“You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.” William Faulkner
GRIT IS GOOD – On Monday through Wednesday this week, I took my 16yo daughter into the Desolation Wilderness in South Lake Tahoe to unwind and break free from technology. This was her first backpacking trip, so I wanted it to be a great experience for her. The weather and scenery were spectacular. The hike in, on the other hand, was challenging – a 4.5mi steep, steps & switch-backs climb from 6,800 – 8,600’ in elevation. I thought it would take us about 3.5 hours, but it ended up at 5. We started at 12:30PM after driving up early. Our packs were a little overweight which added to the strain. Out of water, exhausted, and only 1/2 mi from the final crest, I told my daughter, “I think we should descend to the last lake we passed and camp for the night”. I was nervous – and did not want to get lost with the sun going down. Fortunately, she pulled out her phone (to my chagrin) and briefly captured enough signal to check Google maps. She said “our lake is a little more than 2000 feet ahead – we can do this”. Her confidence gave me confidence and we crushed the last half mile to arrive at the very spectacular Dick’s Lake. The scenery and great campsite was far more satisfying after the grind. We earned it. We hung out for another day, exploring, fishing and going for a quick, cold swim. The hike back was a breeze. We’ll be back again next year – and, we’ll get a few more trips in to get more experience.
My take-away metaphors from our trip are that I enjoy things more when I have to work hard to get them. And, a little grit in my life makes me appreciate the comforts that I have every day.
CHECK THAT TEMP! Diablo has installed a wall-mounted, no-contact thermostat in our lobby. Please, when you enter the lobby, or if you plan to be inside the gym for anything, check your temp! If you’re above 100, please, take the day off and get better. If your temperature is normal, you may remove your mask. Always maintain safe-distance.
ONLINE CLASSES & COACHING On October 1st, Diablo is kicking off our Diablo Online Class & Custom Coaching program! We’ve finished the build-out for our studio. Our classes will be available on our Mindbody app. Personal coaching will be available. More details very soon.
TEEN STRONG – ADVANCED: We’ve added an Advance Teen Strong Class beginning Wed, Sep 9th through October 5th. This class will be on MWF at 3:30PM, right before the regular Teen Strong Class (sold out). Our Advance class will be structured the same, with the same workouts, but, they’ll spend more time on the barbell with larger loads. To participate, teen athletes must have completed at least 3 Teen Strong sessions in the last 12 months. Registration and information.
ROW’D ROYALTY SUMMER SMASH! Row’d Royalty is back with a Free! one-week only competition beginning Sep 17th. This one’s a repeat workout: 20.2 – Out & Back. Get signed up and get ready to row again. We’ve got cash prizes for the top rowers and masters rowers. Check it out at www.rowdroyatly.com.
THIS WEEK OUTSIDE (check Sugarwod for details)
- Mon – AMRAP19m: 750m Row, DB Strict Press, DB Renegade Row
- Tue – For time: 120DUs, 40KBs, 80 Situps, 40KBs, 120DUs
- Wed – Squat Clean. Metcon: AMRAP7m: 3 PClean, 4 Thrusters, 5 S2OH (#65/95)
- Thu – AMRAP16m: 15HRPushups, 3DL #205/315, 400m Run
- Fri – Snatch & C&J Complex. Metcon: 15,12,9,6,3 SAOH Lunges & 10/15c Bike
- Sat – A/B Row & T2B, BBJ
- Sun – A/B BMU & Dus / DB Squat Snatch & DUs
CRAIG’S LIST (stuff I’m reading or listening to.. or talking about):
Economics of the Tour de France – The Hustle. The Tour de France started on Aug 29 and covers 2100 miles until Sep 21. So, how the heck does it make money? This is an amazing in-depth look into the race, team and athlete economics of this world-renowned event that is typically very secretive about the numbers. If you have any interest in how sporting events generate revenue, give this one a read.
COVID – Why Terminology Really, Really Matters – I’ve been geeking out on all of the numbers related to CV19, and have been wondering about the declining fatalities and hospitalizations in the face of positive case surges. This is a very insightful article that may explain the reasons. Incidentally, CV19 hospitalizations in CCC are at 77 total – across 8 hospitals. Deaths are declining significantly and have predominantly occurred in Long Term Care facilities (patients & staff). I’m hopeful we are through the worst.
City Gyms Open in SF – NBC – This is sad and frustrating. I have several good friends who own CrossFit gyms in San Francisco and they’re suffering. Ironically, according to the Governor’s new plan, SF gyms can open, but the Mayor over-ruled.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch is Doing Ridiculously Well – Spending too much time at home is just not healthy.
Re-Post: I’m almost done with this one! It’s a gem. Coach Andrew Recommendation: Beneath A Scarlet Sky, Mark Sullivan. This is a true story of Italian teenager, Pino Lella, who Jews escape the Nazis by escorting them over the Alps during WW2. He is then recruited by the Allies to help spy on the Nazis. I’m just getting started and its amazing.
Make it an awesome week!