“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” Marilyn Monroe
UP IN SMOKE Just when we found our groove, lightning struck – literally. This may be the worst fire season ever for California and the air quality is terrible. Check out the Cal Fire Incident Map for the latest fire information. Regarding classes & air quality, we monitor the AirNow site and we observe our area outside. It can change quickly with the winds. If air quality reaches hazardous levels, we’ll cancel classes until it clears.
Home and property losses have been devastating for many. My sister’s good friends lost their home in Napa and others barely escaped with their lives. Did you see the story of the family that hid under a dock in Berryessa? Wild and scary stuff. I hope that you and your family and friends are safe!
BEEFY SCHEDULE Given our smaller outside class size and no overlapping classes, we’ve decided to beef up the schedule with more classes throughout the day and more variety. We’ve got more than 85 class options each week starting at 5AM and closing at 9PM on most days. Check it out on the app or on our website.
TOWN HALL WITH THE NEW CROSSFIT CEO, ERIC ROZA Here’s a very quick summary: Eric’s mission for CrossFit is to “make people better” (pretty simple). He’s hiring a team of quality, experienced senior managers to help with international expansion (they want more intl affiliates), diversity & sex harassment training, and technology to support affiliates. CrossFit is a “platform” upon which many businesses and careers have been built. He intends to grow and improve this platform. The 2021 Open is in Feb/Mar and the 2021 Games will be in the Fall – with fans (hopefully).
Here’s my take on Eric and the buyout: Berkshire Capital is his investment partner who jumped in very quickly with $10’s of millions. Having worked in the investment banking industry for many years, I can say that investments of this size entail significant due-diligence and come with high expectations for a return. Eric and Berkshire obviously feel very confident about the future of the fitness industry and CrossFit’s potential, especially given the rapidity of the transaction. Eric is clearly competent and given his CF affiliate experience, he’ll take this company to new, exciting heights – while not forsaking its legacy. I’m looking forward to the journey.
THIS WEEK OUTSIDE (check Sugarwod for details)
- Mon – For Time: 125 DUs, 75/60c Row, 50 strict Sit ups, 25 DB Strict Press (#35/50)
- Tue – C&J Progression. Tabata Airbike.
- Wed – 3RFT: 50 Air Squats, 12 DLs (#95/135), 8 HPCleans (same)
- Thu – TGU practice. 3RFT: 400m Run, 12 Box Jumps, 10 Shoulder-to-OH (#75/115)
- Fri – Squat Cleans. For time: 3-6-9 – Power Snatch, OHS, Burpees.
- Sat – EMOMx3 – Core & Pull ups. Then, 6RFT: 300m Row, 12 Sit-ups, 9 Push-ups
- Sun – A/B E4MOMx3…
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about):
How To Get 1% Better Every Day: James Clear – I’m listening to Atomic Habits again because this book is so good. If you haven’t read it yet, I cannot recommend it strong enough. If you need a teaser, check out this awesome video from the author on how to get a little better every day – building awesome habits for long-term change.
Rhonda Patrick -the Aliquot! Q&A #14. My favorite nutrition & health podcaster, Rhonda Patrick, PhD has a new podcast, called Aliquot. It’s a paid platform, but its amazing because it’s the best of RP packaged into awesome, easy-to-listen, short-form podcasts. Q&A #14 was recorded on Aug 1, 2020. RP answers fantastic questions from her audience:
- Why absorption of vital nutrients decreases with age (dammit! – take your B12, C, & get your sunshine – D, and add protein!)
- Risks of NASIDs..clots, strokes, ulcers..wow!!
- Oral birth control & shorter lifespans
- Vitamin C
- Running in a hot environment vs. sauna
- Lots & lots more!