybe smoking. The author predicts that future generations will look back upon refined sugar as the “tobacco” of our generation.
Make it an awesome week!

Brisket Time! Thx @smoke_craft_bbq