“The real secret of world-class performers is not the daily routines that they develop, but that they stick to them. That they show up, even when they don’t feel like it. Call it drive, call it passion, or call it grit; whatever you call it, it must come from deep within.” ― Brad Stulberg, Peak Performance
The 2020 CrossFit Games season begins on Thursday, October 10th. Each week for 5 weeks, a workout will be announced on Thursday at 5PM PT and must be completed by Monday at 5PM. Diablo will be hosting Friday Night Lights for our community where we can all come together to do the Open workouts.
CROSSFIT CEO RESIGNS Jeff Cain, CEO recently resigned from CrossFit, returning the reigns to founder, Greg Glassman. The reason is pretty simple: his work with CrossFit was done. Jeff was hired a couple of years ago to help “right the ship” and get it back on course with its new core mission: cure chronic disease with CrossFit. Jeff helped restructure the organization and cut 10’s of millions of dollars from the budget while making the Games more inclusive, more global, and profitable. He is leaving on his terms as a friend of CrossFit. Watch: Armen Hammer’s great recap.
- Bao Tran – Start Up done!
- Laura Travis
- Lorena Nunez
- Martha Rivas
- Jordan Sanders
- Dane Sacree
DIABLO IN THE TREES: The Diablo Adventure Club hit the tree-tops of Napa on a zipline last Saturday!
- Saturday 8/31 – Normal Hours (8A-4P)
- CrossFit: 8A, 9A, 10A, 1P, 2P
- Strong: 9AM
- Open Gym: 8A-4P
- Sunday 9/1, & Monday 9/2 – 8A-1P
- CrossFit: 8, 9, 10A
- Open Gym: 8A – 1:00P
MOXIE’S KETTLEBELL CLASSIC – Here’s a cool “Open Prep” comp that you might want to try to get ready for:
PROGRAMMING – Check Sugarwod for details & athlete notes.
And, have you seen the new Progressive Programming website? Check it out at www.prsallday.com.
- MON – Metcon: 4RFT – 400m Run, 15 Pull Ups, 450/500m Row
- TUE – Strength Benchmark!: C&J 1RM. Metcon: AMRAP 6M – 5 C&J (135/95), 8 Lateral Burpee over bar
- WED – Metcon: Complete 17 rounds starting 1 round on the minute – 6 T2B, 5 BJs, 4 PPress #75/115
- THU – Metcon: EMO3M x 5Rnds – 15/20cal Airbike, 2 Rope Climbs, 12 KB #35/53
- FRI – Metcon Benchmark!: Nancy – 5RFT – 400m Run, 15 OHS #95/#65
- SAT – Metcon: 5RFT – 450/500m Row, 8 PClean #155/105, 6 Jerks
- SUN – Metcon: 5RFT – 6 BarMU, 42 DUs, 7 Burpees
- Sat, Aug 31: Tahoe Flume Trail Mountain Bike Trip – If you’re in Tahoe over Labor Day, post to the Diablo Community group! Watch for details.
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to)
Greg Glassman: The State of CrossFit with Julie Foucher – This podcast was recorded just before the CrossFIt Games. I really enjoyed Julie’s questions and learned a little more about Greg Glassman (Founder) and his thinking about the new direction of CrossFit. “There was an orchestrated mass media campaign by our critics to portray us as dangerous- by the opposition. And that’s all waning now, because of the changes in the website. So, we were actually able to alter the world’s view of things. And you know the living room set? There are people that thought that I was trying to reach out to people in their living rooms, which is really funny. I’m not. I’m not at all. No one that looks like Bob on that couch is going to stumble on crossfit.com and start doing this stuff. It’s not like that. But we all know someone that looks like that, you know?”
It’s Still Dark, Yet You Open Your Doors – Russ Greene – “An array of industry, government, and academic interests has aligned to preserve the profitable status quo, feigning to treat chronic disease with laws, gadgets and drugs. To stay the same they want CrossFit to change.
Fuck. That. For one generation we stood apart, in the name of squats, stopwatches, and ‘no sugar.’ And still we stand, unbowed. The CrossFit revolution is born again, each morning you open your doors in the darkness.”
Embrace The Suck: How to Develop the Skills You Need to Succeed (Even If You’re Not Very Good) – Ayodeji Awosika – This is a must-read piece for parents and anyone learning or trying to master a skill. Can you say “double unders?” “Frustration=Growth. Volume=Experience. Failure=Truth.” Tons of good insight in this one.